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Internet marketing

Dobson, P; Maheshwari, V


P Dobson


Internet marketing has changed the outlook for businesses in the way they promote their products and services and the how they engage with their existing and prospective customers. Customer personas have been used in traditional marketing and digital marketing for around 10 years and relative fictional characters are designed to represent key purchasing and purchase decision made by customers. The customer journey creates a clear map, that demonstrates what marketing platforms and tools can be used and where in the customer journey these could be most effective. Understanding and improving the customer journey to enable lead nurturing can lead to a 50% increase in sales. Social media activity is increasing in active viewers and impact. Besides improving engagement and long-term sales from customers, advocate marketing is a very powerful form of marketing as people are more likely to read posts and shares from friends than from an organisation.

Online Publication Date Mar 18, 2020
Publication Date Mar 18, 2020
Deposit Date Nov 30, 2022
Publisher Routledge
Book Title Entrepreneurship Marketing
ISBN 9780429505461
Publisher URL