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Finite element analysis of the heat transfer performance of hybrid photovoltaic solar mega-yacht panels

Beg, OA; El Dokmak, A; Beg, TA; Kadir, A; Vasu, B; Kuharat, S; Malysheva, LI; Jouri, WS; Leonard, HJ; El Gendy, M


A El Dokmak

TA Beg

B Vasu

S Kuharat

WS Jouri

HJ Leonard

M El Gendy


In this conference presentation, we shall describe recent
progress in advanced novel materials polycrystalline silicone,
gallium arsenide and cadmium telluride for photovoltaic solar
panels deployed in mega yacht designs

We will review the fundamentals of PV physics, thermal
conduction theory applied, material properties and then
describe the new simulations with ANSYS FLUENT FV software

First we provide a brief overview of activities in the MPESG
team at Salford University including heat transfer simulation
methodologies developed, software and in house codes,
applications in published journal papers in solar, aerospace,
electromagnetic power generator, petrochemical, automotive
technologies, including MSc, PhD and BEng projects supervised
by the MPESG team members

We then return to the PV solar mega yacht study and identify
superior performance achieved by new complex materials with
extensive visualization

Pathways for future work are also outlined including thermo
elastic deformation of the panels and alternative radiative heat
transfer models for solar flux.


Beg, O., El Dokmak, A., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Vasu, B., Kuharat, S., …El Gendy, M. Finite element analysis of the heat transfer performance of hybrid photovoltaic solar mega-yacht panels. Presented at ICAMAME 2022: 16th International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, Cancun, Mexico

Presentation Conference Type Lecture
Conference Name ICAMAME 2022: 16th International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
Conference Location Cancun, Mexico
End Date Apr 6, 2022
Acceptance Date Dec 17, 2020
Deposit Date Jan 8, 2021
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Additional Information Event Type : Conference