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Profiling of translational and rotational head
accelerations in youth BMX with and without neck brace

Hurst, HT; Rylands, L; Atkins, SJ; Enright, K; Roberts, SJ


HT Hurst

L Rylands

K Enright

SJ Roberts


To investigate the influence of BMX helmets and neck braces on translational and rotational accelerations in youth riders.
Mixed model, repeated measure and correlation.
Twenty three competitive youth BMX riders classified by age group (6-9 yrs, 10-13 yrs and 14-18 yrs) completed 6 laps of an indoor BMX track at race pace, 3 laps without a neck brace (NB) and 3 without brace (WB). A triaxial accelerometer with gyroscope was placed behind the right ear to determine the mean number of accelerations, translational and rotational, of the head between conditions and by age group.
Significant reductions by condition (p = 0.02) and by age (p = 0.04) were found for the number of accelerations, though no interactions (condition x age) were revealed.
Significant increases by age (p = 0.01) were revealed for translational accelerations, whilst significant increases by condition (p = 0.02) were found for rotational accelerations. In addition, significant correlations were revealed between relative helmet mass and age (r= 0.83; p 0.001) and relative helmet mass and number of accelerations (r = 0.46; p = 0.03).
Accelerations at the head decreased with increased age, possibly due to the influence of greater stabilising musculature. Additionally, neck braces also significantly reduced the number of accelerations. However, the magnitude of accelerations may be influenced by
riding dynamics. Therefore, the use of neck braces combined with strength work to develop neck strength, could aid in the reduction of head accelerations in youth BMX riders.
Keywords: Injury; accelerometry; concussion; cycling

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 17, 2017
Online Publication Date May 25, 2017
Publication Date May 25, 2017
Deposit Date Jun 1, 2017
Publicly Available Date May 25, 2018
Journal Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Print ISSN 1440-2440
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 21
Issue 3
Pages 263-267
Publisher URL
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