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Energy dependence of gold nanoparticle radiosensitization in plasmid DNA

McMahon, SJ.; Hyland, WB; Brun, E; Butterworth, KT; Coulter, JA; Douki, T; Hirst, DG; Jain, S; Kavanagh, AP; Krpetic, Z; Mendenhall, MH; Muir, MF; Prise, KM; Requardt, H; Sanche, L; Schettino, G; Currell, FJ; Sicard-Roselli, C


SJ. McMahon

WB Hyland

E Brun

KT Butterworth

JA Coulter

T Douki

DG Hirst

S Jain

AP Kavanagh

MH Mendenhall

MF Muir

KM Prise

H Requardt

L Sanche

G Schettino

FJ Currell

C Sicard-Roselli


Gold nanopa rticles (GNPs) are of considerableinterest for use as a radiosensitizer, because of their biocompat-ibility and their ability to increase dose deposited because oftheir high mass energy absorption coefficient. Their sensitizingproperties have been verified experimentally, but a discrepancybetween the exper imental results and theoretical predictionssuggests that the sensitizing effect does not depend solely ongold’s superior absorption of energetic photons. Thi s workpresents the results of three sets of experiments that indepen-dently mapped out the energy dependence of the radiosensitiz-ing effects of GNPs on plasmid DNA suspended in water. Incident photon energy was varied from 11.8 to 80 keV through the use ofmonochromatic synchrotron and broadband X-rays. These results depart significantly from the theoretical predictions in two ways:First, the sensitization is signi ficantly larger than would be predicted; second, it does not vary with energy as would be predicted fromenergy absorption coefficients. These results clearly demonstra te that the effects of GNP-enhanced therapies cannot be predicted byconsidering additional dose alone and that a greater understanding of the processes involved is necessary for the development offuture therapeutics


McMahon, S., Hyland, W., Brun, E., Butterworth, K., Coulter, J., Douki, T., …Sicard-Roselli, C. (2011). Energy dependence of gold nanoparticle radiosensitization in plasmid DNA. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(41), 20160-20167.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Sep 13, 2011
Deposit Date Oct 11, 2016
Journal The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Print ISSN 1932-7447
Publisher American Chemical Society
Volume 115
Issue 41
Pages 20160-20167
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