Dr Sabine Von-Hunerbein S.VonHunerbein@salford.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer
Within the Upwind project the University of Salford provided development work for SODAR instruments in relation to the next generation of wind turbines. The main focus of the work was on the identification and proposal of design improvements, the development of a calibration device and the novel design of a bi-static SODAR to overcome limitations in the use of remote sensing in complex terrain.
Data accuracy and availability of SODARs suffers during rain. Therefore an algorithm to detect data affected by rain and to extract the wind information has been developed and successfully tested to determine the scope of the technique. In mountainous terrain another source of inaccurate wind estimates is the separation of measurement volumes which results in inaccuracy of up to 5%. A simple flow model has been proposed and evaluated for a case study showing that the applied corrections can improve accuracy.
A calibration transponder and a new bi-static Sodar design with vertical transmission and three scanning receivers have been designed and successfully tested.
von Hünerbein, S., Bradley, S., & Piper, B. (2011). UpWind: integrated wind turbine design - Salford final summary on WP 6.1, WP.6.2, WP 6.3 And WP 6.4
Report Type | Project Report |
Publication Date | May 26, 2011 |
Deposit Date | May 27, 2011 |
Publicly Available Date | Apr 5, 2016 |
Additional Information | Projects : UpWind Contract No 019945 (SES6) |
(546 Kb)
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Affective response to amplitude modulated wind turbine noise
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