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Measuring the development of deep learning

James, P; Turner, AR


AR Turner


The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) in addressing teaching, learning
and assessment (circular 26/95) list three key features, one of which is "[the] opportunity for and
assessment of: development of ...values, motivation, or attitudes to learning."
It has been reported (Fyfe, 1996) that the develop of attitudes to learning varies according to
whether the programme of study is "Arts" or "Science" based. As students progress through Arts
programmes they develop a deeper approach to learning whereas students following Science
programmes develop a surface approach. In his report Fife makes no reference to
interdisciplinary programmes such as those related to the study of the environment which are
This study sets identify an appropriate method for recording students' approach to learning, to
establish base line data for four environmental orientated undergraduate programmes and to
investigate the influence of a period of work-based learning on the development of attitudes to


James, P., & Turner, A. Measuring the development of deep learning

Report Type Project Report
Deposit Date Jun 19, 2009
Publicly Available Date Jun 19, 2009
Additional Information Funders : Teaching and Learning Quality Improvement Scheme