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Weather Systems

Haffenden Cornejo, Stuart



WeatherSystems is a generative composition driven by 30 hours of weather data collected in the Lake District.

Arduino sensors and Max/MSP captured, processed and quantised the data to trigger audio recordings and control different synthesis parameters.

Key sonification examples include:
• each beat marks the passing of 15 minutes.
• bell + synthesiser pitch controlled by temperature and humidity.
• granular sounds controlled by pollutant gas level thresholds.
• rain audio sample level controlled by precipitation data.
• change of instrumentation and timbre controlled by the light intensity of the sun

The resulting piece represents a sonic analogy of a rainy day in the Lake District, where the weather throughout the day and night can be experienced through sound.

This piece was presented at the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2019).


Haffenden Cornejo, S. Weather Systems. [Audio]

Digital Artefact Type Audio
Deposit Date Mar 13, 2024
Publisher URL

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