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All Outputs (5)

Understanding digital health as public pedagogy : a critical framework (2014)
Journal Article
Rich, E., & Miah, A. (2014). Understanding digital health as public pedagogy : a critical framework. Societies, 4(2), 296-315.

This paper argues on behalf of a public pedagogy approach to developing a critical understanding of digital health technologies. It begins by appraising the hitherto polarised articulations of digital innovation as either techno-utopian or techno-dys... Read More about Understanding digital health as public pedagogy : a critical framework.

The cybersport nexus (2014)
Book Chapter
Miah, A. (2014). The cybersport nexus. In The Routledge Handbook of Sport and New Media (76-86). Routledge.

Exercise machines increasingly incorporate computer-controlled motion and force feedback and will eventually become reactive robotic sports partners.…Today’s rudimentary, narrowband video games will evolve into physically engaging telesports.

Bioart (2014)
Book Chapter
Miah, A. (2014). Bioart. In R. Ranisch, & S. Sorgner (Eds.), Post- and transhumanism : an introduction (227-240). Berlin: Peter Lang

This chapter makes explicit the association of certain art forms and art
works to trans- and posthumanist ideas, which have become constitutive of the
political, cultural and philosophical differences and similarities that exist between
these conc... Read More about Bioart.

The Olympic movement and new media (2014)
Miah, A., Belousov, L., & Zolotarev, A. (2014). The Olympic movement and new media. Moscow: Russian International Olympic University

This book is devoted to the trends in the development of digital media and their impact on coverage of the Olympic Games and the promotion of Olympic values. The research for the book was carried out through content collection and analysis of social... Read More about The Olympic movement and new media.