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All Outputs (12)

The readout thickness versus the measured thickness for a range of screen film mammography (SFM) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) units (2011)
Journal Article
Hauge, I., Hogg, P., Szczepura, K., Connolly, P., McGill, G., & Mercer, C. (2011). The readout thickness versus the measured thickness for a range of screen film mammography (SFM) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) units. Medical Physics, 39(1), 263-271.

PURPOSE: To establish a simple method to determine breast readout accuracy on mammography units. METHODS: A thickness measuring device (TMD) was used in conjunction with a breast phantom. This phantom had compression characteristics similar to human... Read More about The readout thickness versus the measured thickness for a range of screen film mammography (SFM) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) units.

Prototype software for the clinical evaluation of In-111 SPECT-CT dotatate images conducted prior to and immediately after Y-90 dotatate radionuclide therapy (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Aim and Background
Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are heterogenous and
frequently express cell membrane specific peptide receptors such as somatostatin
receptors (SSTRs). Radiolabelled receptor binding of somatostatin analogues can
guide radioact... Read More about Prototype software for the clinical evaluation of In-111 SPECT-CT dotatate images conducted prior to and immediately after Y-90 dotatate radionuclide therapy.

Analysis of plain X-ray and low resolution CT gonad dose arising from supplementary imaging after bone scanning (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Introduction:Bone scintigraphy has long been the first stop for patients undergoing
investigation of bone metastases. The procedure is recognised as being highly
sensitive to the disease however this corresponds to a low specificity. As a result
s... Read More about Analysis of plain X-ray and low resolution CT gonad dose arising from supplementary imaging after bone scanning.

Creating and validating self-efficacy scales for students (2011)
Journal Article
Kitching, J., Cassidy, S., Eachus, P., & Hogg, P. (2011). Creating and validating self-efficacy scales for students. Radiologic technology, 83(1), 10-19

Purpose: student radiographers must possess certain abilities to progress in their training; these can be assessed in various ways. Bandura’s social cognitive theory identifies self-efficacy as a key psychological construct with regard to how people... Read More about Creating and validating self-efficacy scales for students.

Euro-American discussion document on entry and advanced level practice in nuclear medicine (2011)
Journal Article
Waterstram-Rich, K., Hogg, P., Testanera, G., & Medvedec, H. (2011). Euro-American discussion document on entry and advanced level practice in nuclear medicine. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 39(3), 240-248.

The European Association of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Committee (EANMTC) and the Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Section (SNMTS) meet biannually to consider matters of mutual importance. These meetings are held during the SNM and EANM an... Read More about Euro-American discussion document on entry and advanced level practice in nuclear medicine.

Using mixed model research to evaluate the outcomes of a lean approach to the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service (2011)

The purpose of the study was to explore the proposition that lean is an
effective methodology for service improvement within a healthcare setting by
evaluating the changes brought about by the application of lean tools to an
orthopaedic radiology... Read More about Using mixed model research to evaluate the outcomes of a lean approach to the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service.