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A note on corporate taxation, limited liability, and asymmetric information (2007)
Journal Article
Miglo, A. (2007). A note on corporate taxation, limited liability, and asymmetric information. Journal of Economics, 92(1), 11-19.

Becker and Fuest (this issue, p. 1–10) provides a new explanation for the link between limited liability and corporate taxation. The authors argue that a corporate tax on all entrepreneurs with limited liability is optimal when entrepreneurs can offs... Read More about A note on corporate taxation, limited liability, and asymmetric information.

IS success and failure: the problem of scale (2007)
Journal Article
Kreps, D., & Richardson, H. (2007). IS success and failure: the problem of scale. Political Quarterly, 78(3), 439-446.

In this article we consider Information Systems (IS) failure, and how social and technical factors combine and contribute to project setbacks. This is a timely re¯ection,
given the turbulence and confusion facing what has been described as the large... Read More about IS success and failure: the problem of scale.

The mysterious case of the missing paradigm: a review of critical information systems research 1991–2001 (2007)
Journal Article
Richardson, H., & Robinson, B. (2007). The mysterious case of the missing paradigm: a review of critical information systems research 1991–2001. Information Systems Journal, 17(3), 251-270.

In this journal, Chen and Hirschheim have provided a historical analysis of positivist and interpretivist research paradigms and methodologies in the 10 years following the much cited work of Orlikowski and Baroudi. In this paper, we investigate the... Read More about The mysterious case of the missing paradigm: a review of critical information systems research 1991–2001.

Freedom of entry, market size and competitive outcome : evidence from English soccer (2007)
Journal Article
Buraimo, B., Forrest, D., & Simmons, R. (2007). Freedom of entry, market size and competitive outcome : evidence from English soccer. Southern Economic Journal, 74(1), 204-213

The paper tests, in the context of an open sports league, whether greater success is achieved by clubs in markets with larger populations. The relationship is strong but, to a limited extent, mitigated by more clubs establishing in large markets.

E-Learning as a tool for knowledge transfer through traditional and independent study at two UK Higher Educational Institutes : a case study (2007)
Journal Article

Much has been made of the advances in computer aided learning activities. Websites, virtual campus, the increased use of Web CT and chat rooms and further advances in the use of WebCT are becoming more commonplace in UK universities. This paper looks... Read More about E-Learning as a tool for knowledge transfer through traditional and independent study at two UK Higher Educational Institutes : a case study.

Predicting stock returns and assessing prediction performance (2007)
Journal Article
Baker, R., & Belgorodski, A. (2007). Predicting stock returns and assessing prediction performance. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 18(4), 413-433.

We use regression methods to predict the expected monthly return on stocks and the covariance matrix of returns, the predictor variables being a company's ‘fundamentals’, such as dividend yield and the history of previous returns. Predictions are eva... Read More about Predicting stock returns and assessing prediction performance.

The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal (2007)
Journal Article
McMaster, T., Wastell, D., & Kawalek, P. (2007). The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal. Journal of Information Technology, 22(1), 59-68.

The imperatives on contemporary organizations to adapt to an increasingly uncertain and turbulent environment are intense. The pace of change is at least as great in the public as the private sector, with technology being integral to the UK governmen... Read More about The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal.

An investigation of the relationship between public transport performance and destination satisfaction (2007)
Journal Article
Thompson, K., & Schofield, P. (2007). An investigation of the relationship between public transport performance and destination satisfaction. Journal of Transport Geography, 15(2), 136-144.

The availability and perceived quality of local transport at tourist destinations has latterly been established as exercising an influence on visitor experience, overall satisfaction and repeat visitation. The dimensions of urban public transport per... Read More about An investigation of the relationship between public transport performance and destination satisfaction.

Relationship marketing in the subsidised arts: the key to a strategic marketing focus? (2007)
Journal Article
Conway, A., & Whitelock, J. (2007). Relationship marketing in the subsidised arts: the key to a strategic marketing focus?. European Journal of Marketing, 41(1/2), 199-222.

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to consider whether successful subsidised arts organisations are more likely to apply a relationship rather than transactional marketing approach to overcome the tendency of not-for-profit organisations generall... Read More about Relationship marketing in the subsidised arts: the key to a strategic marketing focus?.

Why do some UK SME’s still find the implementation of a New Product Development process problematical? An exploratory investigation (2007)
Journal Article
Owens, J. D. (2007). Why do some UK SME’s still find the implementation of a New Product Development process problematical? An exploratory investigation. Management Decision, 45(2), 235-251.

The long-term survival of a business often hinges upon its ability to successfully introduce new products into the market place. These new products and their successful development can be the lifeblood of a company. Thus, NPD is a major considerati... Read More about Why do some UK SME’s still find the implementation of a New Product Development process problematical? An exploratory investigation.

A framework for condition monitoring and condition based maintenance (2007)
Journal Article
Scarf, P. (2007). A framework for condition monitoring and condition based maintenance. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 4(2), 145-156

This paper discusses a framework for determining appropriate condition based maintenance policy for an industrial system. The framework can be considered as providing practitioners with guidelines for condition based maintenance (CBM) management or a... Read More about A framework for condition monitoring and condition based maintenance.

Route choice in mountain navigation: Naismith's rule, and the equivalence of distance and climb (2007)
Journal Article
Scarf, P. (2007). Route choice in mountain navigation: Naismith's rule, and the equivalence of distance and climb. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25(6), 719-726.

In this paper, I consider decision making about routes in mountain navigation. In particular, I discuss Naismith's rule, a method of calculating journey times in mountainous terrain, and its use for route choice. The rule is essentially concerned wit... Read More about Route choice in mountain navigation: Naismith's rule, and the equivalence of distance and climb.

Anyone for tennis (betting)? (2007)
Journal Article
Forrest, D., & Mchale, I. (2007). Anyone for tennis (betting)?. European Journal of Finance, 13(8), 751-768.

The most robust anomaly noted in the literature on wagering markets is (positive) longshot bias: over a period of 50 years, it has been well documented in horse betting that higher expected returns accrue to short- than to long-odds bets. However, a... Read More about Anyone for tennis (betting)?.

5 years of market abuse (2007)
Journal Article
Alcock, A. (2007). 5 years of market abuse. Company Lawyer, 28, 163

Data sensitivity: proposals for resolving the conundrum (2007)
Journal Article
Mccullagh, K. (2007). Data sensitivity: proposals for resolving the conundrum. Journal of international commercial law and technology, 2(4), 190-201

The EU Directive 95/46/EC specifically demarcates categories of sensitive data meriting special protection. It is important to review the continuing relevance of existing categories of sensitive data in the light of changes in societal structures and... Read More about Data sensitivity: proposals for resolving the conundrum.

Cultural issues, organisational hierarchy and information fulfilment: an exploration of relationships (2007)
Journal Article
Burke, M. (2007). Cultural issues, organisational hierarchy and information fulfilment: an exploration of relationships. Library Review, 56(8), 678-693.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the cultural results of a three year study into the concept of information fulfilment and considers the impact of culture on levels of information fulfilment.
Design/methodology/approach – Ethnograp... Read More about Cultural issues, organisational hierarchy and information fulfilment: an exploration of relationships.