Hearsay: identification and admission
Journal Article
Cooper, S. (2002). Hearsay: identification and admission. Journal of Criminal Law, 66(5), 459-466
All Outputs (1393)
Organizational learning and resistance to change in Estonian companies (2002)
Journal Article
Sharifi, S., & Alas, R. (2002). Organizational learning and resistance to change in Estonian companies. Human Resource Development International, 5(3), 313-331. https://doi.org/10.1080/13678860210143550
Defining the development needs of entrepreneurs in SMEs (2002)
Journal Article
Davies, J., Hides, M., & Powell, J. (2002). Defining the development needs of entrepreneurs in SMEs. https://doi.org/10.1108/00400910210449240This paper focuses on the theme of entrepreneurship education, learning and development and specifically, on the challenge for higher education institutions (HEIs) of supporting entrepreneurial and enterprising individuals and organisations. This is... Read More about Defining the development needs of entrepreneurs in SMEs.
A spatial cross-sectional analysis of the elasticity of demand for soccer (2002)
Journal Article
Forrest, D., Simmons, R., & Feehan, P. (2002). A spatial cross-sectional analysis of the elasticity of demand for soccer. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 49(3), 336-355. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9485.00235Several studies estimate the demand for watching English professional football (soccer) as highly inelastic, a puzzling result given that clubs appear to possess a degree of monopoly power. We discuss weaknesses in earlier studies and offer an altern... Read More about A spatial cross-sectional analysis of the elasticity of demand for soccer.
Enabling the emergent entrepreneurial organisation to develop new products (2002)
Journal Article
Bamber, D., Owens, J., Davies, J., & Suleman, A. (2002). Enabling the emergent entrepreneurial organisation to develop new products. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 8(4), 203-221. https://doi.org/10.1108/13552550210436530The research literature concerning the new product development process (NPD) is reviewed and this is placed within the concepts required for effective intrapreneurial learning (IL). A model of IL for emergent entrepreneurial organisations (EO) is pre... Read More about Enabling the emergent entrepreneurial organisation to develop new products.
Buying a dream: alternative models for demand for lotto (2002)
Journal Article
Forrest, D., Simmons, R., & Chesters, N. (2002). Buying a dream: alternative models for demand for lotto. Economic Inquiry, 40(3), 485-496. https://doi.org/10.1093/ei/40.3.485Existing lotto demand models utilize effective price, computed as the face value of a ticket minus the expected value of prize money per ticket, as their primary explanatory variable. By contrast, this article proposes a key role for consumption bene... Read More about Buying a dream: alternative models for demand for lotto.
Virtually co-located product design teams: sharing teaming experiences after the event? (2002)
Journal Article
Sharifi, S., & Pawar, K. (2002). Virtually co-located product design teams: sharing teaming experiences after the event?. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22(6), 656-679. https://doi.org/10.1108/01443570210427677
Bayesian enhanced strategic decision making for reliability. (2002)
Journal Article
Percy, D. (2002). Bayesian enhanced strategic decision making for reliability. European Journal of Operational Research, 139(1), 133-145. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0377-2217%2801%2900177-1Successful strategies for maintenance and replacement require good decisions. We might wish to determine how often to perform preventive maintenance, or the optimal time to replace a system. Alternatively, our interest might be in selecting a thresho... Read More about Bayesian enhanced strategic decision making for reliability..
Managing the 'seamless service': primary care groups in the new NHS (2002)
Journal Article
Willcocks, S., & Conway, A. (2002). Managing the 'seamless service': primary care groups in the new NHS. Health Services Management Research, 15(2), 106-115. https://doi.org/10.1258/0951484021912879This paper reports on empirical work examining the conseqences for the development of the role of Primary Care Groups of the shift from competition (in the internal market) to relationships based on collaboration and partnership. Previous work (Conwa... Read More about Managing the 'seamless service': primary care groups in the new NHS.
Foreign language competence and cultural affinity: a study of UK executives in foreign markets (2002)
Journal Article
Swift, J. (2002). Foreign language competence and cultural affinity: a study of UK executives in foreign markets. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 9(2), 4-24. https://doi.org/10.1108/13527600210797370Reports exploratory research which examines the relationship between the extent to which executives have a positive attitude towards a foreign culture and the level of competence they have achieved in that language. Suggests that this was a weak corr... Read More about Foreign language competence and cultural affinity: a study of UK executives in foreign markets.
Managing the product design process: exchanging knowledge and experiences (2002)
Journal Article
Sharifi, S., & Pawar, K. (2002). Managing the product design process: exchanging knowledge and experiences. https://doi.org/10.1108/09576060210415419
Battle lines on three fronts: The RFU and the lost war against professionalism (2002)
Journal Article
Williams, P. (2002). Battle lines on three fronts: The RFU and the lost war against professionalism. International Journal of the History of Sport, 19(4), 114-136. https://doi.org/10.1080/714001793As rugby union's development in the late twentieth century brought it to resemble other professional team sports, The Rugby Football Union remained steadfast in retaining the game's officially amateur status. This essay attempts to identify a critica... Read More about Battle lines on three fronts: The RFU and the lost war against professionalism.
Market abuse (2002)
Journal Article
Alcock, A. (2002). Market abuse. Company Lawyer, 23, 142On 1st December 2001, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (‘FSMA’) came into force. One of its most controversial sections is Part VIII which gives the Financial Services Authority (‘FSA’) the power to impose civil penalties for market abuse.... Read More about Market abuse.
Barings v Coopers & Lybrand : a return to sanity? (2002)
Journal Article
Alcock, A. (2002). Barings v Coopers & Lybrand : a return to sanity?. Company Lawyer, 23, 217
CVC/opportunity partners – do we really need sections 459 to 461? (2002)
Journal Article
Alcock, A. (2002). CVC/opportunity partners – do we really need sections 459 to 461?. Journal of Business Law, 567
A model to predict the residual life of rolling element bearings given monitored condition information to date (2002)
Journal Article
Wang, W. (2002). A model to predict the residual life of rolling element bearings given monitored condition information to date. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 13, 3-16
Materialne czynniki srodowiska pracy i ich wplyw na człowieka (Material factors of the environment and their influence on a human being) (2002)
Journal Article
na człowieka (Material factors of the environment and their influence on a human being). Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania w Częstochowie, 3(19), 19-25
Rola promocji w kreowaniu marki produktow mleczarskich na przykladzie OSM Radomsko (Role of promotion in dairy products Brand Creation on the example of OSM Radomsko) (2002)
Journal Article
Rembielak-Vitchev, G. (2002). Rola promocji w kreowaniu marki produktow mleczarskich na przykladzie OSM Radomsko (Role of promotion in dairy products Brand Creation on the example of OSM Radomsko)
Shop stewards’ leadership, left-wing activism and collective workplace union organisation (2002)
Journal Article
Providing an account of the dynamic interrelationship between shop steward leadership and membership interaction, Ralph Darlington focuses particular attention on the much-neglected crucial role that left-wing political activists can play in shaping... Read More about Shop stewards’ leadership, left-wing activism and collective workplace union organisation.
Leadership in higher education (2001)
Journal Article
Davies, J., Hides, M., & Casey, S. (2001). Leadership in higher education. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 12(7), 1025-1030. https://doi.org/10.1080/09544120120096197Higher education establishments are undergoing a phenomenal amount of change driven by the various stakeholders (e.g. Government, students and local communities). Traditionally, universities have been governed on a collegiate basis, focusing on devel... Read More about Leadership in higher education.