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All Outputs (98)

Does students’ satisfaction matter to faculty job satisfaction in higher education? (2022)
Journal Article
Nassar, M., Heinze, A., Jasimuddin, S., & Procter, C. (2022). Does students’ satisfaction matter to faculty job satisfaction in higher education?. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 1-19.

Drawing on the marketing aspects of customer satisfaction, this paper provides insights into the relationship between students’ and lecturers’ satisfaction in a higher education institution. The study critically adopts the logic of relationship marke... Read More about Does students’ satisfaction matter to faculty job satisfaction in higher education?.

As transgender employees become more common, here’s how workplaces can welcome diversity (2022)
Journal Article
Lord, J., & Baset, S. (2022). As transgender employees become more common, here’s how workplaces can welcome diversity

The process for applying for a gender recognition certificate in the UK has become easier and cheaper due to government changes in recent years.

There has been a slow increase in the number of people applying as a result.

It is also likely to... Read More about As transgender employees become more common, here’s how workplaces can welcome diversity.

Data-driven digital transformation for emergency situations: the case of the UK retail sector (2022)
Journal Article
Papanagnou, C., Seiler, A., Spanaki, K., Papadopoulos, T., & Bourlakis, M. (2022). Data-driven digital transformation for emergency situations: the case of the UK retail sector. International Journal of Production Economics, 250, 108628.

The study explores data-driven Digital Transformation (DT) for emergency situations. By adopting a dynamic capability view, we draw on the predictive practices and Big Data (BD) capabilities applied in the UK retail sector and how such capabilities s... Read More about Data-driven digital transformation for emergency situations: the case of the UK retail sector.

Enhancing the organisation and the management of Built Environment Higher Education courses (2022)
Journal Article
Gomis, K., Saini, M., Pathirage, C., & Arif, M. (2022). Enhancing the organisation and the management of Built Environment Higher Education courses. Quality Assurance in Education,

Purpose – Persistent critical issues in Built Environment Higher Education (BEHE) curricula
may need to be addressed by improving course organisation and management. In addition to
the implications of the COVID pandemic, issues such as inadequate c... Read More about Enhancing the organisation and the management of Built Environment Higher Education courses.

SMEs’ innovativeness and technology adoption as downsizing strategies during COVID-19: the moderating role of financial sustainability in the tourism industry using structural equation modelling (2022)
Journal Article
Shwedeh, F., Aburayya, A., Alfaisal, R., Adelaja, A. A., Ogbolu, G., Aldhuhoori, A., & Salloum, S. (2022). SMEs’ innovativeness and technology adoption as downsizing strategies during COVID-19: the moderating role of financial sustainability in the tourism industry using structural equation modelling. Sustainability, 14(23), 16044.

This study aims to identify why firms, specifically SMEs in the hospitality and tourism industry, downsized during the recent global economic distress caused by COVID-19. This study applied a quantitative methodology by distributing online questionna... Read More about SMEs’ innovativeness and technology adoption as downsizing strategies during COVID-19: the moderating role of financial sustainability in the tourism industry using structural equation modelling.

As transgender employees become more common, here's how workplaces can welcome diversity (2022)
Journal Article
Lord, J., & Baset, S. (2022). As transgender employees become more common, here's how workplaces can welcome diversity

The process for applying for a gender recognition certificate in the UK has become easier and cheaper due to government changes in recent years. There has been a slow increase in the the number of people applying as a result.

Podcasting library services post COVID-19 pandemic era: its potential and challenges for distant learners (2022)
Journal Article
Adetayo, A., Abata-Ebire, B., & Oladipo, Y. (2022). Podcasting library services post COVID-19 pandemic era: its potential and challenges for distant learners. Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning, 16(3-4), 203-215.

The study investigated the willingness of students to remotely tune into podcast programmes aired by libraries and the associated challenges. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. The sample included 245 Adeleke University undergra... Read More about Podcasting library services post COVID-19 pandemic era: its potential and challenges for distant learners.

The influence of social media addiction on compulsive buying behaviour: A comparative analysis of LGBT+ and heterosexual consumers (2022)
Journal Article
Maccarrone-Eaglen, A., & Schofield, P. (2022). The influence of social media addiction on compulsive buying behaviour: A comparative analysis of LGBT+ and heterosexual consumers. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 22(1), 98-121.

Despite the significant research on the impact of social media in people's lives, little is known about the extent to which social media impacts on compulsive buying behaviour (CBB). Moreover, previous studies of this relationship sampled heterosexua... Read More about The influence of social media addiction on compulsive buying behaviour: A comparative analysis of LGBT+ and heterosexual consumers.

Digital Health Technologies (2022)
Book Chapter
Griffiths, M., Scragg, B., Stein-Hodgins, J. R., & Ure, C. (2022). Digital Health Technologies. In Digital Mammography a Holistic Approach (165-175). (second). Springer.

Learning Objectives
• Recognise and understand the digital
health and social media landscape for
• Recognise the appropriateness of the
different platforms/social media for
health promotion in breast screening
• Understand how so... Read More about Digital Health Technologies.

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on British credit unions and community-lenders (2022)
Journal Article
Vik, P., & Wallace, A. (2022). The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on British credit unions and community-lenders. Journal of co-operative studies, 55(2), 29-34

Credit unions are often hypothesised to be less vulnerable to crises than other types of businesses.
This paper examines the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the British credit union and community
lender sector drawing on interviews with 25 m... Read More about The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on British credit unions and community-lenders.

SMEs respond to climate change: evidence from developing countries (2022)
Journal Article
Alam, A., Anna, D., Rahman, M., Yazdifar, H., & Abbasi, K. (2022). SMEs respond to climate change: evidence from developing countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185,

Given the concerns stemming from climate change, it is important to investigate whether SMEs could become innovative (and thereby invest in technologies mitigating climate change) because of heightened climate change risk. This study explores the imp... Read More about SMEs respond to climate change: evidence from developing countries.

“That's bang out of order, mate!”: Gendered and racialized micro‐practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools (2022)
Journal Article

The existence of gendered and racialized inequalities in academia has been well documented. To date, research has primarily addressed the intersectional disadvantages faced by members of minority groups with much less attention paid to the privileges... Read More about “That's bang out of order, mate!”: Gendered and racialized micro‐practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools.

Learning from Each Other: Why and How Business Schools Need to Create a “Paradox Box” for Academic–Policy Impact (2022)
Journal Article

As the “impact agenda” continues to gain prominence internationally, a key challenge is enabling academics and policymakers to interact so that they can learn effectively from and with each other. There is an ethical position that, if we could contri... Read More about Learning from Each Other: Why and How Business Schools Need to Create a “Paradox Box” for Academic–Policy Impact.