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All Outputs (113)

Becoming a different kind of learner: a case study of a Japanese EAP learner (2006)
Journal Article
Etherington, S. (2006). Becoming a different kind of learner: a case study of a Japanese EAP learner. Geosphere, 2(2), 1-10

This paper reports a longitudinal case study of a Japanese learner (Ken) at a UK university as he progresses from pre-sessional EAP class to Masters programme and into PhD study. The case study is built from a series of interviews which took place o... Read More about Becoming a different kind of learner: a case study of a Japanese EAP learner.

Mirrors (2006)
Kopinsky, J. (2006). Mirrors. [Promotional material]

UK politics and the internet: the first decade (2006)
Journal Article
Ward, S., & Vedel, T. (2006). UK politics and the internet: the first decade. Parliamentary Affairs, 59(2), 226-235.

WHEN the tenth anniversary of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was celebrated in 2004, visionaries and sceptics alike turned to reflect on what has been and what will be the reality and impact of the Internet in everyday life.1 Since the early beg... Read More about UK politics and the internet: the first decade.

Limiting arms, enforcing limits: International inspections and the challenges of compellance in Germany post-1919, Iraq post-1991 (2006)
Journal Article
Iraq post-1991. Journal of Strategic Studies, 29(2), 345-394.

This article compares efforts to curb German military power after 1919 with attempts to limit that of Iraq after 1991. It argues that incomplete defeat in each case, compounded by disputes among the victors (exploited by the
Germans and Iraqis) unde... Read More about Limiting arms, enforcing limits: International inspections and the challenges of compellance in Germany post-1919, Iraq post-1991.

Regional development and post-communist politics in a Czech region (2006)
Journal Article
Myant, M., & Smith, S. (2006). Regional development and post-communist politics in a Czech region. Europe-Asia Studies, 58(2), 147-168.

This article links post-communist politics with regional development through an investigation of the formulation of strategic plans at various levels. This is an important activity for compliance with procedures essential to accessing EU financial su... Read More about Regional development and post-communist politics in a Czech region.

The Haunted Geometries of Sarah Waters's Affinity. (2006)
Journal Article
Armitt, L., & Gamble, S. (2006). The Haunted Geometries of Sarah Waters's Affinity. Textual Practice, 20(1), 141-159.

Sarah Waters, born in Pembrokeshire in Wales in 1966, lives and works in London, a city that has become not only her domestic home, but the key backdrop for her fiction. To date she has written three prize-winning novels, Tipping the Velvet (1998), A... Read More about The Haunted Geometries of Sarah Waters's Affinity..

Defects liability management by design (2006)
Journal Article
Davey, C., McDonald, J., Lowe, D., Duff, R., Powell, J., & Powell, J. (2006). Defects liability management by design. Building Research and Information, 34(2), 145-153.

An action learning project was undertaken to empower small- and medium-sized construction companies to define the agenda for performance improvement and to take a leading role in the process of industry change. Whilst achievement of zero defects was... Read More about Defects liability management by design.

Birth of the school: discursive methodologies in jazz education (2006)
Journal Article
Whyton, T. (2006). Birth of the school: discursive methodologies in jazz education. Music Education Research, 8(1), 65-81.

This study examines the politics of jazz education and the implications of canon forming, and proposes a critical methodology that opens up the field of study to broader cultural analysis. In this context, I discuss the unique problems faced by jazz... Read More about Birth of the school: discursive methodologies in jazz education.

Collocations and word-combinations in English: Considerations, classifications, and pedagogic implications (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Considerations, classifications, and pedagogic implications. Presented at TESOL Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Language is a means of communication among people, and language fluency is influenced by how this language is acquired. The speed of articulation is affected not only by one's ability of retention but also by the amount of prefabricated chunks stored... Read More about Collocations and word-combinations in English: Considerations, classifications, and pedagogic implications.

Delegating and Distributing Morality: Can We Inscribe Privacy Protection in a Machine? (2006)
Journal Article
Adam, A. (2006). Delegating and Distributing Morality: Can We Inscribe Privacy Protection in a Machine?. Ethics and Information Technology, 7(4), 233 - 242.

This paper addresses the question of delegation of morality to a machine, through a consideration of whether or not non-humans can be considered to be moral. The aspect of morality under consideration here is protection of privacy. The topic is intro... Read More about Delegating and Distributing Morality: Can We Inscribe Privacy Protection in a Machine?.