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All Outputs (476)

‘It's our pleasure, we count cars here’ : an exploration of the ‘neighbourhood-based connections’ for people living alone with dementia (2019)
Journal Article

The extent of social isolation experienced by people living with dementia who reside in the community has been well acknowledged, yet little is known about how people living alone with dementia maintain neighbourhood-based connections. The purpose of... Read More about ‘It's our pleasure, we count cars here’ : an exploration of the ‘neighbourhood-based connections’ for people living alone with dementia.

Learning to look: evaluating the student experience of an interactive image appraisal activity (2019)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Thompson, J., & Mercer, C. (2019). Learning to look: evaluating the student experience of an interactive image appraisal activity. Radiography, 25(4), 314-319.

Student radiographers have expressed difficulty in performing image appraisal tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of a workshop delivered to level 4 undergraduate students. All students completed an image appra... Read More about Learning to look: evaluating the student experience of an interactive image appraisal activity.

A systematic review of the effect of footwear, foot orthoses and taping on lower limb muscle activity during walking and running (2019)
Journal Article

External devices are used to manage musculoskeletal pathologies by altering loading of the foot, which could result in altered muscle activity that could have therapeutic benefits.

To establish if evidence exists that f... Read More about A systematic review of the effect of footwear, foot orthoses and taping on lower limb muscle activity during walking and running.

Transferring the index of vulnerable homes : application at the local-scale in England to assess fuel poverty vulnerability (2019)
Journal Article

Fuel poverty, or energy poverty, has traditionally been associated with households that cannot afford to keep their homes adequately warm and/or cool due to low income and energy inefficient dwellings. Recent studies show a need for a good understand... Read More about Transferring the index of vulnerable homes : application at the local-scale in England to assess fuel poverty vulnerability.

A self-aligning prosthetic device for older patients with vascular-related amputations: Protocol for a randomised feasibility study (the STEPFORWARD study) (2019)
Journal Article

The majority of older patients with a transtibial amputation are prescribed a standard (more rigid, not self-aligning) prosthesis. These are mostly suitable for level walking, and cannot adjust to different sloped surfaces. This makes w... Read More about A self-aligning prosthetic device for older patients with vascular-related amputations: Protocol for a randomised feasibility study (the STEPFORWARD study).

Reading Stuart Hall : the influence of the New Left on social work (2019)
Journal Article
social work. Critical and Radical Social Work, 7(3), 367-379.

This article will discuss the work of the late cultural and political theorist Professor Stuart Hall (1932–2014). Hall made hugely significant contributions in cultural studies. In addition, he was one of the first thinkers on the Left to recognise t... Read More about Reading Stuart Hall : the influence of the New Left on social work.

A cognitive style dataset including functional near-infrared spectroscopy, eye-tracking, psychometric and behavioral measures (2019)
Journal Article
Bendall, R., Lambert, S., Galpin, A., Marrow, L., & Cassidy, S. (2019). A cognitive style dataset including functional near-infrared spectroscopy, eye-tracking, psychometric and behavioral measures. Data in Brief, 26,

The dataset includes data from the triangulated investigation reported in our paper: ‘Psychophysiological indices of cognitive style: A triangulated study incorporating neuroimaging, eye-tracking, psychometric and behavioral measures’ [1,2]. The data... Read More about A cognitive style dataset including functional near-infrared spectroscopy, eye-tracking, psychometric and behavioral measures.

Occupation of racial grief, loss as a resource : learning from ‘The Combahee River Collective Black Feminist Statement' (2019)
Journal Article
Nayak, S. (2019). Occupation of racial grief, loss as a resource : learning from ‘The Combahee River Collective Black Feminist Statement'. Psychological Studies, 64, 352-364.

The methodology of ‘occupation’ through rereading The Combahee River Collective Black Feminist
Statement (The Combahee River Collective, in: James,
Sharpley-Whiting (eds) The Black Feminist Reader.
Blackwell Publishers Ltd., Oxford, pp 261–270, 19... Read More about Occupation of racial grief, loss as a resource : learning from ‘The Combahee River Collective Black Feminist Statement'.

Does speed of processing or vocabulary size predict later language growth in toddlers? (2019)
Journal Article
Peter, M., Durrant, S., Jessop, A., Bidgood, A., Pine, J., & Rowland, C. (2019). Does speed of processing or vocabulary size predict later language growth in toddlers?. Cognitive Psychology, 115, 101238.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the way that children acquire cognitive representations depends critically on how their processing system is developing. In particular, recent studies suggest that individual differences in language processing s... Read More about Does speed of processing or vocabulary size predict later language growth in toddlers?.

The effect of limb preference on braking strategy and knee joint mechanics during pivoting in female soccer players (2019)
Journal Article
Thomas, C., Dos'Santos, T., Cuthbert, M., Fields, C., & Jones, P. (2019). The effect of limb preference on braking strategy and knee joint mechanics during pivoting in female soccer players. Science and Medicine in Football, 4(1), 30-36.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore whether limb preference influences braking strategy and knee joint mechanics during a 180° pivot task in female soccer players.

Methods: Three-dimensional motion analyses of pivoting on the prefer... Read More about The effect of limb preference on braking strategy and knee joint mechanics during pivoting in female soccer players.

Physiotherapists' recommendations for examination and treatment of rotator cuff related shoulder pain: A consensus exercise (2019)
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: Disorders associated with the rotator cuff are regarded as the most common shoulder pain presentation. The range of diagnostic terms used to explain this problem reflect uncertainty in relation to causative mechanisms, diagnosis, prognosi... Read More about Physiotherapists' recommendations for examination and treatment of rotator cuff related shoulder pain: A consensus exercise.

EULAR points to consider for the development, evaluation and implementation of mobile health applications aiding self-management in people living with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (2019)
Journal Article

Background: Mobile health applications (apps) are available to enable people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) to better self-manage their health. However, guidance on the development and evaluation of such apps is lacking.
Objectiv... Read More about EULAR points to consider for the development, evaluation and implementation of mobile health applications aiding self-management in people living with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation (2019)
Journal Article
Laser-Maira, J., Peach, D., & Hounmenou, C. (2019). Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation. International Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 27.

There is increasing evidence that children who are subject to commercial child sexual exploitation (CCSE) are likely to experience complex mental health needs. Failure to address the trauma experienced by victims of CCSE can lead to suicide attempts,... Read More about Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation.

Sexual orientation and gender identity claims of asylum in Germany : intersectional legal, social and methodological challenges (2019)
Book Chapter
Held, N. (2019). Sexual orientation and gender identity claims of asylum in Germany : intersectional legal, social and methodological challenges. In C. Küppers (Ed.), Refugees & Queers : forschung und bildung an der schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ, fluchtmigration und emanzipationspolitiken (53-80). transcript Verlag.

'Unlocking the door to being there'. The contribution of creative facilitators in supporting people living with dementia to engage with heritage settings (2019)
Journal Article

This article reports findings from the evaluation of ‘Sensory Palaces’, an innovative project developed by the charity Historic Royal Palaces (HRP), which looks after six of the United Kingdom’s unoccupied royal palaces. The Sensory Palaces (SP) pro... Read More about 'Unlocking the door to being there'. The contribution of creative facilitators in supporting people living with dementia to engage with heritage settings.

The effect of Nordic hamstring exercise intervention volume on eccentric strength and muscle architecture adaptations : a systematic review and meta-analyses (2019)
Journal Article
Cuthbert, M., Ripley, N., McMahon, J., Evans, M., Haff, G., & Comfort, P. (2020). The effect of Nordic hamstring exercise intervention volume on eccentric strength and muscle architecture adaptations : a systematic review and meta-analyses. Sports Medicine, 50, 83-99.

Although performance of the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) has been shown to elicit adaptations that may reduce hamstring strain injury (HSI) risk and occurrence, compliance in NHE interventions in professional soccer teams is low despite a high occ... Read More about The effect of Nordic hamstring exercise intervention volume on eccentric strength and muscle architecture adaptations : a systematic review and meta-analyses.