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As Dyson selects Singapore for EV factory, British MPs step up calls green car tax breaks (2018)
Journal Article
Owens, J. (2018). As Dyson selects Singapore for EV factory, British MPs step up calls green car tax breaks

Calls grow for Chancellor to move UK electric vehicle adoption into the fast lane, as charging infrastructure investment takes a step forward.

Dyson has confirmed it is to locate its first electric car factory in Singapore, dashing hopes the U... Read More about As Dyson selects Singapore for EV factory, British MPs step up calls green car tax breaks.

Dyson picks Singapore for its new electric car factory (2018)
Journal Article
Owens, J. (2018). Dyson picks Singapore for its new electric car factory

UK technology business Dyson is to build its electric cars in Singapore, with construction of a manufacturing facility to begin in December.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer experiences of homelessness and identity : insecurity and home(o)normativity (2018)
Journal Article
Matthews, P., Poyner, C., & Kjellgren, R. (2019). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer experiences of homelessness and identity : insecurity and home(o)normativity. International Journal of Housing Policy, 19(2), 232-253.

Homelessness among the young lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* (LGBT+) population is becoming an increasing societal concern, with alarmist reporting of high rates of homelessness compared to heterosexual people. This paper presents qualitative evide... Read More about Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer experiences of homelessness and identity : insecurity and home(o)normativity.

Institutional determinants of inward FDI : evidence from Pakistan (2018)
Journal Article
Uddin, M., Chowdhury, A., Zafar, S., Shafique, S., & Liu, J. (2019). Institutional determinants of inward FDI : evidence from Pakistan. International Business Review, 28(2), 344-358.

FDI has been growing at a spectacular pace all over the world and emerging countries have been successful in attracting more FDI compared to developed countries. Institutional factors are becoming more important as determinants of inward FDI for emer... Read More about Institutional determinants of inward FDI : evidence from Pakistan.

Climate change and water resources in arid regions : uncertainty of the baseline time period (2018)
Journal Article
Mohammed, R., & Scholz, M. (2019). Climate change and water resources in arid regions : uncertainty of the baseline time period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137, 1365-1376.

Recent climate change studies have given a lot of attention to the uncertainty that stems from general circulation models (GCM), greenhouse gas emission scenarios, hydrological models and downscaling approaches. Yet, the uncertainty that stems from t... Read More about Climate change and water resources in arid regions : uncertainty of the baseline time period.

Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics (2018)
Journal Article
Hamed, T., Adamovic, N., Aeberhard, U., Alonso-Alvarez, D., Tomic, S., & et al. (2018). Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics. EPJ Photovoltaics, 9(10),

Photovoltaics is amongst the most important technologies for renewable energy sources, and plays a key role in the development of a society with a smaller environmental footprint. Key parameters for solar cells are their energy conversion efficiency,... Read More about Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics.

Experimental investigation on the impact of connate water salinity on dispersion coefficient in consolidated rocks cores during enhanced gas recovery by CO2 injection (2018)
Journal Article
Abba, M., Al-Otaibi, A., Abbas, A., Nasr, G., & Abdulkadir, M. (2018). Experimental investigation on the impact of connate water salinity on dispersion coefficient in consolidated rocks cores during enhanced gas recovery by CO2 injection. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 60, 190-201.

Connate water salinity is a vital property of the reservoir and its influence on the displacement efficiency cannot be overemphasised. Despite the numerous analytical literatures on the dispersion behaviour of CO2 in CH4 at different parametric condi... Read More about Experimental investigation on the impact of connate water salinity on dispersion coefficient in consolidated rocks cores during enhanced gas recovery by CO2 injection.

‘Text- work’ in research ethics review : the significance of an institutional ethics review document in and beyond committee meetings (2018)
Journal Article
Morton, J. (2018). ‘Text- work’ in research ethics review : the significance of an institutional ethics review document in and beyond committee meetings. Accountability in research, 25(7-8), 387-403.

This article analyzes how a formal text (the Ethics Review Form) available at National Health Service Research Ethics Committees (NHSRECs) in the UK was used in meetings. Derived from the work of Dorothy Smith on incorporating texts into institutiona... Read More about ‘Text- work’ in research ethics review : the significance of an institutional ethics review document in and beyond committee meetings.

A multidimensional valuation of the human perception of construction vibration (2018)
Journal Article
Noviyanti, A., & Woodcock, J. (2018). A multidimensional valuation of the human perception of construction vibration. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1075, 012044.

Previous studies have shown that annoyance due to vibration does not simply depend on the magnitude of vibration exposure. However, only little is known about the important features that contribute the human perception of vibration. This paper presen... Read More about A multidimensional valuation of the human perception of construction vibration.

Modelling and application of condition-based maintenance for a two-component system with stochastic and economic dependencies (2018)
Journal Article
Do, P., Assaf, R., Scarf, P., & Iung, B. (2019). Modelling and application of condition-based maintenance for a two-component system with stochastic and economic dependencies. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 182, 86-97.

This paper develops a model of a condition-based maintenance policy for a two-component
system with both stochastic and economic dependencies. The stochastic dependency is such
that the degradation rate of each component depends not only on its own... Read More about Modelling and application of condition-based maintenance for a two-component system with stochastic and economic dependencies.

The adaption and implementation of the WHO surgical safety checklist for dental procedures (2018)
Journal Article
Wright, S., Ucer, T., & Crofts, G. (2018). The adaption and implementation of the WHO surgical safety checklist for dental procedures. British Dental Journal, 225, 727-729.

Objective: The objective of this study is to systematically adapt the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist for use in dentistry.

Study design: Expert consensus panel.

Setting, materials and methods: Using the 'WHO adaptation guidance', the WHO Sur... Read More about The adaption and implementation of the WHO surgical safety checklist for dental procedures.

Limited congruence exhibited across microbial, meiofaunal and macrofaunal benthic assemblages in a heterogeneous coastal environment (2018)
Journal Article
Cronin-O'Reilly, S., Taylor, J., Jermyn, I., Allcock, A., Cunliffe, M., & Johnson, M. (2018). Limited congruence exhibited across microbial, meiofaunal and macrofaunal benthic assemblages in a heterogeneous coastal environment. Scientific reports, 8(1), 15500.

One of the most common approaches for investigating the ecology of spatially complex environments is to examine a single biotic assemblage present, such as macroinvertebrates. Underlying this approach are assumptions that sampled and unsampled taxa r... Read More about Limited congruence exhibited across microbial, meiofaunal and macrofaunal benthic assemblages in a heterogeneous coastal environment.

On the treatment of uncertainty in experimentally measured frequency response functions (2018)
Journal Article
Meggitt, J. (2018). On the treatment of uncertainty in experimentally measured frequency response functions. Metrologia, 55(6), 806.

Frequency response functions (FRFs) are routinely used within experimental structural dynamics, among other fields. The uncertainty associated with their measurement is typically modelled on the simplified assumption that additive uncorrelated noise... Read More about On the treatment of uncertainty in experimentally measured frequency response functions.

Effects of two different hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses on postural stability in subjects with spinal cord injury : a pilot study (2018)
Journal Article
Samadian, M., Bani, M., Golchin, N., Mardani, M., Head, J., & Arazpour, M. (2019). Effects of two different hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses on postural stability in subjects with spinal cord injury : a pilot study. Asian spine journal (Seoul. Online), 13(1), 96-102.

Evaluation of two different hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses (HKAFOs; medial linkage reciprocating gait orthosis [MLRGO] and isocentric reciprocating gait orthosis [IRGO]) using gait and postural stability analysis in four subjects with spinal... Read More about Effects of two different hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses on postural stability in subjects with spinal cord injury : a pilot study.

Numerical study of chemical reaction effects in magnetohydrodynamic Oldroyd B oblique stagnation flow with a non-Fourier heat flux model (2018)
Journal Article
Mehmood, R., Rana, S., Beg, O., & Kadir, A. (2018). Numerical study of chemical reaction effects in magnetohydrodynamic Oldroyd B oblique stagnation flow with a non-Fourier heat flux model. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 40(526),

Reactive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows arise in many areas of nuclear reactor transport. Working fluids in such systems may be either Newtonian or non-Newtonian. Motivated by these applications, in the current study, a mathematical model is develop... Read More about Numerical study of chemical reaction effects in magnetohydrodynamic Oldroyd B oblique stagnation flow with a non-Fourier heat flux model.