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All Outputs (888)

Assessing the exposure-response relationship of sleep disturbance and vibration in field and laboratory settings (2018)
Journal Article

Exposure to nocturnal freight train vibrations may impact sleep, but exposure-response relationships are lacking. The European project CargoVibes evaluated sleep disturbance both in the field and in the laboratory and provides unique data, as measure... Read More about Assessing the exposure-response relationship of sleep disturbance and vibration in field and laboratory settings.

A framework for achieving the required degree of multitenancy isolation for deploying components of a cloud-hosted service (2018)
Journal Article
Ochei, L. C., Petrovski, A., & Bass, J. M. (2018). A framework for achieving the required degree of multitenancy isolation for deploying components of a cloud-hosted service. International Journal of Cloud Computing, 7(3-4),

Multitenancy allows multiple tenants to access a single instance of a cloud offering. While several approaches exist for implementing multitenancy, little attention has been paid to implementing the required degree of isolation since there are varyin... Read More about A framework for achieving the required degree of multitenancy isolation for deploying components of a cloud-hosted service.

A framework for achieving the required degree of multitenancy isolation for deploying components of a cloud-hosted service (2018)
Journal Article
cloud-hosted service. International Journal of Cloud Computing, 7(3/4), 248-281.

When a cloud offering is provided to multiple users/tenants,
multitenancy isolation has to be implemented. While several approaches exist for implementing multitenancy, little attention has been paid to implementing the required degree of isolation... Read More about A framework for achieving the required degree of multitenancy isolation for deploying components of a cloud-hosted service.

Opportunism in buyer--supplier exchange: a critical examination of the concept and its implications for theory and practice (2018)
Journal Article
Kelly, S., Wagner, B., & Ramsey, J. (2018). Opportunism in buyer--supplier exchange: a critical examination of the concept and its implications for theory and practice. Production Planning and Control, 29(12),

Claims that opportunism is widespread in the process of buyer–supplier exchange are commonplace, but direct supporting evidence for such claims is largely absent from the relevant literature. This article offers a critique of the treatment of opportu... Read More about Opportunism in buyer--supplier exchange: a critical examination of the concept and its implications for theory and practice.

Trust-based secure clustering in WSN-based intelligent transportation systems (2018)
Journal Article
transportation systems. Computer Networks, 146, 151-158.

Increasing the number of vehicles on roads leads to congestion and safety problems. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a promising technology providing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to address these problems. Usually, WSN-based applications,... Read More about Trust-based secure clustering in WSN-based intelligent transportation systems.

Refining and testing the diagnostic accuracy of an assessment tool (PAT-POPS) to predict admission and discharge of children and young people who attend an emergency department : protocol for an observational study (2018)
Journal Article
observational study. BMC Pediatrics, 18(303),

Background: Increasing attendances by children (aged 0–16 years) to United Kingdom Emergency Departments (EDs) challenges patient safety within the National Health Service (NHS) with health professionals required to make complex judgements on whether... Read More about Refining and testing the diagnostic accuracy of an assessment tool (PAT-POPS) to predict admission and discharge of children and young people who attend an emergency department : protocol for an observational study.

miRmapper: A Tool for Interpretation of miRNA–mRNA Interaction Networks (2018)
Journal Article
Da Silveira, W. A., Renaud, L., Simpson, J., Glen, W. B., Hazard, E. S., Chung, D., & Hardiman, G. (2018). miRmapper: A Tool for Interpretation of miRNA–mRNA Interaction Networks. Genes, 9(9), Article 458.

It is estimated that 30% of all genes in the mammalian cells are regulated by microRNA (miRNAs). The most relevant miRNAs in a cellular context are not necessarily those with the greatest change in expression levels between healthy and diseased tissu... Read More about miRmapper: A Tool for Interpretation of miRNA–mRNA Interaction Networks.

Environmental responsibility in hospital care : findings from a qualitative study (2018)
Journal Article
Kallio, H., Pietilä, A., Johnson, M., & Kangasniemi, M. (2018). Environmental responsibility in hospital care : findings from a qualitative study. Journal of Hospital Administration, 7(5), 56.

Objective: To identify the key elements of environmental responsibility in hospital care and the stakeholders involved.
Background: Hospital care causes a significant global environmental burden, which threatens human health and wellbeing. Environm... Read More about Environmental responsibility in hospital care : findings from a qualitative study.

Construction and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom (2018)
Journal Article
Ali, M., Hogg, P., Johansen, S., & England, A. (2018). Construction and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom. European Journal of Radiology, 108, 84-91.

PURPOSE: Imaging phantoms can be cost prohibitive, therefore a need exists to produce low cost alternatives which are fit for purpose. This paper describes the development and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom based on the anatomy o... Read More about Construction and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom.

Evaluating the ENVI-met microscale model for suitability in analysis of targeted urban heat mitigation strategies (2018)
Journal Article
Crank, P., Sailor, D., Ban-Weiss, G., & Taleghani, M. (2018). Evaluating the ENVI-met microscale model for suitability in analysis of targeted urban heat mitigation strategies. Urban Climate, 26, 188-197.

Microscale atmospheric models are increasingly being used to project the thermal benefits of urban heat mitigation strategies (e.g., tree planting programs or use of high-albedo materials). However, prior to investment in specific mitigation efforts... Read More about Evaluating the ENVI-met microscale model for suitability in analysis of targeted urban heat mitigation strategies.

Impacts of forest loss in the eastern Carpathian Mountains : linking remote sensing and sediment changes in a mid-altitude catchment (Red Lake) (2018)
Journal Article
Haliuc, A., Feurdean, A., Mîndrescu, M., Frantiuc, A., & Hutchinson, S. (2018). Impacts of forest loss in the eastern Carpathian Mountains : linking remote sensing and sediment changes in a mid-altitude catchment (Red Lake). Regional Environmental Change, 19(2), 461-475.

Worldwide accelerated forest loss and the associated environmental impacts are important environmental concerns. In this study we integrate evidence from historical maps and a Landsat-derived time series of catchment scale forest cover changes with a... Read More about Impacts of forest loss in the eastern Carpathian Mountains : linking remote sensing and sediment changes in a mid-altitude catchment (Red Lake).

A three arm cluster randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the SMART work & life intervention for reducing daily sitting time in office workers : study protocol (2018)
Journal Article

Background: Office-based workers typically spend 70-85% of working hours, and a large proportion of leisure time, sitting. High levels of sitting have been linked to poor health. There is a need for fully powered randomised controlled trials (RCTs) w... Read More about A three arm cluster randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the SMART work & life intervention for reducing daily sitting time in office workers : study protocol.

The impact of trusted and secured transactions in an e-commerce environment on consumers’ behaviour : the case of Saudis in the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Alshehri, H., & Meziane, F. (2018). The impact of trusted and secured transactions in an e-commerce environment on consumers’ behaviour : the case of Saudis in the UK. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 6(3), 596 -604.

The work reported in this paper is part of a larger study that attempts to compare the online activities of Saudis living in Saudi Arabia and those living in the United Kingdom (UK). The study aims to answer the question on whether the environment pl... Read More about The impact of trusted and secured transactions in an e-commerce environment on consumers’ behaviour : the case of Saudis in the UK.

Parent’s experiences of their child’s withdrawal syndrome: a driver for reciprocal nurse-parent partnership in withdrawal assessment (2018)
Journal Article
reciprocal nurse-parent partnership in withdrawal assessment. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 50, 71-78.

Withdrawal assessment in critically ill children is complicated by the reliance on non-specific behaviours
and compounded when the child’s typical behaviours are unknown. The existing approach to withdrawal
assessment assumes that nurses elicit the... Read More about Parent’s experiences of their child’s withdrawal syndrome: a driver for reciprocal nurse-parent partnership in withdrawal assessment.

Ultrasound characteristics of foot and ankle structures in healthy, coper, and chronically unstable ankles (2018)
Journal Article

Objective: Ankle sprains constitute approximately 85% of all ankle injuries and up to 70% of people experience residual symptoms. Whilst the injury to ligaments is well understood the potential role of other foot and ankle structures has not been exp... Read More about Ultrasound characteristics of foot and ankle structures in healthy, coper, and chronically unstable ankles.

The SBAR communication framework : for when you need action (2018)
Journal Article
Stonehouse, D. (2018). The SBAR communication framework : for when you need action. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 12(9), 450-453.

This article examines the communication framework known as SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation). High quality communication between members of the multi-disciplinary team is vital within health and social care. Support workers hav... Read More about The SBAR communication framework : for when you need action.

“Am I a student or a Healthcare Assistant?” A qualitative evaluation of a programme of prenursing care experience (2018)
Journal Article
Whiffin, C. J., Baker, D., Henshaw, L., Nichols, J. J., & Pyer, M. (2018). “Am I a student or a Healthcare Assistant?” A qualitative evaluation of a programme of prenursing care experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(11), 2610-2621.

To examine the experiences of prenursing healthcare assistants (HCA) during a 6-month programme of prenursing care experience.

Care experience prior to commencing programmes of nurse education is broadly considered to be advantage... Read More about “Am I a student or a Healthcare Assistant?” A qualitative evaluation of a programme of prenursing care experience.