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All Outputs (773)

The Salford Nature Environments Database (SNED): an open-access database of standardized high-quality pictures from natural environments (2024)
Journal Article

The growing interest in harnessing natural environments to enhance mental health, including cognitive functioning and mood, has yielded encouraging results in initial studies. Given that images of nature have demonstrated similar benefits, they are f... Read More about The Salford Nature Environments Database (SNED): an open-access database of standardized high-quality pictures from natural environments.

Neurobiology, psychotherapeutic interventions, and emerging therapies in addiction: a systematic review (2024)
Journal Article

Substance use disorders (SUDs) represent a major challenge in psychiatric treatment, with significant relapse rates despite various psychotherapeutic interventions. This systematic review explores the neurobiological underpinnings of addiction and ex... Read More about Neurobiology, psychotherapeutic interventions, and emerging therapies in addiction: a systematic review.

Advanced voltage relay design for distance relay coordination in power networks equipped with low‐inertia areas (2024)
Journal Article
Alasali, F., El‐Naily, N., Mustafa, H. Y., Loukil, H., Saad, S. M., Saidi, A. S., & Holderbaum, W. (2024). Advanced voltage relay design for distance relay coordination in power networks equipped with low‐inertia areas. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 19, Article e13338.

In modern power systems with high levels of distributed generation (DG), traditional protection schemes face challenges in ensuring reliable and efficient fault detection due to the complexities introduced by DG, particularly low‐inertia sources such... Read More about Advanced voltage relay design for distance relay coordination in power networks equipped with low‐inertia areas.

Expected features of the course leader in the rehabilitation healthcare professionals' higher education: A qualitative study on students' perspectives. (2024)
Journal Article
Giardulli, B., Furri, L., Testa, M., Dell’Isola, A., Bertoni, G., & Battista, S. (2024). Expected features of the course leader in the rehabilitation healthcare professionals' higher education: A qualitative study on students' perspectives. PLoS ONE, 19(12), e0312943.

Course leaders in rehabilitation healthcare professionals' higher education face challenges stemming from multi-disciplinarity and the co-existence of different stakeholders. So far, the literature mainly attributed to course leaders' managerial task... Read More about Expected features of the course leader in the rehabilitation healthcare professionals' higher education: A qualitative study on students' perspectives..

How universities teach cybersecurity courses online: a systematic literature review (2024)
Journal Article
Ahmed, A., Watterson, C., Alhashmi, S., & Gaber, T. (in press). How universities teach cybersecurity courses online: a systematic literature review. #Journal not on list, 6, Article 1499490.

Introduction: Distance learning has seen a significant increase as educational institutions have shifted toward offering online courses. Although some institutions quickly adapted, many struggled to modify traditional materials for online learners. T... Read More about How universities teach cybersecurity courses online: a systematic literature review.

Influences of country-level factors on corporate governance adherence: an analysis of multinational corporations’ subsidiaries in India (2024)
Journal Article
Sharma, N., Gerged, A. M., Elheddad, M., Haloub, R., & Al-Najjar, B. (2024). Influences of country-level factors on corporate governance adherence: an analysis of multinational corporations’ subsidiaries in India. Corporate Governance,


This study aims to investigate the influence of institutional factors on corporate governance (CG) compliance within subsidiaries of multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in India, drawing on institutional and legitimacy theories.... Read More about Influences of country-level factors on corporate governance adherence: an analysis of multinational corporations’ subsidiaries in India.

ALDHHigh Breast Cancer Stem Cells Exhibit a Mesenchymal–Senescent Hybrid Phenotype, with Elevated Metabolic and Migratory Activities (2024)
Journal Article
Larrea Murillo, L., Sugden, C. J., Ozsvari, B., Moftakhar, Z., Hassan, G. S., Sotgia, F., & Lisanti, M. P. (in press). ALDHHigh Breast Cancer Stem Cells Exhibit a Mesenchymal–Senescent Hybrid Phenotype, with Elevated Metabolic and Migratory Activities. Cells, 13(24), 2059.

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) account for 0.01 to 2% of the total tumor mass; however, they play a key role in tumor progression, metastasis and resistance to current cancer therapies. The generation and maintenance of CSCs are usually linked to the epith... Read More about ALDHHigh Breast Cancer Stem Cells Exhibit a Mesenchymal–Senescent Hybrid Phenotype, with Elevated Metabolic and Migratory Activities.

Subtle diurnal microbial rhythms in a large mammalian carnivore (2024)
Journal Article
Melville, D. W., Rojas, C. A., Risely, A., & Theis, K. R. (in press). Subtle diurnal microbial rhythms in a large mammalian carnivore. Journal of Mammalogy,

Mounting evidence suggests that the cyclic interaction between host cells and the gut microbiota orchestrates metabolic and immunological homeostasis throughout the day. Yet, examples of gut microbial rhythms in natural populations are scarce, limiti... Read More about Subtle diurnal microbial rhythms in a large mammalian carnivore.

Build it and they will come? - A case study of a 'softer landings' approach in creating a low-carbon community (2024)
Journal Article

This paper explores an emerging low-carbon construction business model through a case study of a low-carbon community supported by a private Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) in Lincolnshire. The study highlights the developer's extended aftercare and... Read More about Build it and they will come? - A case study of a 'softer landings' approach in creating a low-carbon community.

Building Towards One Health: A Transdisciplinary Autoethnographic Approach to Understanding Perceptions of Sustainable Aquatic Foods in Vietnam (2024)
Journal Article

As Vietnam navigates challenges to its animal, human, and environmental health (One Health) during rapid economic transitions, understanding local perceptions of sustainable food systems, particularly aquatic foods, is vital. This study employs a tra... Read More about Building Towards One Health: A Transdisciplinary Autoethnographic Approach to Understanding Perceptions of Sustainable Aquatic Foods in Vietnam.

Additive manufacturing for standard parts in the healthcare supply chain: What are the available performance improvements? (2024)
Journal Article

Additive Manufacturing (AM) has established itself as a manufacturing technology for customised and personalised parts in healthcare applications. More recently its use in healthcare applications has been extended to also include standard parts, albe... Read More about Additive manufacturing for standard parts in the healthcare supply chain: What are the available performance improvements?.

Exploring domestic garden identities: personal histories from older people in the Netherlands (2024)
Journal Article
Lauwerijssen, R., Mell, I., & Barker, A. (2024). Exploring domestic garden identities: personal histories from older people in the Netherlands. Landscape Research, 1-19.

Domestic gardens are spaces imbued with meaning, expression, and identity. This paper seeks to explore garden identities across their lifespan in the Netherlands by investigating older people’s personal histories through thematic analysis. Oral histo... Read More about Exploring domestic garden identities: personal histories from older people in the Netherlands.