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All Outputs (98)

Sex tourism and chaos : a complex system approach (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Eaglen, A., & Maccarrone-Eaglen, A. (2005, December). Sex tourism and chaos : a complex system approach. Presented at Second PolyU China Tourism Forum, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, P. R. China

Sex tourism has been associated with human trafficking (sex slavery), violence, child sexual exploitation and the transmission of HIV/AIDS. Though marginalised, sex tourism is globally pervasive, embracing multiple stakeholders and contextualised wit... Read More about Sex tourism and chaos : a complex system approach.

Urban design: towards a working strategy (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Lyons, K., & Dunbar, T. (2005, November). Urban design: towards a working strategy. Presented at Sensuous Knowledge II: Aesthetic Practice and Insight, Bergen National Academy of Arts, Bergen, Norway

To introduce this project – for the purpose of this event we have called it a “Working Strategy” – we have invited a.r.r.r.t.s to write some introductory notes on the way it has developed over the past year.
We have always maintained a close connec... Read More about Urban design: towards a working strategy.

Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Barresi, S., Meziane, F., Rezgui, Y., & Lima, C. (2005, November). Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability. Poster presented at First ACM International Workshop on Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems (IHIS 2005), Bremen, Germany

Semantic Resources (SRs) such as ontologies and taxonomies are used in many sectors for various purposes. In the Construction domain they are used to facilitate software application inter-working, and improve communication and understanding among the... Read More about Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability.

Are community finance institutions doing too much? (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Dayson, K. (2005, November). Are community finance institutions doing too much?. Presented at 28th ISBE (Institute of Small Business Entrepreneurs) National Conference: 'Illuminating entrepreneurship: the theory and practice of enterprise creation and development', Blackpool, UK

Profiling the distortion characteristics of commercial music using amplitude distribution statistics (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Wilson, A., & Fazenda, B. (2005, October). Profiling the distortion characteristics of commercial music using amplitude distribution statistics. Presented at Reproduced Sound 30, Birmingham, UK

As digital audio is encoded as discrete samples of the audio waveform, much can be said about the nature of the recording by the statistical properties of the sample distribution. By analysis of the probability mass function and associated summary fe... Read More about Profiling the distortion characteristics of commercial music using amplitude distribution statistics.

A stable transient BEM for diffuser scattering (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Hargreaves, J., & Cox, T. (2005, October). A stable transient BEM for diffuser scattering. Presented at 150th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis

Boundary Element Methods (BEM) may be used to model scattering from hard rigid surfaces such as diffusers. They have the advantage over volumetric methods that only the surface need be meshed and the surface velocity potential found. Unlike the mor... Read More about A stable transient BEM for diffuser scattering.

Considering uncertainty when performing environmental noise measurements (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Kerry, G., & Waddington, D. (2005, October). Considering uncertainty when performing environmental noise measurements. Presented at Institute of Acoustics Autumn Conference 2005, Oxford

An overview is given of the uncertainties associated with environmental noise measurements. The uncertainty budget is introduced together with the concepts of reproducibility and repeatability. Meteorology is identified as being the most significant... Read More about Considering uncertainty when performing environmental noise measurements.

An insight into the product culture as a commodity for tourism, with the British National Tourist Organisation perspective (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Maccarrone-Eaglen, A. (2005, October). An insight into the product culture as a commodity for tourism, with the British National Tourist Organisation perspective. Presented at Recent Developments in Tourism Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Faro

The complexity of the notion of culture has been the object of multidisciplinary studies attempting, with difficulties, to attribute definitions, boundaries and classifications to this polyhedric concept expressed in symbolic representations. Culture... Read More about An insight into the product culture as a commodity for tourism, with the British National Tourist Organisation perspective.

Design conscious investment and interpretive design: the case of museums, art galleries and cultural heritage attractions (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Sterry, P. (2005, September). Design conscious investment and interpretive design: the case of museums, art galleries and cultural heritage attractions. Presented at Joining Forces: International Conference on Design Research, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland

The significant growth in museums, galleries and cultural heritage attractions in recent years is evidence of a wider leisure industry that is replicated internationally. There has also been a number of high profile millenium projects developed in th... Read More about Design conscious investment and interpretive design: the case of museums, art galleries and cultural heritage attractions.

Identity, technology and intermediation (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Hodson, M. (2005, September). Identity, technology and intermediation. Presented at Researching Inbetweeness: Understanding the Transformative Role of Intermediaries, Manchester

Information extraction from heterogeneous sources using domain ontologies (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Chaudhry, W., & Meziane, F. (2005, September). Information extraction from heterogeneous sources using domain ontologies. Presented at IEEE 2005 International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Islamabad, Pakistan

The main objective of this paper is to describe the KAARE (knowledge availability, access, retrieval and extraction) system, a generic business model for knowledge extraction of semi structured and unstructured data from Web pages. The system is onto... Read More about Information extraction from heterogeneous sources using domain ontologies.

Design comparison of experimental stormwater detention systems (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Kazemi-Yazdi, S., & Scholz, M. (2005, September). Design comparison of experimental stormwater detention systems. Presented at IEMA Seminar on ‘Wetlands: Environmental Management and Assessment’, Edinburgh, Scotland