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All Outputs (39)

Knowledge issues raised in modelling trust in a public key infrastructure (2002)
Journal Article
Basden, A., Ball, E., & Chadwick, D. (2002). Knowledge issues raised in modelling trust in a public key infrastructure. Expert Systems, 18(5), 233-249.

The paper describes a knowledge-based system for modelling trust in the certification authority (CA) of a public key infrastructure. It was built using a graphical knowledge-based system toolkit, Istar, that allows the knowledge builder to easily mod... Read More about Knowledge issues raised in modelling trust in a public key infrastructure.

Socio-economic development and international migration: a Turkish study (2002)
Journal Article
Icduygu, A., Muradoglu, G., & Sirkeci, I. (2002). Socio-economic development and international migration: a Turkish study. International Migration, 39(4), 39-61.

The root causes of international migration have been the subject of many studies, a vast majority of which are based on development theories dominated by economy-oriented perspectives. An underlying assumption is that poverty breeds migration. The re... Read More about Socio-economic development and international migration: a Turkish study.

The critical theory of Herman Dooyeweerd? (2002)
Journal Article
Basden, A. (2002). The critical theory of Herman Dooyeweerd?. Journal of Information Technology, 17(4), 257-269.

Jürgen Habermas is a wide-ranging thinker whose ideas have formed the philosophic foundation of critical systems thinking (CST). But can the Critical approach incorporate ideas from other thinkers without abandoning its Habermasian roots? The danger... Read More about The critical theory of Herman Dooyeweerd?.

An empirical study of user preference and performance with UML diagrams (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Anthony, S., Barker, T., Britton, C., Kutar, M., Beecham, S., & Wilkinson, V. (2002, September). An empirical study of user preference and performance with UML diagrams. Presented at IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC’02), Arlington, Virginia, USA

Defining the development needs of entrepreneurs in SMEs (2002)
Journal Article
Davies, J., Hides, M., & Powell, J. (2002). Defining the development needs of entrepreneurs in SMEs.

This paper focuses on the theme of entrepreneurship education, learning and development and specifically, on the challenge for higher education institutions (HEIs) of supporting entrepreneurial and enterprising individuals and organisations. This is... Read More about Defining the development needs of entrepreneurs in SMEs.

Developing a shared contact centre in Lancashire (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Hepburn, P., & Procter, C. (2002, September). Developing a shared contact centre in Lancashire. Presented at 2nd European Conference on E-Government (ECEG), St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK

Enabling the emergent entrepreneurial organisation to develop new products (2002)
Journal Article
Bamber, D., Owens, J., Davies, J., & Suleman, A. (2002). Enabling the emergent entrepreneurial organisation to develop new products. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 8(4), 203-221.

The research literature concerning the new product development process (NPD) is reviewed and this is placed within the concepts required for effective intrapreneurial learning (IL). A model of IL for emergent entrepreneurial organisations (EO) is pre... Read More about Enabling the emergent entrepreneurial organisation to develop new products.

A spatial cross-sectional analysis of the elasticity of demand for soccer (2002)
Journal Article
Forrest, D., Simmons, R., & Feehan, P. (2002). A spatial cross-sectional analysis of the elasticity of demand for soccer. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 49(3), 336-355.

Several studies estimate the demand for watching English professional football (soccer) as highly inelastic, a puzzling result given that clubs appear to possess a degree of monopoly power. We discuss weaknesses in earlier studies and offer an altern... Read More about A spatial cross-sectional analysis of the elasticity of demand for soccer.

Buying a dream: alternative models for demand for lotto (2002)
Journal Article
Forrest, D., Simmons, R., & Chesters, N. (2002). Buying a dream: alternative models for demand for lotto. Economic Inquiry, 40(3), 485-496.

Existing lotto demand models utilize effective price, computed as the face value of a ticket minus the expected value of prize money per ticket, as their primary explanatory variable. By contrast, this article proposes a key role for consumption bene... Read More about Buying a dream: alternative models for demand for lotto.

Bayesian enhanced strategic decision making for reliability. (2002)
Journal Article
Percy, D. (2002). Bayesian enhanced strategic decision making for reliability. European Journal of Operational Research, 139(1), 133-145.

Successful strategies for maintenance and replacement require good decisions. We might wish to determine how often to perform preventive maintenance, or the optimal time to replace a system. Alternatively, our interest might be in selecting a thresho... Read More about Bayesian enhanced strategic decision making for reliability..

Managing the 'seamless service': primary care groups in the new NHS (2002)
Journal Article
Willcocks, S., & Conway, A. (2002). Managing the 'seamless service': primary care groups in the new NHS. Health Services Management Research, 15(2), 106-115.

This paper reports on empirical work examining the conseqences for the development of the role of Primary Care Groups of the shift from competition (in the internal market) to relationships based on collaboration and partnership. Previous work (Conwa... Read More about Managing the 'seamless service': primary care groups in the new NHS.

Foreign language competence and cultural affinity: a study of UK executives in foreign markets (2002)
Journal Article
Swift, J. (2002). Foreign language competence and cultural affinity: a study of UK executives in foreign markets. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 9(2), 4-24.

Reports exploratory research which examines the relationship between the extent to which executives have a positive attitude towards a foreign culture and the level of competence they have achieved in that language. Suggests that this was a weak corr... Read More about Foreign language competence and cultural affinity: a study of UK executives in foreign markets.