Imaging Homelessness in a City of Care. Participatory Mapping with Homeless People
Book Chapter
Moss, O., & Irving, A. (2018). Imaging Homelessness in a City of Care. Participatory Mapping with Homeless People. In This Is Not an Atlas (270-275). transcript Verlag.
All Outputs (417)
Between-Session Reliability of Isometric Midthigh Pull Kinetics and Maximal Power Clean Performance in Male Youth Soccer Players. (2018)
Journal Article
T, D., C, T., P, C., JJ, M., PA, J., NP, O., & AL, Y. (2018). Between-Session Reliability of Isometric Midthigh Pull Kinetics and Maximal Power Clean Performance in Male Youth Soccer Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(12), reliability of isometric midthigh pull kinetics and maximal power clean performance in male youth soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 32(12): 3373–3381, 2018—The aim of the study was to determine the between-session reliability of iso... Read More about Between-Session Reliability of Isometric Midthigh Pull Kinetics and Maximal Power Clean Performance in Male Youth Soccer Players..
Eye gaze markers indicate visual attention to threatening images in individuals with chronic back pain (2018)
Journal Article
Franklin, Z., Holmes, P., & Fowler, N. (2018). Eye gaze markers indicate visual attention to threatening images in individuals with chronic back pain. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(1), 31. into attentional biases and threatening, pain-related information has primarily been investigated using reaction time as the dependent variable. This study aimed to extend previous research to provide a more in depth investigation of chronic... Read More about Eye gaze markers indicate visual attention to threatening images in individuals with chronic back pain.
An evidence-based approach to measuring affective domain development (2018)
Journal Article
Stephens, M., & Ormandy, P. (2019). An evidence-based approach to measuring affective domain development. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(3), 216-223. Educational taxonomies are utilised within nursing programmes to design curriculum, develop
learning objectives, and measure attainments including the assessment of values, behaviours, and attitudes.
Current measurement of the affective... Read More about An evidence-based approach to measuring affective domain development.
Governing under pressure : the mental well-being of politicians (2018)
Journal Article
Despite the singular importance of the work of national politicians in creating legislation, representing constituents and holding government to account, relatively little work has been done concerning their wellbeing and psychological health. There... Read More about Governing under pressure : the mental well-being of politicians.
Priorities for nutrition research in pediatric critical care (2018)
Journal Article
Background: Widespread variation exists in pediatric critical care nutrition practices, largely because of the scarcity of evidence
to guide best practice recommendations. Objective: The objective of this paper was to develop a list of topics to be... Read More about Priorities for nutrition research in pediatric critical care.
Relationship between body habitus and image quality and radiation dose in chest x-ray examinations : a phantom study (2018)
Journal Article
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of being overweight on image
quality (IQ), radiation dose and acquisition parameters when undertaking
adult chest x-ray (CXR) examinations using routine acquisition protocols.
Methods: The Lungman chest phantom... Read More about Relationship between body habitus and image quality and radiation dose in chest x-ray examinations : a phantom study.
Emotional real-world scenes impact visual search (2018)
Journal Article
Bendall, R., Mohamed, A., & Thompson, C. (2019). Emotional real-world scenes impact visual search. Cognitive processing, 20, 309-316. shows that emotional stimuli can capture attention, and this can benefit or impair performance, depending on the characteristics of a task. Additionally, whilst some findings show that attention expands under positive conditions, others show... Read More about Emotional real-world scenes impact visual search.
Uptake of health services by people from the Dalit community (2018)
Journal Article
Thapa, R., van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P., & Heaslip, V. (2018). Uptake of health services by people from the Dalit community. Journal of BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, 1(2), 1-6. and reports on uptake of health services in Nepal and other low-income countries often focus on limitations due to physical factors, such as travel distance to health facility, or lack of medical facilities or electricity at the health care c... Read More about Uptake of health services by people from the Dalit community.
Changes in dynamic strength index in response to strength training (2018)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Thomas, C., Dos'Santos, T., Suchomel, T., Jones, P., & McMahon, J. (2018). Changes in dynamic strength index in response to strength training. Sports, 6(4), 176. primary aim of this investigation was to determine the effects of a four-week period of in-season strength training on the dynamic strength index (DSI). Pre and post a four-week period of strength-based training, twenty-four collegiate athletes (... Read More about Changes in dynamic strength index in response to strength training.
Establishing raw acceleration thresholds to classify sedentary and stationary behaviour in children (2018)
Journal Article
This study aimed to: (1) compare acceleration output between ActiGraph (AG) hip and wrist monitors and GENEActiv (GA) wrist monitors; (2) identify raw acceleration sedentary and stationary thresholds for the two brands and placements; and (3) validat... Read More about Establishing raw acceleration thresholds to classify sedentary and stationary behaviour in children.
The Change Up Project : using social norming theory with young people to address domestic abuse and promote healthy relationships (2018)
Journal Article
Rogers, M., Rumley, T., & Lovatt, G. (2019). The Change Up Project : using social norming theory with young people to address domestic abuse and promote healthy relationships. Journal of Family Violence, 34, 507-519. paper presents the findings of a secondary analysis of data collected during a pilot project, Change Up, which used a social norming approach (SNA) to address domestic violence and abuse (DVA) with young people aged 13–14. A SNA is based upon a... Read More about The Change Up Project : using social norming theory with young people to address domestic abuse and promote healthy relationships.
Targeted population surveys on drug use in recreational settings across Europe (2018)
Book Chapter
Race/Ethnicity, crime and social control : an introduction (2018)
Journal Article
Patel, T. (2018). Race/Ethnicity, crime and social control : an introduction. Social Sciences, 7(12), 271. editor introduction of journal special issue.
ROI-based reversible watermarking scheme for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of DICOM MR images (2018)
Journal Article
Reversible and imperceptible watermarking is recognized as a robust approach to confirm the integrity and authenticity of medical images and to verify that alterations can be detected and tracked back. In this paper, a novel blind reversible watermar... Read More about ROI-based reversible watermarking scheme for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of DICOM MR images.
The biomechanical characteristics of high-performance endurance running (2018)
Journal Article
Preece, S., Bramah, C., & Mason, D. (2019). The biomechanical characteristics of high-performance endurance running. European Journal of Sport Science, 19(6), 784-792. biomechanical profile of high-level endurance runners may represent a useful model that could be used for developing training programmes designed to improve running style. This study, therefore, sought to compare the biomechanical characteristics... Read More about The biomechanical characteristics of high-performance endurance running.
Comparison of change of direction speed performance and asymmetries between team-sport athletes : application of change of direction deficit (2018)
Journal Article
Dos'Santos, T., Thomas, C., Comfort, P., & Jones, P. (2018). Comparison of change of direction speed performance and asymmetries between team-sport athletes : application of change of direction deficit. Sports, 6(4), 174. purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to examine differences in change of direction (COD) performance and asymmetries between team-sports while considering the effects of sex and sport; (2) to evaluate the relationship between linear speed, COD... Read More about Comparison of change of direction speed performance and asymmetries between team-sport athletes : application of change of direction deficit.
SWOT : what is it all about and how do you use it? (2018)
Journal Article
This article examines the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis tool commonly known as SWOT and how support workers can use this in decision-making, problem-solving and in identifying where changes in clinical practice are needed.... Read More about SWOT : what is it all about and how do you use it?.
Crowdsourcing in health professions education : what radiography educators can learn from other disciplines (2018)
Journal Article
St John-Matthews, J., Newton, P., Grant, A., & Robinson, L. (2018). Crowdsourcing in health professions education : what radiography educators can learn from other disciplines. Radiography, 25(2), 164-169. Crowdsourcing works through an institution outsourcing a function normally performed by an employee or group of individuals. Within a crowdsource users, known as the crowd, form a community who voluntarily undertake a task which involves... Read More about Crowdsourcing in health professions education : what radiography educators can learn from other disciplines.
Local dynamic stability of the locomotion of lower extremity joints and trunk during backward upslope walking (2018)
Journal Article
Backward slope walking was considered as a
practical rehabilitation and training skill. However, its gait stability has been hardly studied, resulting in its limited application as a rehabilitation tool. In this study, the effect of walking directio... Read More about Local dynamic stability of the locomotion of lower extremity joints and trunk during backward upslope walking.