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Relativistic and pseudorelativistic formulation of nonlinear envelope equations with spatiotemporal dispersion. II. Saturable systems (2018)
Journal Article

We consider an envelope equation with space-time symmetry for describing scalar waves in systems with spatiotemporal dispersion and a generic saturable nonlinearity. Exact bright and gray solitons are derived by direct integration methods and coordin... Read More about Relativistic and pseudorelativistic formulation of nonlinear envelope equations with spatiotemporal dispersion. II. Saturable systems.

Relativistic and pseudorelativistic formulation of nonlinear envelope equations with spatiotemporal dispersion. I. Cubic-quintic systems (2018)
Journal Article

A generic envelope equation is proposed for describing the evolution of scalar pulses in systems with spatiotemporal dispersion and cubic-quintic nonlinearity. Our analysis has application, for instance, in waveguide optics where the physical origin... Read More about Relativistic and pseudorelativistic formulation of nonlinear envelope equations with spatiotemporal dispersion. I. Cubic-quintic systems.

Spontaneous spatial fractal pattern formation in dispersive systems (2017)
Journal Article
Huang, J., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. (2017). Spontaneous spatial fractal pattern formation in dispersive systems. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 26(01),

We report spontaneous spatial optical fractal patterns in a ring cavity containing a thin slice of diffusive Kerr-type material. The Turing threshold instability condition is derived through linear analysis, and static patterns are found to be descri... Read More about Spontaneous spatial fractal pattern formation in dispersive systems.

Vector dark solitons in systems with spatiotemporal dispersion and cubic nonlinearity : solutions and stability, transformations and relativity (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Carter, L., Christian, J., McDonald, G., & Chamorro-Posada, P. (2015, July). Vector dark solitons in systems with spatiotemporal dispersion and cubic nonlinearity : solutions and stability, transformations and relativity. Presented at 12th International Conference on the Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Karlsruhe, Germany

The origin of conventional models for nonlinear optical pulse propagation lies in the ubiquitous slowly-varying envelope approximation (SVEA) accompanied by a Galilean boost to a local-time frame. While such a near-universal procedure typically resul... Read More about Vector dark solitons in systems with spatiotemporal dispersion and cubic nonlinearity : solutions and stability, transformations and relativity.

Nonlinear Helmholtz wave refraction & Goos-Hänchen shifts in nonparaxial optics : angles and interfaces, solitons and Snell's law (2015)
Presentation / Conference
McCoy, E., Christian, J., Sanchez-Curto, J., & McDonald, G. (2015, July). Nonlinear Helmholtz wave refraction & Goos-Hänchen shifts in nonparaxial optics : angles and interfaces, solitons and Snell's law. Presented at 12th International Conference on the Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Karlsruhe, Germany

The interaction of self-localized waves with an abrupt interface is a problem of fundamental importance in many branches of physics, engineering, and applied mathematics. Waveguide optics, for instance, is dominated in an essential way by such consid... Read More about Nonlinear Helmholtz wave refraction & Goos-Hänchen shifts in nonparaxial optics : angles and interfaces, solitons and Snell's law.

Diffraction of Weierstrass scalar fractal waves by circular apertures : symmetry and patterns, complexity and dimension (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., Woodroofe, E., & McDonald, G. (2015, July). Diffraction of Weierstrass scalar fractal waves by circular apertures : symmetry and patterns, complexity and dimension. Presented at 12th International Conference on the Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Karlsruhe, Germany

The diffraction of plane waves from simple hard-edged apertures constitutes a class of boundary value problem that is well understood in optics, at least within the scalar approximation. Similarly, the diffraction of such waves from fractal apertures... Read More about Diffraction of Weierstrass scalar fractal waves by circular apertures : symmetry and patterns, complexity and dimension.

Unstable resonators with polygon and von Koch-type boundary conditions : virtual source modelling of fractal eigenmodes (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Christian, J., Begleris, I., Wickham, S., McDonald, G., & Huang, J. (2015, July). Unstable resonators with polygon and von Koch-type boundary conditions : virtual source modelling of fractal eigenmodes. Presented at 12th International Conference on the Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Karlsruhe, Germany

We will report on our latest research into modelling fractal lasers (linear systems that involve geometrically-unstable resonators with inherent magnification), and propose two new classes of cavity configuration. These devices are of fundamental the... Read More about Unstable resonators with polygon and von Koch-type boundary conditions : virtual source modelling of fractal eigenmodes.

Multi-Turing instabilities & spontaneous patterns in discrete nonlinear systems : simplicity and complexity, cavities and counterpropagation (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Bostock, C., Christian, J., Leite, A., McDonald, G., & Huang, J. (2015, June). Multi-Turing instabilities & spontaneous patterns in discrete nonlinear systems : simplicity and complexity, cavities and counterpropagation. Presented at 12th International Conference on the Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Karlsruhe, Germany

Alan Turing's profound insight into morphogenesis, published in 1952, has provided the cornerstone for understanding the origin of pattern and form in Nature. When the uniform states of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion system are sufficiently stressed,... Read More about Multi-Turing instabilities & spontaneous patterns in discrete nonlinear systems : simplicity and complexity, cavities and counterpropagation.

On the asymptotic evolution of finite energy Airy wavefunctions (2015)
Journal Article
Chamorro-Posada, P., Sanchez-Curto, J., Aceves, A., & McDonald, G. (2015). On the asymptotic evolution of finite energy Airy wavefunctions. Optics Letters, 40(12), 2850-2853.

In general, there is an inverse relation between the degree of localization of a wavefunction of a certain class and its transform representation dictated by the scaling property of the Fourier transform. We report that in the case of finite energy A... Read More about On the asymptotic evolution of finite energy Airy wavefunctions.

Helmholtz non-paraxial beam propagation method: An assessment (2014)
Journal Article
Chamorro-Posada, P., & McDonald, G. (2014). Helmholtz non-paraxial beam propagation method: An assessment. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 23(4),

We present a performance evaluation of a non-paraxial beam propagation method suitable for the study of Helmholtz solitons. The analysis aims to determine the accuracy limits of the numerical scheme in terms of the maximum propagation angle addressab... Read More about Helmholtz non-paraxial beam propagation method: An assessment.

Single interfaces and coupled-waveguide arrays: off-axis nonparaxial analyses (2014)
Presentation / Conference
McCoy, E., Christian, J., McDonald, G., Sanchez-Curto, J., & Chamorro-Posada, P. (2014, September). Single interfaces and coupled-waveguide arrays: off-axis nonparaxial analyses. Presented at 5th European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany

We report on our most recent results concerning arbitrary-angle spatial soliton
refraction at the interface between dissimilar dielectrics, each of which comprises
both X(3)and X(5) susceptibilities. Attention is also paid to the oblique injectio... Read More about Single interfaces and coupled-waveguide arrays: off-axis nonparaxial analyses.

Efficient parallel implementation of the nonparaxial beam propagation method (2014)
Journal Article
Sanchez-Curto, J., Chamorro-Posada, P., & McDonald, G. (2014). Efficient parallel implementation of the nonparaxial beam propagation method. Parallel Computing, 40(8), 394-407.

An efficient parallel implementation of a nonparaxial beam propagation method for the numerical study of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation is presented. Our solution focuses on minimizing communication and computational demands of the method which are... Read More about Efficient parallel implementation of the nonparaxial beam propagation method.

Widely varying giant Goos–Hänchen shifts from airy beams at nonlinear interfaces (2014)
Journal Article
Chamorro-Posada, P., Sánchez-Curto, J., Aceves, A., & McDonald, G. (2014). Widely varying giant Goos–Hänchen shifts from airy beams at nonlinear interfaces. Optics Letters, 39(6), 1378-1381.

We present a numerical study of the giant Goos–Hänchen shifts (GHSs) obtained from an Airy beam impinging on a nonlinear interface. To avoid any angular restriction associated with the paraxial approximation, the analysis is based on the nonlinear He... Read More about Widely varying giant Goos–Hänchen shifts from airy beams at nonlinear interfaces.

Gravitational theoretical development supporting MOND (2013)
Journal Article
Chadwick, E., Hodgkinson, T., & McDonald, G. (2013). Gravitational theoretical development supporting MOND. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 88(024036),

Conformal geometry is considered within a general relativistic framework. An invariant distant for proper time is defined and a parallel displacement is applied in the distorted space-time, modifying Einstein’s equation appropriately. A particular so... Read More about Gravitational theoretical development supporting MOND.

Coupled spatiotemporal waves: New paradigms in vector soliton physics (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Ashley, J. T., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. (2013, June). Coupled spatiotemporal waves: New paradigms in vector soliton physics. Presented at College of Science & Technology Research Showcase, University of Salford

In this presentation, we propose a novel spatiotemporal generalization of Menyuk’s classic equations [1] describing the propagation of two nonlinearly-coupled waves in a dispersive optical system (such as a fibre or planar waveguide). Our approach is... Read More about Coupled spatiotemporal waves: New paradigms in vector soliton physics.

Algebraic soliton refraction: New wave contexts for nonlinear Snell’s law (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Yates, R., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. (2013, June). Algebraic soliton refraction: New wave contexts for nonlinear Snell’s law. Presented at College of Science & Technology Research Showcase, University of Salford

The refraction of light waves at planar interfaces is a problem of fundamental interest to the optics community. To date, our Snell’s law-type analyses have considered only families of hyperbolic solitons – robust nonlinear beams that are strongly (e... Read More about Algebraic soliton refraction: New wave contexts for nonlinear Snell’s law.

Refraction at interfaces with X(5) nonlinearity: Snell’s law & Goos-Hänchen shifts (2013)
Presentation / Conference
McCoy, E., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. (2013, June). Refraction at interfaces with X(5) nonlinearity: Snell’s law & Goos-Hänchen shifts. Presented at College of Science & Technology Research Showcase, University of Salford

In this presentation, we give the first detailed overview of spatial soliton refraction at the planar interface between materials whose nonlinear polarization has contributions from both X(3)and X(5)susceptibilities [1]. The governing equation is of... Read More about Refraction at interfaces with X(5) nonlinearity: Snell’s law & Goos-Hänchen shifts.

Kaleidoscope lasers: Polygonal boundary conditions & geometrical instabilities (2013)
Presentation / Conference
McDonald, G., Christian, J., & Huang, J. (2013, June). Kaleidoscope lasers: Polygonal boundary conditions & geometrical instabilities. Presented at College of Science & Technology Research Showcase, University of Salford

Kaleidoscope lasers are geometrically unstable cavities with a feedback mirror that has the shape of a regular polygon [1]. Early calculations of the transverse eigenmodes of these systems hinted toward a fractal (or multi-scale) characteristic, but... Read More about Kaleidoscope lasers: Polygonal boundary conditions & geometrical instabilities.

The spatiotemporal ginzburg-landau equation: Dissipative solitons & stability (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Bresnahan, D., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. (2013, June). The spatiotemporal ginzburg-landau equation: Dissipative solitons & stability. Presented at College of Science & Technology Research Showcase, University of Salford

The complex Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation describes universal wave propagation in dispersive systems that also exhibit competition between amplification and dissipation [1,2]. The balance between dispersive effects (group-velocity dispersion and self... Read More about The spatiotemporal ginzburg-landau equation: Dissipative solitons & stability.