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Dr Saad Yousif's Outputs (33)

Development of a microsimulation model for motorway roadworks with narrow lanes (2019)
Journal Article
Nassrullah, Z., & Yousif, S. (2020). Development of a microsimulation model for motorway roadworks with narrow lanes. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(4), 1536-1546.

This paper presents a newly developed microsimulation model for motorway roadwork sections to evaluate the efficiency of different temporary traffic management schemes (TTMSs) such as the use of narrow lanes, offside and inside lane closures. The eff... Read More about Development of a microsimulation model for motorway roadworks with narrow lanes.

Modelling drivers’ behaviour within the dilemma zone at traffic signal junctions (2018)
Al-Mukaram, N. (in press). Modelling drivers’ behaviour within the dilemma zone at traffic signal junctions. (Thesis). University of Salford

The current study introduces a newly developed, calibrated, and validated micro-simulation model for predicting drivers’ decisions following the onset of an amber traffic light signal under the effect of the dilemma zone where a driver can neither st... Read More about Modelling drivers’ behaviour within the dilemma zone at traffic signal junctions.

Biomimetic deployable structures (2018)
Fenci, G. Biomimetic deployable structures. (Thesis). University of Salford

Modern architectural designs aim at creating dynamic and flexible spaces, able to adapt to the ever-changing environment by virtue of temporary and convertible structures. Biomimetics is the applied science that, through the imitation of nature, find... Read More about Biomimetic deployable structures.

Narrow lanes and their effect on drivers’ behaviour at motorway roadworks (2017)
Journal Article
Yousif, S., Nassrullah, Z., & Norgate, S. (2017). Narrow lanes and their effect on drivers’ behaviour at motorway roadworks. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 47, 86-100.

In recent years, more use of narrow lanes as a temporary traffic management scheme (TTMS) on UK motorway roadwork sections has been made. The rationale is to free up carriageway space, especially for sites with high traffic demands needing repairs. W... Read More about Narrow lanes and their effect on drivers’ behaviour at motorway roadworks.

Observations of traffic behaviour from UK motorway roadworks sections with narrow lanes (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Nassrullah, Z., Yousif, S., & Norgate, S. (2016, January). Observations of traffic behaviour from UK motorway roadworks sections with narrow lanes. Presented at UTSG, Bristol, UK

In recent years, implementation of narrow lanes is frequently used as a temporary traffic management scheme (TTMS) on UK motorway roadwork sections. The rationale is to free up carriageway space, especially for sites with high traffic demands needing... Read More about Observations of traffic behaviour from UK motorway roadworks sections with narrow lanes.

Traffic microsimulation (2015)
Journal Article
Yousif, S. (2015). Traffic microsimulation. Traffic technology international, Feb, 28-34

Dr Saad Yousif discusses traffic microsimulation with Lauren Ansell of Traffic Technology International magazine.

Modeling shuttle-lane roadworks operated by temporary traffic signals using micro-simulation (2014)
Journal Article
Alterawi, M., & Yousif, S. (2014). Modeling shuttle-lane roadworks operated by temporary traffic signals using micro-simulation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15(5), 2159-2168.

This paper presents a newly developed micro-simulation model for shuttle-lane urban roadworks (which is closing one lane of a single carriageway road while leaving the other for use by both directions in an alternate one-way working) focusing on issu... Read More about Modeling shuttle-lane roadworks operated by temporary traffic signals using micro-simulation.

Red light running and close following behaviour at urban shuttle-lane roadworks (2014)
Journal Article
Yousif, S., Alterawi, M., & Henson, R. (2014). Red light running and close following behaviour at urban shuttle-lane roadworks. Accident analysis and prevention, 66, 147-157.

Roadworks (work zones) are a common feature of our urban environment. They have a considerable impact on reducing roadway capacity, causing interruptions and imposing substantial delays to road users, which in turn adds to the cost to society and adv... Read More about Red light running and close following behaviour at urban shuttle-lane roadworks.

Critical review of research on high-cycle fatigue behaviour of brick masonry (2013)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Tomor, A., Melbourne, C., & Yousif, S. (2013). Critical review of research on high-cycle fatigue behaviour of brick masonry. Construction and Building Materials, 38, 602-609.

Prediction of the level of service load above which accumulative damage occurs is a key priority for the
masonry arch bridge owners. Limited investigations have been undertaken previously on the high-cycle fatigue behaviour of brick masonry in order... Read More about Critical review of research on high-cycle fatigue behaviour of brick masonry.

Effect of road narrowing on junction capacity using microsimulation (2012)
Journal Article
Yousif, S., Alterawi, M., & Henson, R. (2013). Effect of road narrowing on junction capacity using microsimulation. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(6), 574-584.

Traffic-calming measures have been widely used in urban areas, aiming sometimes to reduce vehicle flow rates but primarily to reduce speed and, hence, the number and severity of traffic accidents. The one-way priority working road narrowing (throttle... Read More about Effect of road narrowing on junction capacity using microsimulation.

Drivers’ lane utilization for UK motorways (2012)
Journal Article
Yousif, S., Al-Obaedi, J., & Henson, R. (2013). Drivers’ lane utilization for UK motorways. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(5), 441-447.

Lane utilization represents how the rate of traffic flow is distributed among the available number of lanes in a given section. This utilization or split is affected by several factors including traffic flow rates as well as the presence and amount o... Read More about Drivers’ lane utilization for UK motorways.

Microsimulation model for motorway merges with ramp-metering controls (2012)
Journal Article
with ramp-metering controls. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13(1), 296-306.

This paper presents a newly developed microsimulation model for motorway merge traffic, focusing on issues that relate to ramp-metering (RM) control and its effectiveness. The model deals with general and more specific drivers’ behavioral tasks, such... Read More about Microsimulation model for motorway merges with ramp-metering controls.

Modeling factors influencing the capacity of motorway merge sections controlled by ramp metering (2011)
Presentation / Conference
sections controlled by ramp metering. Presented at 6th International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, Stockholm, Sweden

This paper focuses on studying factors which are likely to affect motorway merge capacity when ramp metering controls are in use. A newly developed traffic micro-simulation model has been used for this purpose and the well known ALINEA and Demand-Cap... Read More about Modeling factors influencing the capacity of motorway merge sections controlled by ramp metering.

Development of traffic micro-simulation model for motorway merges with ramp metering (2011)
Al-Obaedi, J. Development of traffic micro-simulation model for motorway merges with ramp metering. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

This thesis focuses on the development of a micro-simulation model for motorway merge
sections. The aim is to study the effectiveness of applying some traffic management
controls and particularly focuses on applying ramp metering (RM) systems.
T... Read More about Development of traffic micro-simulation model for motorway merges with ramp metering.

Developing a simulation model to evaluate the capacity of weaving sections (2011)
Al-Jameel, H. Developing a simulation model to evaluate the capacity of weaving sections. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Weaving sections have proved to cause bottlenecks on motorways because of the relatively
frequent lane changes in these sections. The use of analytical models in assessing weaving
section capacity (such as those suggested by the Highway Capacity Ma... Read More about Developing a simulation model to evaluate the capacity of weaving sections.