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Prof Stephen Preece's Outputs (4)

The association between running kinematics and common overuse injuries in runners : implications for injury and rehabilitation (2020)
Bramah, C. The association between running kinematics and common overuse injuries in runners : implications for injury and rehabilitation. (Thesis). University of Salford

Background: Running related injuries are influenced by a complex interaction between multiple factors. Running kinematic patterns represent one such factor which will influence the load applied to musculoskeletal structures during each foot contact o... Read More about The association between running kinematics and common overuse injuries in runners : implications for injury and rehabilitation.

The biomechanical effect of trunk inclination on joint moments and muscle activation in people with knee osteoarthritis (2018)
Algarni, A. (in press). The biomechanical effect of trunk inclination on joint moments and muscle activation in people with knee osteoarthritis. (Thesis). University of Salford

Knee osteoarthritis is a progressive disease, which is associated with pain, stiffness and disability. Previous research has demonstrated that the progression of knee OA is influenced by numerous biomechanical factors, which will affect the loading o... Read More about The biomechanical effect of trunk inclination on joint moments and muscle activation in people with knee osteoarthritis.

Measuring physical activity in obese populations using accelerometry (2015)
Gerrard-Longworth, S. (in press). Measuring physical activity in obese populations using accelerometry. (Thesis). University of Salford

The thesis is concerned with objectively measuring human physical activity through
accelerometry, and compares the effectiveness of algorithms between obese and non-obese
groups. The thesis comprises three studies:
Classification of Aerobic and... Read More about Measuring physical activity in obese populations using accelerometry.

Improving the design of the curved rocker shoe for people with diabetes
Chapman, J. Improving the design of the curved rocker shoe for people with diabetes. (Thesis). University of Salford

Foot ulceration and re-ulceration are a serious problem in people with diabetes as the outcome can be lower limb amputation, reducing quality of life and increasing mortality. The pathogenesis of foot ulceration is multifactorial with n... Read More about Improving the design of the curved rocker shoe for people with diabetes.