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Prof Stephen Preece's Recognition (9)

Panel member NIHR Research for Patient Benefit
2022 - 2027

Recognition Type Committee/board/panel member or chair (external)
Description NIHR funding panel: Research for patient benefit
Affiliated Organisations National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

PhD examination: Dublin City University

Recognition Type External examining and assessing
Description An investigation of the biomechanical factors associated with running injuries. Aoife Burke, Dublin City University

PhD examination: University of Cardiff

Recognition Type External examining and assessing
Description Does gait retraining have the potential to slow OA development and prolong the benefits of knee realignment surgery? Jake Bowd, University of Cardiff.

Cognitive Muscular Therapy for Low Back Pain

Recognition Type Internal funding award
Description Pilot study to obtain data for a future NIHR bid. This pump priming allowed us to secure a 260K NIHR grant. UoS Funding amount was 12K
Projects Behaviour change to reduce low back pain; a feasibility study.

Cognitive Muscular Therapy for people on a waiting list for knee replacement

Recognition Type Internal funding award
Description Pilot study to investigate potential efficacy of CMT for people awaiting joint replacement. Data used to support HTA application. UoS funding about was £45K

Peer review for National Medical Research Council, Singapore

Recognition Type Peer reviewer for funding body

EPRSC & NIHR peer review

Recognition Type Peer reviewer for funding body

Research Centre Director, Human Movement & Rehabilitation

Recognition Type Research leadership/admin role (internal)