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Dr Levingshan Augusthus Nelson's Outputs (38)

Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure (2021)
Journal Article
Augusthus Nelson, L., Lees, J., & Weekes, L. (2022). Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 259, 107987.

Fracture-based models commonly use a characteristic length as the basis for
determining size effects in concrete beams. The characteristic length is related
to the concrete fracture process zone and defined in terms of the concrete fracture propert... Read More about Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure.

Generalised analytical solutions for linear and non-linear bond-slip models for externally bonded FRP to a concrete substrate (2023)
Journal Article
Augusthus Nelson, L., Weekes, L., Milani, G., & Al-Allaf, M. (2024). Generalised analytical solutions for linear and non-linear bond-slip models for externally bonded FRP to a concrete substrate. Engineering Structures, 298,

This article presents a set of novel analytical derivations from generalised bond-slip models using first principles, which can be used to predict experimental outcomes, including maximum load resistance, load-slip response, and strain throughout the... Read More about Generalised analytical solutions for linear and non-linear bond-slip models for externally bonded FRP to a concrete substrate.

Equilibrium-based Approach To Establish Hinge Locations In Single-span Back-filled Masonry Arch Bridges Under Arbitrary Surcharge (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The assessment of masonry arches has gained significant importance due to the substantial reliance of transportation infrastructure on historic structures. Over the past few decades, there has been a discernible shift in the focus towards understandi... Read More about Equilibrium-based Approach To Establish Hinge Locations In Single-span Back-filled Masonry Arch Bridges Under Arbitrary Surcharge.

Sensitivities Of Interfacial Bond-Sip Properties In Predicting The Behaviour Of FRP-Strengthened Concrete (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The performance of FRP-bonded concrete is heavily influenced by the properties of the bond between the two materials. Various bond-slip models incorporating interfacial bond properties have been developed to understand and predict this behaviour. In... Read More about Sensitivities Of Interfacial Bond-Sip Properties In Predicting The Behaviour Of FRP-Strengthened Concrete.

The effect of metakaolin and hybrid polymers on the microstructure of concrete (2021)
Journal Article
concrete. Periodicals of engineering and natural sciences, 9(1), 162-173

It has been established that metakaolin (MK) can be applied as a supplementary cementitious material and
that some polymers can enhance substantial properties of concrete. Previous studies showed that, when used
in combination, MK and polymers can... Read More about The effect of metakaolin and hybrid polymers on the microstructure of concrete.

Analytical modelling of bond-slip failure between epoxy bonded FRP and concrete substrate (2020)
Journal Article
Augusthus Nelson, L., Al-Allaf, M., & Weekes, L. (2020). Analytical modelling of bond-slip failure between epoxy bonded FRP and concrete substrate. Composite Structures, 251, 112956.

In this paper, a set of explicit theoretical derivations from a generalised
bond-slip model for an epoxy bonded fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) sheet
to concrete are presented. The derivations address the maximum bond resistance, load-slip response,... Read More about Analytical modelling of bond-slip failure between epoxy bonded FRP and concrete substrate.

Validation of a finite element modelling approach on soil-foundation-structure interaction of a multi-storey wall-frame structure under dynamic loadings (2020)
Journal Article

Validated numerical approaches are very important in dynamic studies of soil-structure interaction. Experimental outputs of physical models are required to validate the numerical approaches. Testing and analysis of an experimental scaled model is eco... Read More about Validation of a finite element modelling approach on soil-foundation-structure interaction of a multi-storey wall-frame structure under dynamic loadings.

Modeling the behavior of radially pinned brick triplets (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Haynes, J., Naggasa, A., Augusthus-Nelson, L., El-basir, F., & Alsaleh, A. (2019, October). Modeling the behavior of radially pinned brick triplets. Presented at 9th International Conference on Arch Bridges, Porto, Portugal

The continued use of many UK highway and railway masonry arch bridges is dependent upon maintaining robustness as the materials deteriorate over time. A common failure in multi-ring brickwork arches subject to fatigue, is ring separation.
This pape... Read More about Modeling the behavior of radially pinned brick triplets.

Sustainable high-performance concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture : mechanical properties, durability and microstructure (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of supplementary cementitious materials and polymers to produce high-performance concrete. This paper shows the results of a study on the effect of metakaolin and polymer admixture on mech... Read More about Sustainable high-performance concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture : mechanical properties, durability and microstructure.

An experimental study of concrete resistivity and the effects of electrode configuration and current frequency on measurement (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Oleiwi, H., Wang, Y., Xiang, N., Augusthus Nelson, L., Chen, X., & Shabalin, I. (2018, July). An experimental study of concrete resistivity and the effects of electrode configuration and current frequency on measurement. Presented at Sixth International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, University of Leeds, UK

Electrical resistivity, a measurable parameter of the state of concrete, plays an important role in the assessment of reinforced concrete structures. An experimental study using two-electrode method has been conducted to evaluate the resistivity of P... Read More about An experimental study of concrete resistivity and the effects of electrode configuration and current frequency on measurement.

Use of finite element analysis to investigate the structural behaviour of masonry arch bridges subject to foundation settlement (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper investigates the effect of foundation settling on masonry arch bridge structural behaviour using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Masonry arch bridges form a
large proportion of existing European infrastructure such as rail and road bridges... Read More about Use of finite element analysis to investigate the structural behaviour of masonry arch bridges subject to foundation settlement.

Experimental & numerical simulation of soil boundary conditions under dynamic effects (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Qaftan, O., Weekes, L., Toma-Sabbagh, T., & Augusthus Nelson, L. (2018, June). Experimental & numerical simulation of soil boundary conditions under dynamic effects. Presented at 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece

When conducting earthquake simulation tests, one of the main concerns is the modelling of boundary effects created by artificial boundaries of a soil model container. The function of this soil container is to hold the soil in place during the excitat... Read More about Experimental & numerical simulation of soil boundary conditions under dynamic effects.