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Dr Mark Hughes' Outputs (41)

Spectroscopic properties of Er doped and Er, Nd codoped fluoride glasses under simulated sunlight illumination (2011)
Journal Article
under simulated sunlight illumination. Optical Materials, 33(12), 1958-1963.

We investigated the fluorescence characteristics of Er codoped Nd doped ZBLAN glasses proposed for solar pumped fiber laser (SPFL) under simulated sunlight. Er is used as a sensitizer because it absorbs a part of the ultraviolet and visible light whe... Read More about Spectroscopic properties of Er doped and Er, Nd codoped fluoride glasses under simulated sunlight illumination.

Electroluminescence from electrostatically doped carbon nanotubes (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Hughes, M., Hata, K., Kishimoto, S., Ohno, Y., & Mizutani, T. (2011, March). Electroluminescence from electrostatically doped carbon nanotubes. Presented at The Japan Society of Applied Physics 58th Spring Meeting, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Kanagawa

Determination of the oxidation state and coordination of a vanadium doped chalcogenide glass (2011)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Curry, R., & Hewak, D. (2011). Determination of the oxidation state and coordination of a vanadium doped chalcogenide glass. Optical Materials, 33, 315-322.

Vanadium doped chalcogenide glass has potential as an active gain medium, particularly at telecommunications
wavelengths. This dopant has three spin allowed absorption transitions at 1100, 737 and
578 nm, and a spin forbidden absorption transition... Read More about Determination of the oxidation state and coordination of a vanadium doped chalcogenide glass.

Spectroscopy of bismuth-doped lead–aluminum–germanate glass and yttrium–aluminum–silicate glass (2010)
Journal Article
yttrium–aluminum–silicate glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(44-49), 2302-2309.

In this work we make a comparison between the spectroscopy of bismuth-doped lead–aluminum–
germanate (Bi:PAG) glass and bismuth-doped yttrium–aluminum–silicate (Bi:YAS) glass. We report the
variation in Bi absorption, emission and lifetime as the P... Read More about Spectroscopy of bismuth-doped lead–aluminum–germanate glass and yttrium–aluminum–silicate glass.

Quantum efficiency measurements on Nd-doped glasses for solar pumped lasers (2010)
Journal Article
Suzuki, T., Nasu, H., Hughes, M., Mizuno, S., Hasegawa, K., Ito, H., & Ohishi, Y. (2010). Quantum efficiency measurements on Nd-doped glasses for solar pumped lasers. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(44-49), 2344-2349.

Nd-doped SiO2–B2O3–Na2O–Al2O3–CaO–ZrO2 glasses were prepared and optical properties such as absorption, lifetime and quantum efficiencies (QEs) of the emission were characterized. QE measurement system with natural sunlight as an excitation source wa... Read More about Quantum efficiency measurements on Nd-doped glasses for solar pumped lasers.

Towards a high-performance optical gain medium based on bismuth and aluminum co-doped germanate glass (2010)
Journal Article
and aluminum co-doped germanate glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(6-8), 407-418.

In this paper we present the development process of glass based on bismuth and aluminum co-doped
germanate (GAB) glass. We found the addition of PbO to this glass (GAPB glass) increased the quantum
efficiency (QE). Excitation of GAPB glass at 808 n... Read More about Towards a high-performance optical gain medium based on bismuth and aluminum co-doped germanate glass.

The efficiencies of energy transfer from Cr to Nd ions in silicate glasses (2010)
Journal Article
Mizuno, S., Ito, H., Hasegawa, K., Nasu, H., Hughes, M., Suzuki, T., & Ohishi, Y. (2010). The efficiencies of energy transfer from Cr to Nd ions in silicate glasses.

The efficiency of energy transfer from Cr to Nd in silicate glasses has been examined in order to develop a gain medium for high-efficiency solar pumped fiber lasers (SPFLs). The internal quantum efficiency (QE) of the emission from the 4T2 state of... Read More about The efficiencies of energy transfer from Cr to Nd ions in silicate glasses.

Optical properties of Ni-doped MgGa2O4 single crystals grown by floating zone method (2010)
Journal Article
Suzuki, T., Hughes, M., & Ohishi, Y. (2010). Optical properties of Ni-doped MgGa2O4 single crystals grown by floating zone method. Journal of Luminescence, 130, 121-126.

The single crystal growth conditions and spectroscopic characterization of Ni-doped MgGa2O4MgGa2O4 with inverse-spinel structure crystal family are described. Single crystals of this material have been grown by floating zone method. Ni-doped MgGa2O4M... Read More about Optical properties of Ni-doped MgGa2O4 single crystals grown by floating zone method.

Ultrabroad emission from a bismuth doped chalcogenide glass (2009)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Akada, T., Suzuki, T., Ohishi, Y., & Hewak, D. (2009). Ultrabroad emission from a bismuth doped chalcogenide glass. Optics express, 17(22), 19345-19355.

We report emission from a bismuth doped chalcogenide glass
which is flattened, has a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 600 nm,
peaks at 1300 nm and covers the entire telecommunications window. At
cryogenic temperatures the FWHM reaches 850 nm.... Read More about Ultrabroad emission from a bismuth doped chalcogenide glass.

Compositional optimization of bismuth-doped yttria–alumina–silica glass (2009)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Suzuki, T., & Ohishi, Y. (2009). Compositional optimization of bismuth-doped yttria–alumina–silica glass. Optical Materials, 32(2), 368-373.

We fabricated three series of glasses in which the Y2O3, Bi2
O3 and Al2O3 contents of Bi-doped
Y2O3:Al2O3:SiO2 glass were varied. We optimized the content of each component based on quantum efficiency
(QE) and other optical properties. The strengt... Read More about Compositional optimization of bismuth-doped yttria–alumina–silica glass.

Spectral broadening in femtosecond laser written waveguides in chalcogenide glass (2009)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Yang, W., & Hewak, D. (2009). Spectral broadening in femtosecond laser written waveguides in chalcogenide glass. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 26(7), 1370-1378.

Nonlinear spectral broadening to 200 nm, from an initial width of 50 nm, has been demonstrated in gallium
lanthanum sulphide glass waveguides from 1540 nm, 200 fs pulses at 30 nJ/pulse. A formation mechanism is
presented for these femtosecond laser... Read More about Spectral broadening in femtosecond laser written waveguides in chalcogenide glass.

Spectroscopy of titanium-doped gallium lanthanum sulfide glass (2008)
Journal Article
lanthanum sulfide glass. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 25(9), 1458-1465.

Titanium-doped gallium lanthanum sulfide (Ti:GLS) and gallium lanthanum oxysulfide (Ti:GLSO) glasses have an absorption band at ∼500–600 nm that cannot be fully resolved because of its proximity to the band edge of the glass. At concentrations >0.5%... Read More about Spectroscopy of titanium-doped gallium lanthanum sulfide glass.

Advanced bismuth-doped lead-germanate glass for broadband optical gain devices (2008)
Journal Article
broadband optical gain devices. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 25(8), 1380-1386.

We fabricated a series of glasses with the composition 94.7- ͓GeO2-5Al2O3-0.3Bi2O3-͓PbO ( ͓ = 0–24 mol. %)
Characteristic absorption bands of bismuth centered at 500, 700, 800, and 1000 nm were observed. Adding PbO
was found to decrease the strengt... Read More about Advanced bismuth-doped lead-germanate glass for broadband optical gain devices.

Modified chalcogenide glasses for optical device applications (2007)
Hughes, M. (in press). Modified chalcogenide glasses for optical device applications. (Thesis). University of Southampton

This thesis focuses on two different, but complementary, aspects of the modification of
gallium lanthanum sulphide (GLS) glasses. Firstly the addition of transition metal ions
as dopants is examined and their potential for use as active optical mat... Read More about Modified chalcogenide glasses for optical device applications.

Concentration dependence of the fluorescence decay profile in transition metal doped chalcogenide glass (2007)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Hewak, D., & Curry, R. (2007). Concentration dependence of the fluorescence decay profile in transition metal doped chalcogenide glass. Proceedings of SPIE, 6469,

In this paper we present the fluorescence decay profiles of vanadium and titanium doped gallium lanthanum sulphide
(GLS) glass at various doping concentrations between 0.01 and 1% (molar). We demonstrate that below a critical doping
concentration t... Read More about Concentration dependence of the fluorescence decay profile in transition metal doped chalcogenide glass.

Spectroscopy of vanadium (III) doped gallium lanthanum sulphide chalcogenide glass (2007)
Journal Article
chalcogenide glass. Applied Physics Letters, 90, 031108.

Vanadiumdopedgalliumlanthanum sulphide glass (V:GLS) displays three absorption bands at 580, 730, and 1155nm identified by photoluminescence excitation measurements. Broad photoluminescence, with a full width at half maximum of ∼500nm , is observed... Read More about Spectroscopy of vanadium (III) doped gallium lanthanum sulphide chalcogenide glass.

Fabrication and characterization of femtosecond laser written waveguides in chalcogenide glass (2007)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Yang, W., & Hewak, D. (2007). Fabrication and characterization of femtosecond laser written waveguides in chalcogenide glass. Applied Physics Letters, 90, 131113.

The authors describe the fabrication of buried waveguides in a highly nonlinear chalcogenide glass,
gallium lanthanum sulfide, using focused femtosecond laser pulses. Through optical characterization
of the waveguides, they have proposed a formatio... Read More about Fabrication and characterization of femtosecond laser written waveguides in chalcogenide glass.

Compositional dependence of the optical properties of bismuth doped lead-aluminum-germanate glass
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Suzuki, T., & Ohishi, Y. (in press). Compositional dependence of the optical properties of bismuth doped lead-aluminum-germanate glass. Optical Materials, 32(9), 1028-1034.

We report the compositional dependence of absorption, emission, decay constant and quantum efficiency
(QE) of GeO2:Al2O3:PbO:Bi2O3 glass with the aim of finding the composition most suitable for a laser gain
medium. As the Bi2O3 content was varied... Read More about Compositional dependence of the optical properties of bismuth doped lead-aluminum-germanate glass.