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Dr Mark Hughes' Outputs (41)

Spin echo from erbium implanted silicon (2021)
Journal Article
Hughes, M. A., Panjwani, N. A., Urdampilleta, M., Homewood, K. P., Murdin, B., & Carey, J. D. (2021). Spin echo from erbium implanted silicon. Applied Physics Letters, 118(19), 194001.

Erbium implanted silicon as a quantum technology platform has both telecommunications and integrated circuit processing compatibility. In Si implanted with Er to a concentration of 3 × 1017 cm−3 and O to a concentration of 1020 cm−3, the electron spi... Read More about Spin echo from erbium implanted silicon.

The effect of lattice damage and annealing conditions on the hyperfine structure of ion implanted bismuth donors in silicon (2018)
Journal Article

This study reports on high energy bismuth ion implantation into silicon with a particular emphasis on the effect that annealing conditions have on the observed hyperfine structure of the Si:Bi donor state. A suppression of donor bound exciton, D0X, p... Read More about The effect of lattice damage and annealing conditions on the hyperfine structure of ion implanted bismuth donors in silicon.

High speed chalcogenide glass electrochemical metallization cells with various active metals (2018)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Burgess, A., Hinder, S., Gholizadeh, A., Craig, C., & Hewak, D. (2018). High speed chalcogenide glass electrochemical metallization cells with various active metals. Nanotechnology, 29(31), #315202.

We fabricated electrochemical metallization (ECM) cells using a GaLaSO solid electrolyte, a InSnO inactive electrode and active electrodes consisting of various metals (Cu, Ag, Fe, Cu, Mo, Al). Devices with Ag and Cu active metals showed consistent a... Read More about High speed chalcogenide glass electrochemical metallization cells with various active metals.

Electrical properties of bi-implanted amorphous chalcogenide films (2015)
Journal Article
Fedorenko, Y., & Hughes, M. (2015). Electrical properties of bi-implanted amorphous chalcogenide films. Thin Solid Films, 589, 369-375.

The impact of Bi implantation on the conductivity and the thermopower of GeTe, Ge–Sb–Te, and Ga–La–S films is investigated. The enhanced conductivity appears to be notably sensitive to a dose of an implant. Incorporation of Bi in amorphous chalcogeni... Read More about Electrical properties of bi-implanted amorphous chalcogenide films.

Crystal field analysis of Dy and Tm implanted silicon for photonic and quantum technologies (2014)
Journal Article
silicon for photonic and quantum technologies. Optics express, 22(24), 29292-29303.

We report the lattice site and symmetry of optically active Dy3+
and Tm3+ implanted Si. Local symmetry was determined by fitting crystal
field parameters (CFPs), corresponding to various common symmetries, to
the ground state splitting determined... Read More about Crystal field analysis of Dy and Tm implanted silicon for photonic and quantum technologies.

Electroluminescence from an electrostatically doped carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (2014)
Journal Article
carbon nanotube field-effect transistor. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 6(10), 881-886.

We report electroluminescence (EL) from a carbon nanotube field-effect transistor with split-gates.
EL is generated by the electrostatic doping technique. Six EL bands could be observed, with the
strongest band peaking between 0.867 and 0.850 eV wi... Read More about Electroluminescence from an electrostatically doped carbon nanotube field-effect transistor.

Photocurrent from a carbon nanotube diode with splitgate and asymmetric contact geometry (2014)
Journal Article
and asymmetric contact geometry. Materials Research Express, 1(2), 026304.

We fabricated a Ti/Pd asymmetrically contacted single carbon nanotube (CNT)
field-effect transistor (FET) with split-gates. Transfer characteristics can be
explained if the Schottky barrier for electrons is lower at the Pd contact than it is
at th... Read More about Photocurrent from a carbon nanotube diode with splitgate and asymmetric contact geometry.

Waveguides in Ni-doped glass and glass–ceramic written with a 1 kHz femtosecond laser (2014)
Journal Article
femtosecond laser. Optical Materials, 36(6), 1604-1608.

We report waveguides in Ni-doped Li2O–Ga2O3–SiO2 (Ni:LGS) glass and glass–ceramic (GC) fabricated
with a femtosecond (fs) laser with repetition rate of 1 kHz. When the glass is annealed to form a GC,
the waveguides are erased. However, in the GC th... Read More about Waveguides in Ni-doped glass and glass–ceramic written with a 1 kHz femtosecond laser.

Split gate and asymmetric contact carbon nanotube optical devices (2014)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Homewood, K., Curry, R., Ohno, Y., & Mizutani, T. (2014). Split gate and asymmetric contact carbon nanotube optical devices.

Asymmetric contacts or split gate geometries can be used to obtain rectification, electroluminescence (EL) and photocurrent from carbon nanotube field effect transistors. Here, we report devices with both split gates and asymmetric contacts and show... Read More about Split gate and asymmetric contact carbon nanotube optical devices.

An ultra-low leakage current single carbon nanotube diode with split-gate and asymmetric contact geometry (2013)
Journal Article
Hughes, M., Homewood, K., Curry, R., & Ohno, Y. (2013). An ultra-low leakage current single carbon nanotube diode with split-gate and asymmetric contact geometry. Applied Physics Letters, 103(13), 133508.

A single carbon nanotube diode is reported, with Ti and Pd contacts, and split gates. Without gate bias the device displays strong rectification, with a leakage current (I0) of 6 × 10−16 A, and an ideality factor (η) of 1.38. When the gate above the... Read More about An ultra-low leakage current single carbon nanotube diode with split-gate and asymmetric contact geometry.

Direct laser writing of relief diffraction gratings into a bulk chalcogenide glass (2012)
Journal Article
into a bulk chalcogenide glass. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 29(10), 2779-2786.

We inscribed relief diffraction gratings with periods of 6, 14, and 24 μm into the surface of Ge15Ga3Sb12S70 bulk
glass by the material’s ablation using a femtosecond λ � 800 nm Ti:sapphire pulsed laser. The laser writing was
done with sample imple... Read More about Direct laser writing of relief diffraction gratings into a bulk chalcogenide glass.