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Dr Manuel Hernandez Perez's Outputs (53)

Serial narrative, intertextuality, and the role of audiences in the creation of a franchise : an analysis of the Indiana Jones saga from a cross-media perspective (2013)
Journal Article

Rather than the simple adaptation of a story across different media, cross-media narrative should be defined as that which is transformed by virtue of use a medium and its different languages (film, comics, video games, etc.). This article extends an... Read More about Serial narrative, intertextuality, and the role of audiences in the creation of a franchise : an analysis of the Indiana Jones saga from a cross-media perspective.

Profiles and characters : evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games (2012)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M. (2012). Profiles and characters : evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games. SEECI 2000 (Internet), XVI(28), 30-48.

Role-playing games -along with social networks- have become the most popular
leisure activity online. This paper locates the origin of these web platforms in the
digital evolution of collaborative narratives and role-playing games. In order to do s... Read More about Profiles and characters : evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games.

Historias en red : impacto de las redes sociales en los procesos de comunicación (2012)
Mateo, M., Grandío, M., & Hernandez Perez, M. (2012). Historias en red : impacto de las redes sociales en los procesos de comunicación. Editum Media

The impact of Social Networks in the social, media, cultural and legal context of our country is already a palpable reality. This collective work is presented as a book to understand the scenario marked by the new relationships that Social Networks o... Read More about Historias en red : impacto de las redes sociales en los procesos de comunicación.

Crossmedia narratives in the Science-Fiction television discourse. The case of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010) (2011)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M., & Grandio Perez, M. (2011). Crossmedia narratives in the Science-Fiction television discourse. The case of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010). Área abierta, 1-20

This article explores the Science Fiction crossmedia television narratives and their key uses for the promotion and the creation of entertainment in the current television system. Henry Jenkins and others have pointed out to the genre of science fict... Read More about Crossmedia narratives in the Science-Fiction television discourse. The case of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010).

Pensar el cine blockbuster : el rol de la educación y el conocimiento en Indiana Jones y el Reino de la Calavera de Cristal (2011)
Journal Article
Ferreras Rodríguez, J., & Hernandez Perez, M. (2011). Pensar el cine blockbuster : el rol de la educación y el conocimiento en Indiana Jones y el Reino de la Calavera de Cristal. Comunicación (Sevilla. Internet), 1(9), 175-188

The Indiana Jones series is on the foundation of the so called «blockbuster» phenomenon, a cinema that represents huge financial investments for the studios every year but is usually disregarded by scholars as empty. Despite that, it would be fair to... Read More about Pensar el cine blockbuster : el rol de la educación y el conocimiento en Indiana Jones y el Reino de la Calavera de Cristal.

Book review : Nancy Frey & Douglas Fisher (eds.) (2008). Teaching visual literacy: Using comic books, graphic novels, anime, cartoons, and more to develop comprehension and thinking skills.Thousand Oaks, California Corwin Press. 195 pages. ISBN 978-1-4129-5311-5, 978-1-4129-5312-2 (2009)
Journal Article
Rodriguez, J., & Hernandez Perez, M. (2009). Book review : Nancy Frey & Douglas Fisher (eds.) (2008). Teaching visual literacy: Using comic books, graphic novels, anime, cartoons, and more to develop comprehension and thinking skills.Thousand Oaks, California Corwin Press. 195 pages. ISBN 978-1-4129-5311-5, 978-1-4129-5312-2. International Journal of English Studies, 9(2), 171-174

Fictionality and tourism in the construction of national images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain
Presentation / Conference
Hernandez Perez, M. Fictionality and tourism in the construction of national images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain. Poster presented at XII congreso nacional y iii internacional : Japon. El turismo como via de conocimiento y desarrollo, Complutense University of Madrid

It is a fact that one of the biggest attractions of modern Japanese culture lies in its immense, outstanding cultural capital. In recent years, the fascination that Japan has on our collective imagination has been stimulated, even more if possible, b... Read More about Fictionality and tourism in the construction of national images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain.