The invasive greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) was first recorded in Ireland in
2007, where its range has since expanded at an alarming rate and caused the displacement
of the native pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus). As well as displacing...
Read More about The invasion of the greater white toothed shrew, to Ireland, and its effects on the parasitic prevalence in the native pygmy shrew .
Dr Naiara Guimaraes Sales' Outputs (22)
Assessing the gut microbiome and the influence of host genetics on a critically endangered primate, the northern muriqui ( Brachyteles hypoxanthus ) (2024)
Journal Article
Guimaraes Sales, N., da Cruz Kaizer, M., Browett, S. S., Gabriel, S. I., & McDevitt, A. D. (2024). Assessing the gut microbiome and the influence of host genetics on a critically endangered primate, the northern muriqui ( Brachyteles hypoxanthus ). Environmental DNA, 6(3), e559. Northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) is one of the world's most critically endangered primates, with only ~1000 mature individuals remaining in the wild. Habitat loss and hunting have led to its sharp decline, making conservation efforts cr... Read More about Assessing the gut microbiome and the influence of host genetics on a critically endangered primate, the northern muriqui ( Brachyteles hypoxanthus ).
Comparing the Performance of Three Different Primer Sets for Detecting Mammals Using Environmental DNA (eDNA) Samples (2024)
Efficient and cost-effective methods of monitoring vertebrate species are critical for future
conservation management. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding from aquatic
environments has been increasingly utilised for biodiversity assessments for... Read More about Comparing the Performance of Three Different Primer Sets for Detecting Mammals Using Environmental DNA (eDNA) Samples.
Coupling remote sensing and eDNA to monitor environmental impact: A pilot to quantify the environmental benefits of sustainable agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon (2024)
Journal Article
Monitoring is essential to ensure that environmental goals are being achieved, including those of sustainable agriculture. Growing interest in environmental monitoring provides an opportunity to improve monitoring practices. Approaches that directly... Read More about Coupling remote sensing and eDNA to monitor environmental impact: A pilot to quantify the environmental benefits of sustainable agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon.
Investigating the Efficiency of Environmental DNA (eDNA) for Detecting Terrestrial and Semi-aquatic Mammals (2024)
The global decline of terrestrial and semi-aquatic mammals creates an urgent need for accurate information on species distributions for effective conservation efforts. Environmental DNA (eDNA) has emerged as a reliable, non-invasive, and novel approa... Read More about Investigating the Efficiency of Environmental DNA (eDNA) for Detecting Terrestrial and Semi-aquatic Mammals.
Environmental and Invertebrate-Derived DNA: A Powerful Approach for Surveying and Monitoring Biodiversity (2023)
Book Chapter
Guimaraes Sales, N. (2023). Environmental and Invertebrate-Derived DNA: A Powerful Approach for Surveying and Monitoring Biodiversity. In P. M. Galetti Jr. (Ed.), Conservation Genetics in the Neotropics. (1). Springer. know the organisms that surround us has always seemed a fascinating idea and a necessity to characterize an area and estimate its natural values. However, performing complete surveys of the organisms is not always an easy task, because some of the... Read More about Environmental and Invertebrate-Derived DNA: A Powerful Approach for Surveying and Monitoring Biodiversity.
Citizen scientists’ motivation to participate in environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys: A case study on monitoring mammals in the UK (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
1. Citizen scientists have become integral participants in nature conservation projects, and the demand for effective conservation efforts has sparked increasing interest in utilizing environmental DNA (eDNA) for species monitoring, drawing citizen s... Read More about Citizen scientists’ motivation to participate in environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys: A case study on monitoring mammals in the UK.
DNA metabarcoding of mock communities highlights potential biases when assessing Neotropical fish diversity (2023)
Journal Article
Hilário, H. O., Hilario, H., Mendes, I. S., GuimarãesSales, N., & Carvalho, D. C. (2023). DNA metabarcoding of mock communities highlights potential biases when assessing Neotropical fish diversity. Environmental DNA, the increasing popularity of DNA metabarcoding in the assessment of aquatic ecosystems using fish eDNA or ichthyoplankton, challenges have hampered its broader application in the Neotropical freshwaters. Using five mock communities composed o... Read More about DNA metabarcoding of mock communities highlights potential biases when assessing Neotropical fish diversity.
Shark‐dust: Application of high‐throughput DNA sequencing of processing residues for trade monitoring of threatened sharks and rays (2023)
Journal Article
Prasetyo, A. P., Murray, J. M., Kurniawan, M. F. A. K., Sales, N. G., McDevitt, A. D., & Mariani, S. (in press). Shark‐dust: Application of high‐throughput DNA sequencing of processing residues for trade monitoring of threatened sharks and rays. Conservation Letters, 16(5), fishing, unregulated bycatch, and market demand for certain products (e.g., fins) are largely responsible for the rapid global decline of shark and ray populations. Controlling trade of endangered species remains difficult due to product vari... Read More about Shark‐dust: Application of high‐throughput DNA sequencing of processing residues for trade monitoring of threatened sharks and rays.
Amazonian ichthyoplankton assessment via DNA metabarcoding: A baseline for detecting spawning sites of migratory fishes (2023)
Journal Article
Silva, L. E., Domingues, R. R., Sales, N. G., Villela, P. M., Silva, C. B., & Hilsdorf, A. W. (2023). Amazonian ichthyoplankton assessment via DNA metabarcoding: A baseline for detecting spawning sites of migratory fishes. Biological Conservation, 284, 110180. Neotropical fish fauna comprises approximately 6080 species, of which almost 3000 inhabit the Amazon River basin. However, the construction of hydroelectric dams has threatened this biodiversity by habitat fragmentation. To uncover the putative e... Read More about Amazonian ichthyoplankton assessment via DNA metabarcoding: A baseline for detecting spawning sites of migratory fishes.
NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES: A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics (2022)
Journal Article
The Neotropical region hosts 4225 freshwater fish species, ranking first among the world's most diverse regions for freshwater fishes. Our NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set is the first to produce a large-scale Neotropical freshwater fish invent... Read More about NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES: A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics.
Mapping differences in mammalian distributions and diversity using environmental DNA from rivers (2021)
Journal Article
Finding more efficient ways to monitor and estimate the diversity of mammalian communities is a major step towards their management and conservation. Environmental DNA (eDNA) from river water has recently been shown to be a viable method for biomonit... Read More about Mapping differences in mammalian distributions and diversity using environmental DNA from rivers.
Primer biases in the molecular assessment of diet in multiple insectivorous mammals (2021)
Journal Article
Our understanding of trophic interactions of small insectivorous mammals has been drastically improved with the advent of DNA metabarcoding. The technique has continued to be optimised over the years, with primer choice repeatedly being a vital facto... Read More about Primer biases in the molecular assessment of diet in multiple insectivorous mammals.
eDNA in a bottleneck : obstacles to fish metabarcoding studies in megadiverse freshwater systems (2021)
Journal Article
The current capacity of environmental DNA (eDNA) to provide accurate insights into the biodiversity of megadiverse regions (e.g., the Neotropics) requires further evaluation to ensure its reliability for long‐term monitoring. In this study, we first... Read More about eDNA in a bottleneck : obstacles to fish metabarcoding studies in megadiverse freshwater systems.
New 12S metabarcoding primers for enhanced Neotropical freshwater fish biodiversity assessment (2020)
Journal Article
Milan, D., Mendes, I., Damasceno, J., Teixeria, D., Guimaraes Sales, N., & Carvalho, D. (2020). New 12S metabarcoding primers for enhanced Neotropical freshwater fish biodiversity assessment. Scientific reports, 10, megadiverse Neotropical fish fauna lacks a comprehensive and reliable DNA reference database, which hampers precise species identification and DNA based biodiversity assessment in the region. Here, we developed a mitochondrial 12S ribosomal DNA r... Read More about New 12S metabarcoding primers for enhanced Neotropical freshwater fish biodiversity assessment.
Space-time dynamics in monitoring neotropical fish communities using eDNA metabarcoding (2020)
Journal Article
The biodiverse Neotropical ecoregion remains insufficiently assessed, poorly managed, and threatened by unregulated human activities. Novel, rapid and cost-effective DNA-based approaches are valuable to improve understanding of the biological communi... Read More about Space-time dynamics in monitoring neotropical fish communities using eDNA metabarcoding.
Fishing for mammals : landscape-level monitoring of terrestrial and semi-aquatic communities using eDNA from riverine systems (2020)
Journal Article
1. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has revolutionised biomonitoring in both marine and freshwater ecosystems. However, for semi-aquatic and terrestrial animals, the application of this technique remains relatively untested.
2. We first ass... Read More about Fishing for mammals : landscape-level monitoring of terrestrial and semi-aquatic communities using eDNA from riverine systems.
Reproductive biology of the Neotropical catfish Iheringichthys labrosus (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), with anatomical and morphometric analysis of gonadal tissues (2019)
Journal Article
dos Santos, J., Marcon, L., Brito, M., Guimaraes Sales, N., Rizzo, E., & Bazzoli, N. (2019). Reproductive biology of the Neotropical catfish Iheringichthys labrosus (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), with anatomical and morphometric analysis of gonadal tissues. Animal Reproduction Science, 209, reproduction of Iheringichthys labrosus (Lütken, 1874) from the Turvo River, Brazil, was studied using anatomical, biometric, histological, and ultrastructural techniques. Between April 2014 and March 2015, a total of 278 males and 512 females we... Read More about Reproductive biology of the Neotropical catfish Iheringichthys labrosus (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), with anatomical and morphometric analysis of gonadal tissues.
Influence of preservation methods, sample medium and sampling time on eDNA recovery in a neotropical river (2019)
Journal Article
Sales, N., Wangensteen Fuentes, O., Carvalho, D., & Mariani, S. (2019). Influence of preservation methods, sample medium and sampling time on eDNA recovery in a neotropical river. Environmental DNA, 1(2), 119-130. DNA (eDNA) has rapidly emerged as a promising biodiversity monitoring technique, proving to be a sensitive and cost‐effective method for species detection. Despite the increasing popularity of eDNA, several questions regarding its limit... Read More about Influence of preservation methods, sample medium and sampling time on eDNA recovery in a neotropical river.
Introgression from non-native species unveils a hidden threat to the migratory Neotropical fish Prochilodus hartii (2017)
Journal Article
Guimaraes Sales, N., Pessali, T., Neto, F., & Carvalho, D. (2017). Introgression from non-native species unveils a hidden threat to the migratory Neotropical fish Prochilodus hartii. Biological Invasions, 20, 555-566. species are one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, due to competition, predation, pathogen spread, and hybridization. The latter may remain undetected and impair the survival of species, due to genetic admixture and hybrid swarming (i.... Read More about Introgression from non-native species unveils a hidden threat to the migratory Neotropical fish Prochilodus hartii.