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Profile image of Helen Davidson

Mrs Helen Davidson

Biography Helen joined the University of Salford in April 2024 as Lecturer in Adult Nursing, teaching on pre- and post-registration nursing programmes and the SCPHN (Health Visiting) programme. Helen has over two decades’ experience as a Registered Nurse and Health Visitor. During this time, she has enacted a variety of roles in both clinical practice and Higher Education.

Helen has worked as an adult nurse within several medical settings, followed by practice as a Health Visitor in Greater Manchester. This role highlighted the social, cultural and economic determinants of health, and the positive impact of an assets-based, partnership approach to community health.

Helen also worked as a Practice Education Facilitator in South Manchester, before starting her academic career at the University of Manchester. Here, Helen developed her role as Lecturer in Adult Nursing and Academic Lead for Practice Governance, working collaboratively with partner organisations to ensure the delivery of high-quality placements for undergraduate nurses.

Since then, Helen consolidated her special interest in Public Health by returning to practice as a Health Visitor in Greater Manchester and working as Lecturer in Public Health at the University of Manchester.
As Lecturer in Public Health, Helen was able to apply her knowledge and expertise to the MPH programme, including leadership of the ‘Infection Prevention and Control’ unit. Helen was also involved in the writing and delivery of the new BSc Public Health programme, supporting its successful launch in 2022 as Deputy Programme Director.

Helen is delighted to have joined the School of Health & Society at the University of Salford.
Research Interests Health improvement; Culture, Religion and Spirituality; Inclusive Research; Perinatal Mental Health; Early Years Child Development; Safeguarding; Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma-Informed Practice; Life-course approach; Infection Prevention and Control; Implementation Science; Healthcare Public Health; Practice Learning