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Dr Arunachalam Sundaram's Outputs (27)

A Comprehensive Review of Most Competitive Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Enhanced Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation (2024)
Journal Article
Al Garni, H. Z., Sundaram, A., Awasthi, A., Chandel, R., Tajjour, S., & Singh Chandel, S. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of Most Competitive Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Enhanced Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation. #Journal not on list, 11(3), 60-80.

A major design challenge for a grid-integrated photovoltaic power plant is to generate maximum power under varying loads, irradiance, and outdoor climatic conditions using competitive algorithm-based controllers. The objective of this study is to rev... Read More about A Comprehensive Review of Most Competitive Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Enhanced Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation.

Multi-Objective Stochastic Paint Optimizer for Solving Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch with Transmission Loss Prediction Using Random Forest Machine Learning Model (2024)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A., & S. Alkhaldi, N. (2024). Multi-Objective Stochastic Paint Optimizer for Solving Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch with Transmission Loss Prediction Using Random Forest Machine Learning Model. Energies, 17(4),

Dynamic economic emission dispatch problems are complex optimization tasks in power systems that aim to simultaneously minimize both fuel costs and pollutant emissions while satisfying various system constraints. Traditional methods often involve sol... Read More about Multi-Objective Stochastic Paint Optimizer for Solving Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch with Transmission Loss Prediction Using Random Forest Machine Learning Model.

Estimation of photovoltaic models using an enhanced Henry gas solubility optimization algorithm with first-order adaptive damping Berndt-Hall-Hall-Hausman method (2024)
Journal Article
Ramachandran, M., Sundaram, A., Mohammed Ridha, H., & Mirjalili, S. (2024). Estimation of photovoltaic models using an enhanced Henry gas solubility optimization algorithm with first-order adaptive damping Berndt-Hall-Hall-Hausman method. Energy Conversion and Management, 299, Article 117831.

A reliable methodology is essential for accurately estimating the parameters of PV models, enabling reliable performance evaluations, effective control studies, accurate analysis of partial shading effects, and optimal optimization of Photovoltaic (P... Read More about Estimation of photovoltaic models using an enhanced Henry gas solubility optimization algorithm with first-order adaptive damping Berndt-Hall-Hall-Hausman method.

Multiobjective multi verse optimization algorithm to solve dynamic economic emission dispatch problem with transmission loss prediction by an artificial neural network (2022)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A. (2022). Multiobjective multi verse optimization algorithm to solve dynamic economic emission dispatch problem with transmission loss prediction by an artificial neural network. Applied Soft Computing, 124, Article 109021.

To overcome the drawback of using only one B-loss coefficient for a widely varying demand pattern that occurs during the entire period of a dynamic economic emission dispatch model, this research work presents a new approach to integrating artificial... Read More about Multiobjective multi verse optimization algorithm to solve dynamic economic emission dispatch problem with transmission loss prediction by an artificial neural network.

Journal Article
Sundaram, A., Masud, A., Almarhoon, A., & Sarmah, B. (2022). TRANSFER LEARNING APPROACH FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WIDELY USED SPICES. #Journal not on list, 19(2), 1-21.

People around the world relish variety of food that are flavourful. Spices add flavours to the food without adding any fat or calories. People have used spices for many centuries and are an integral part of our food. In addition to aroma, spices also... Read More about TRANSFER LEARNING APPROACH FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WIDELY USED SPICES.

A hybrid Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Harris Hawks Optimizer for Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch problem (2022)
Journal Article
Ramachandran, M., Mirjalili, S., Nazari-Heris, M., Sundari Parvathysankar, D., Sundaram, A., & Asir Rajan Charles Gnanakkan, C. (2022). A hybrid Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Harris Hawks Optimizer for Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 111, Article 104753.

The Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch (CHPED) is a real-world optimization problem with several complex constraints that has been a topic of studies around energy systems and optimization processes. This paper attempts to conceptualize a pote... Read More about A hybrid Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Harris Hawks Optimizer for Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch problem.

A ranking-based fuzzy adaptive hybrid crow search algorithm for combined heat and power economic dispatch (2022)
Journal Article
Ramachandran, M., Mirjalili, S., Malli Ramalingam, M., Asir Rajan Charles Gnanakkan, C., Sundari Parvathysankar, D., & Sundaram, A. (2022). A ranking-based fuzzy adaptive hybrid crow search algorithm for combined heat and power economic dispatch. Expert systems with applications, 197, Article 116625.

This paper attempts to obtain optimal generation scheduling for Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch (CHPED) problems and seeking a possible solution for the global optimization of test systems. As such, a Fuzzy adaptive Ranking- based Crow Sear... Read More about A ranking-based fuzzy adaptive hybrid crow search algorithm for combined heat and power economic dispatch.

Rotating blade faults classification of a rotor-disk-blade system using artificial neural network (2021)
Journal Article
Abubakar Mas’ud, A., Jamal, A., Adewusi, S., & Sundaram, A. (2021). Rotating blade faults classification of a rotor-disk-blade system using artificial neural network. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 12(3), 1900-1911.

In this paper, the artificial neural network (ANN) has been utilized for rotating machinery faults detection and classification. First, experiments were performed to measure the lateral vibration signals of laboratory test rigs for rotor-disk-blade w... Read More about Rotating blade faults classification of a rotor-disk-blade system using artificial neural network.

Application of the Gaussian Mixture Model to Classify Stages of Electrical Tree Growth in Epoxy Resin (2021)
Journal Article
Abubakar Mas’ud, A., Sundaram, A., Alfredo Ardila-Rey, J., Schurch, R., Muhammad-Sukki, F., & Aini Bani, N. (2021). Application of the Gaussian Mixture Model to Classify Stages of Electrical Tree Growth in Epoxy Resin. Sensors, 21(7), Article 2562.

In high-voltage (HV) insulation, electrical trees are an important degradation phenomenon strongly linked to partial discharge (PD) activity. Their initiation and development have attracted the attention of the research community and better understan... Read More about Application of the Gaussian Mixture Model to Classify Stages of Electrical Tree Growth in Epoxy Resin.

Assessment of off-shore wind turbines for application in Saudi Arabia (2020)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A., Abubakar Mas’ud, A., Al Garni, H. Z., & Adewusi, S. (2020). Assessment of off-shore wind turbines for application in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10(5), 4507-4513.

This paper presents models and economic analysis of ten different wind turbines for the region of Yanbu, Saudi Arabia using the hybrid optimization models for energy resources (HOMER) software. This study serves as a guide for decision make... Read More about Assessment of off-shore wind turbines for application in Saudi Arabia.

Implementation of a highway wind power generation using vertical axis wind turbine to automatically power a street lamp (2020)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A., Almobasher, L., Al-Eid, M., Bazroon, M., & Abohasson, A. (2021). Implementation of a highway wind power generation using vertical axis wind turbine to automatically power a street lamp. Wind Engineering, 45(5), 1175-1192.

Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia envisions a shift towards renewable sources of energy. In accordance with this vision, we have developed an off-grid application using a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) to power a street lamp in a highway.... Read More about Implementation of a highway wind power generation using vertical axis wind turbine to automatically power a street lamp.

Multiobjective multi-verse optimization algorithm to solve combined economic, heat and power emission dispatch problems (2020)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A. (2020). Multiobjective multi-verse optimization algorithm to solve combined economic, heat and power emission dispatch problems. Applied Soft Computing, 91, Article 106195.

This study implements a potent Multiobjective Multi-Verse Optimization algorithm to solve the highly complicated combined economic emission dispatch and combined heat and power economic emission dispatch problems. Solving these problems operates the... Read More about Multiobjective multi-verse optimization algorithm to solve combined economic, heat and power emission dispatch problems.

Design of a inhouse garden system (2019)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A. (2019). Design of a inhouse garden system. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 16(4), 1690-1695.

In house garden system are used in offices, work places and homes to increase the aesthetics, elicit pleasure which in turn increase our experience qualitatively to keep ourselves energetic and fresh from mundane jobs. These plants clean the air natu... Read More about Design of a inhouse garden system.

Participant based distributed slack power flow model and calculation of participant based loss factors using the concept of market center (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The transmission loss factors play a vital role in determining the loss component of the Locational Marginal Price. If single slack bus power flow approach is used, then the component for loss in Locational Marginal Price is found to vary exorbitantl... Read More about Participant based distributed slack power flow model and calculation of participant based loss factors using the concept of market center.

Market Clearing and Settlement Using Participant Based Distributed Slack Optimal Power Flow Model for a Double Sided Electricity Auction Market–Part II (2018)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A., & Abdullah Khan, M. (2018). Market Clearing and Settlement Using Participant Based Distributed Slack Optimal Power Flow Model for a Double Sided Electricity Auction Market–Part II. Electric Power Components and Systems, 46(5), 533–543.

Even though non-linear Optimal Power Flow model proposed in part I of this paper provide accurate results there are difficulties in solving a full non-linear Optimal Power Flow model since it is a very time consuming. Due to speed and robustness, Lin... Read More about Market Clearing and Settlement Using Participant Based Distributed Slack Optimal Power Flow Model for a Double Sided Electricity Auction Market–Part II.

Market Clearing and Settlement Using Participant Based Distributed Slack Optimal Power Flow Model for a Double Sided Electricity Auction Market –Part I (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Market Clearing and Settlement Using Participant Based Distributed Slack Optimal Power Flow Model for a Double Sided Electricity Auction Market –Part I. Electric Power Components and Systems, 46(5), 533-543.

AC and DC OPF models are widely used in the industry for market clearing and settlement of primary electricity market. Research works available in literature have used locational marginal price to price electricity. But this research work by using Pa... Read More about Market Clearing and Settlement Using Participant Based Distributed Slack Optimal Power Flow Model for a Double Sided Electricity Auction Market –Part I.

Calculation of participation based loss factors using the concept of market center in a deregulated power system (2017)
Journal Article
Sundaram, A. (2017). Calculation of participation based loss factors using the concept of market center in a deregulated power system. #Journal not on list, 6(6),

The transmission loss factors play a vital role in determining the loss component of the Locational Marginal Price. If single slack bus power flow approach is used, then the component for loss in Locational Marginal Price is found to vary exorbitantl... Read More about Calculation of participation based loss factors using the concept of market center in a deregulated power system.