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Modelling the sustainability of mass tourism in island tourist economies (2011)
Journal Article
Xing, Y., & Dangerfield, B. (2011). Modelling the sustainability of mass tourism in island tourist economies. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62, 1742-1752.

Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries and is a source of jobs across national and regional economies. Assessing the economic, environmental and social impacts of tourism development has become a major activity within the tourism and sustai... Read More about Modelling the sustainability of mass tourism in island tourist economies.

Gestao de beneficios na etapa de projecto em empreendimentos hospitalares do reino unido [Managing benefits in the design of healthcare favilities in the UK] (2010)
Journal Article
Tillmann, P., Tzortzopoulos, P., Sapountzis, S., & Formoso, C. (2010). Gestao de beneficios na etapa de projecto em empreendimentos hospitalares do reino unido [Managing benefits in the design of healthcare favilities in the UK]. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos, 5(1), 109-132.

Proposal: The healthcare system in the United kingdomis passing through transformation and change for improvement and innovation. Within this context, healthcare facilities are being developed in a complex multi-stakeholder environment, which usually... Read More about Gestao de beneficios na etapa de projecto em empreendimentos hospitalares do reino unido [Managing benefits in the design of healthcare favilities in the UK].

Evidence based medicines management (2010)
Book Chapter
Ratcliffe, S., & Stephens, M. (2010). Evidence based medicines management. In E. Lawson, & D. Hennefer (Eds.), Medicines Management in Adult Nursing (145-165). Learning Matters

My social networking profile: copy, resemblance, or simulacrum? A poststructuralist interpretation of social information systems (2009)
Journal Article
Kreps, D. (2010). My social networking profile: copy, resemblance, or simulacrum? A poststructuralist interpretation of social information systems. European Journal of Information Systems, 19(1), 104-115.

This paper offers an introduction to poststructuralist interpretivist research in information systems, through a poststructuralist theoretical reading of the phenomenon and experience of social networking websites, such as Facebook. This is undertake... Read More about My social networking profile: copy, resemblance, or simulacrum? A poststructuralist interpretation of social information systems.

A smart house is not a home: the domestication of ICTs (2009)
Journal Article
Richardson, H. (2009). A smart house is not a home: the domestication of ICTs. Information Systems Frontiers, 11(5), 599-608.

This paper discusses the domestication of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), particularly their use, in UK households reporting on research undertaken between 1998 and 2004. Issues raised are linked to the dominant discourse of the `d... Read More about A smart house is not a home: the domestication of ICTs.

Polish Yers and Lexical Syllabicity (2009)
Journal Article
Bekerman, M., Spencer, A., & Roca, I. (2009). Polish Yers and Lexical Syllabicity. Linguistic Review, 9(1), 27-68.

The article examines vowel alternations in Slavic languages on the basis of Polish CVC - CC alternations mostly involving the vowel 'e'. It links the phenomenon to prosodic structures of Slavic languages and tries to resolve the issue by employing a... Read More about Polish Yers and Lexical Syllabicity.

The Bully's Playground (2009)
Digital Artefact
Bekerman, M., Ivanov, T., Langford, J., & McCafferty, N. (2009). The Bully's Playground. [Digital Video]

Bullying with the use of social media caught up with Central Asian urban centres quite early in the post-Soviet transformation. With the state institutions and society lacking the awareness of the problem or the tools to tackle it, bullying and schoo... Read More about The Bully's Playground.

Tears on the Silk Gown (2009)
Digital Artefact
Bekerman, M., Ivanov, T., Langford, J., & McCafferty, N. (2009). Tears on the Silk Gown. [Digital Video]

Bride Kidnapping has been a persistent problem in Kyrgyzstan and modernity has not reduced the occurrences of this practice often resorted to as a way of avoiding social class divisions or dowry requirements. In this film, this controversial custom i... Read More about Tears on the Silk Gown.

Developing the UK e-social science research program (2009)
Book Chapter
Halfpenny, P., Procter, R., Lin, Y., & Voss, A. (2009). Developing the UK e-social science research program. In N. Jankowski (Ed.), E-research : transformation in scholarly practice (73-90). Routledge.

The National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS) was established by the U.K. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in 2004 as its contribution to the U.K. e-Science program. NCeSS’s mission is to enable social scientists to exploit innovations... Read More about Developing the UK e-social science research program.

What use is domestication theory to information systems research? (2009)
Book Chapter
Hynes, D., & Richardson, H. (2009). What use is domestication theory to information systems research?. In Y. Diwedi, B. Lai, M. Schneberger, & M. Wade (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Contemporary Theoretical Models in Information Systems (482-494). IGI Global

This chapter introduces and discusses domestication theory - essentially about giving technology a place in everyday life - and its relevance and importance to Information Systems (IS) research. We discuss domestication within the context of the soci... Read More about What use is domestication theory to information systems research?.

Taking a feminist approach to information systems research and using the thinking tools provided by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (2009)
Journal Article
Richardson, H. (2009). Taking a feminist approach to information systems research and using the thinking tools provided by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. Information Technology and People, 22(1), 26-35.

Purpose: This paper aims to contribute a personal account of doing critical research that uses the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu and also that takes a feminist approach to research. It aims to reflect on what this might mean in order to understand... Read More about Taking a feminist approach to information systems research and using the thinking tools provided by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu.