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The effects of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyperextension spinal orthoses (2012)
Sa'ed Al Qaroot, B. The effects of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyperextension spinal orthoses. (Thesis). University of Salford

Hyperextension spinal orthoses are common modalities in treating vertebral
fractures. Their objective is to retain the spine in a hyperextended position to
offload the fractured vertebra(e) and allow healing. To date, accurate insight into
the eff... Read More about The effects of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyperextension spinal orthoses.

Towards improved efficacy of exercise programmes in knee osteoarthritis (2012)
AI-Khlaifat, L. Towards improved efficacy of exercise programmes in knee osteoarthritis. (Thesis). University of Salford

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common musculoskeletal condition influenced by the
load on the knee (i.e. External Knee Adduction Moment (EKAM)). Clinical
guidelines recommend exercise and education with knee OA. Open kinetic chain
strengthening exe... Read More about Towards improved efficacy of exercise programmes in knee osteoarthritis.

An ethnographic study of infection prevention and control practices in a mental health trust (2012)
Hughes, J. An ethnographic study of infection prevention and control practices in a mental health trust. (Thesis). University of Salford

Health care associated infections are high on the National Health Service agenda
due to associated increased morbidity and mortality rates and subsequently
added pressure of reductionist performance targets. Failure to meet these results
in financ... Read More about An ethnographic study of infection prevention and control practices in a mental health trust.

What are the personal and health care experiences of women with MS? (2012)
Dawson, L. What are the personal and health care experiences of women with MS?. (Thesis). University of Salford

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition with current statistics highlighting
that, worldwide, women predominantly experience its impact at a rate of 4:1 (Jelinek,
2010). There are currently no medical cures for the illness and people ca... Read More about What are the personal and health care experiences of women with MS?.

The effects of using a lateral wedge insole on knee loading during ascending and descending stairs (2012)
Alshawabka, A. The effects of using a lateral wedge insole on knee loading during ascending and descending stairs. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Introduction: Stair climbing demands, compared to walking on level ground, a greater
range of motion in the lower extremity accompanied by about six times more load on the
knee joint. Consequently, pain while stair climbing is the first complaint i... Read More about The effects of using a lateral wedge insole on knee loading during ascending and descending stairs.

Free swimming : impact on physical activity behaviour of a borough-wide population (2012)
Allen, R. Free swimming : impact on physical activity behaviour of a borough-wide population. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Appropriate pricing strategies are believed to reduce economic barriers to physical activity
and enhance population-level participation.

This thesis aimed to investigate the influence of a change in pricing strategy for swim... Read More about Free swimming : impact on physical activity behaviour of a borough-wide population.

Being believed and believing in : the impact of delegitimation on person centred care for people with chronic back pain (2012)
Howarth, M. Being believed and believing in : the impact of delegitimation on person centred care for people with chronic back pain. (Thesis). University of Salford

Chronic back pain is an under researched area; the complexities of unseen pain in
particular, present challenges to the sociological assumptions made about the concept
of 'sickness'. The lack of Visible' signs and symptoms means that some people ar... Read More about Being believed and believing in : the impact of delegitimation on person centred care for people with chronic back pain.

Students' academic expectations and experiences during the first year of their undergraduate nursing programme (2012)
Grant, J. Students' academic expectations and experiences during the first year of their undergraduate nursing programme. (Thesis). University of Salford

The thesis examines why first year nursing students leave their programme of study
and the factors that influence whether they stay or leave. A descriptive, exploratory
study design was undertaken using two survey instruments, the College Students... Read More about Students' academic expectations and experiences during the first year of their undergraduate nursing programme.

Critical exploration of the role of the nurse lecturer in practice situated within an existing Higher Education Institution and NHS partnership (2012)
Leigh, J. Critical exploration of the role of the nurse lecturer in practice situated within an existing Higher Education Institution and NHS partnership. (Thesis). University of Salford

The concepts and constructs of partnership and collaboration are increasingly becoming
embedded critical success factors which influence the education of nurses from within the
practice setting. Adopting a partnership and collaborative approach is... Read More about Critical exploration of the role of the nurse lecturer in practice situated within an existing Higher Education Institution and NHS partnership.

The development of self-confidence in undergraduate nursing students in Ireland (2012)
Chesser-Smyth, P. The development of self-confidence in undergraduate nursing students in Ireland. (Thesis). University of Salford

Aim The aim of this research study was to establish the effects of classroom learning and
clinical practice on the development of self-confidence amongst undergraduate nursing
students in Ireland.
Self-confidence underpins nurses' comp... Read More about The development of self-confidence in undergraduate nursing students in Ireland.

The use of medical grade honey to reduce the incidence of surgical wound infection : a randomised controlled feasibility trial (2012)
Robson, V. The use of medical grade honey to reduce the incidence of surgical wound infection : a randomised controlled feasibility trial. (Thesis). University of Salford

Background: Patients having free tissue transfer for oral and oropharyngeal squamous
cell carcinoma are susceptible to MRSA. There are many strategies to reduce wound
infection rates such as hand washing policies antibiotics but NICE guidelines sug... Read More about The use of medical grade honey to reduce the incidence of surgical wound infection : a randomised controlled feasibility trial.

Using mixed model research to evaluate the outcomes of a lean approach to the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service (2011)
Martin, A. Using mixed model research to evaluate the outcomes of a lean approach to the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service. (Thesis). University of Salford

The purpose of the study was to explore the proposition that lean is an
effective methodology for service improvement within a healthcare setting by
evaluating the changes brought about by the application of lean tools to an
orthopaedic radiology... Read More about Using mixed model research to evaluate the outcomes of a lean approach to the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service.

Nurses' experience of caring for men with sexual dysfunction in Jordan (2011)
Al Momani, M. Nurses' experience of caring for men with sexual dysfunction in Jordan. (Thesis). University of Salford

Worldwide, sexual dysfunction is common among men regardless of age, ethnicity or cultural background therefore it is not unreasonable to assume such a problem exists within Jordan, despite the limited evidence available. This research examines the r... Read More about Nurses' experience of caring for men with sexual dysfunction in Jordan.

Bouncing back? An ethnographic study exploring the context of care and recovery after birth through the experiences and voices of mothers (2011)
Wray, J. Bouncing back? An ethnographic study exploring the context of care and recovery after birth through the experiences and voices of mothers. (Thesis). University of Salford

There is an increasing evidence base concerning the need for effective and timely postnatal care to prevent physical and physiological maternal and infant morbidity, but there is little evidence of women's experiences of postnatal care o... Read More about Bouncing back? An ethnographic study exploring the context of care and recovery after birth through the experiences and voices of mothers.

Learning disability staff responses towards allegations of sexual abuse (2011)
Turnbull, K. Learning disability staff responses towards allegations of sexual abuse. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Peckham (2007) has argued that people with learning disabilities are at a greater risk
of abuse than members of the general population however, no research has investigated paid
carers' responses to allegations of sexual abuse. The current resear... Read More about Learning disability staff responses towards allegations of sexual abuse.

An investigation in congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii as a potential mode of transmission in mice and humans (2011)
Thomasson, D. An investigation in congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii as a potential mode of transmission in mice and humans. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Toxoplasma gondii is a pathogenic Apicomplexan parasite with a worldwide
distribution in almost all warm blooded animals. The parasite is transmitted to hosts in
three ways; via oocysts that are passed from the definitive host the cat; by the... Read More about An investigation in congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii as a potential mode of transmission in mice and humans.

The experiences of deaf people on becoming and being qualified mental health nurses : a narrative exploration (2011)
Sharples, N. The experiences of deaf people on becoming and being qualified mental health nurses : a narrative exploration. (Thesis). University of Salford

Historically Deaf people have been denied access to professional nurse education due to communication and ideological barriers. The aim of the research was to understand the experiences of the first Deaf qualified nurses before they entered the Pre-r... Read More about The experiences of deaf people on becoming and being qualified mental health nurses : a narrative exploration.

The effects of orthotics on the sensori-motor problems of the foot and ankle after stroke (2011)
Sadeghi Demneh, E. The effects of orthotics on the sensori-motor problems of the foot and ankle after stroke. (Thesis). University of Salford

The foot and ankle forms the interface between the body and ground hence stroke related changes impact on mobility but there is little research has considered the foot and ankle post-stroke. This thesis bridges these knowledge gaps to enable clinical... Read More about The effects of orthotics on the sensori-motor problems of the foot and ankle after stroke.

Coronary care nurses : developing an understanding of the decision making process in acute situations (2011)
Maharmeh, M. Coronary care nurses : developing an understanding of the decision making process in acute situations. (Thesis). University of Salford

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the decision making of coronary care nurses in acute situations. More specifically, the study explored how coronary care nurses take their decisions and what are the factors that underpin those decisions.
Ba... Read More about Coronary care nurses : developing an understanding of the decision making process in acute situations.

The influence of attachment experiences and mental health issues on offending behaviour of young people in residential care (2011)
Connor, C. The influence of attachment experiences and mental health issues on offending behaviour of young people in residential care. (Thesis). University of Salford

As a youth offending officer working with looked after children in residential care it became increasingly difficult for me to reconcile my professional responsibility to compile pre-sentence reports with my personal sense of injustice on behalf of t... Read More about The influence of attachment experiences and mental health issues on offending behaviour of young people in residential care.