Moving online : creative art and design
Digital Artefact
Power, E. Moving online : creative art and design
Outputs (11)
USIR concertina fold brochure
Digital Artefact
USIR. USIR concertina fold brochureConcertina flyer used in the University of Salford Institutional Repository promotion campaign. The flyer builds on previous publicity and outlines services the USIR team offers.
USIR flyer (pink)
Digital Artefact
USIR. USIR flyer (pink)Double sided flyer used in the University of Salford Institutional Repository promotion campaign. The flyer introduces USIR and details contact information for further details.
USIR poster (pink)
Digital Artefact
USIR. USIR poster (pink)Poster used in the University of Salford Institutional Repository promotion campaign. The poster introduces USIR and details contact information for further details.
USIR flyer (blue)
Digital Artefact
USIR. USIR flyer (blue)Double sided flyer used in the University of Salford Institutional Repository advocacy campaign. The flyer introduces USIR and details contact details for further information.
USIR poster (blue)
Digital Artefact
USIR. USIR poster (blue)Poster used in the University of Salford Institutional Repository promotion campaign. The poster introduces USIR and details contact information for further details.
Martin Hall USIR presentation
Digital Artefact
Hall, M. Martin Hall USIR presentationPresentation given by Martin Hall at the first University of Salford Institutional Repository (USIR) employee awareness event which took place on Monday, 21st September 2009.
Julie Berry USIR presentation
Digital Artefact
Berry, J. Julie Berry USIR presentationPresentation given by Julie Berry at the first University of Salford Institutional Repository (USIR) employee awareness event which took place on Monday, 21st September 2009.
Ghassan Aouad USIR presentation
Digital Artefact
Aouad, G. Ghassan Aouad USIR presentationPresentation given by Ghassan Aouad at the first University of Salford Institutional Repository (USIR) employee awareness event on Monday, 21st September 2009.
What a repository can do for you - and for your university
Digital Artefact
Swan, A. What a repository can do for you - and for your university. [DVD]The first University of Salford Institutional Repository (USIR) employee awareness event took place on Monday, 21st September 2009.
Hosted by Vice-Chancellor Professor Martin Hall and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) Professor Ghassan A... Read More about What a repository can do for you - and for your university.