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Outputs (9)

Prioritising urban heat island mitigation interventions: Mapping a heat risk index. (2024)
Journal Article
Elmarakby, E., & Elkadi, H. (2024). Prioritising urban heat island mitigation interventions: Mapping a heat risk index. Science of the Total Environment, 948, Article 174927.

The global climate is under threat from increasing extreme heat, evidenced by rising temperatures and a surge in hot days. Heat waves are intensifying worldwide, impacting cities and residents, as demonstrated by the record-breaking heat experienced... Read More about Prioritising urban heat island mitigation interventions: Mapping a heat risk index..

Comprehending particulate matter dynamics in transit-oriented developments: Traffic as a generator and design as a captivator (2024)
Journal Article
Elmarakby, E., & Elkadi, H. (2024). Comprehending particulate matter dynamics in transit-oriented developments: Traffic as a generator and design as a captivator. Science of the Total Environment, 931, 172528.

In Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), the close integration of residential structures with community activities and traffic heightens residents' exposure to traffic-related pollutants. Despite traffic being a primary source of particulate matter (PM... Read More about Comprehending particulate matter dynamics in transit-oriented developments: Traffic as a generator and design as a captivator.

Impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Island in Manchester's transit-oriented development (2024)
Journal Article
Elmarakby, E., & Elkadi, H. (2024). Impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Island in Manchester's transit-oriented development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 140009.

This study delves into the relationship between urban morphology and the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect in Manchester's transit-oriented development (TOD). Using various analytical methods, including context analysis, remote sensing, SPSS correlation... Read More about Impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Island in Manchester's transit-oriented development.

Workers’ Satisfaction vis-à-vis Environmental and Socio-Morphological Aspects for Sustainability and Decent Work (2022)
Journal Article
Elshater, A., Abusaada, H., Alfiky, A., El-Bardisy, N., Elmarakby, E., & Grant, S. (2022). Workers’ Satisfaction vis-à-vis Environmental and Socio-Morphological Aspects for Sustainability and Decent Work. Sustainability, 14(3), 1699.

This study examines worker satisfaction vis-à-vis outdoor places in terms of their environmental and socio-morphological aspects. Numerous studies have considered decent work as the eighth goal of sustainable development. However, it is worth investi... Read More about Workers’ Satisfaction vis-à-vis Environmental and Socio-Morphological Aspects for Sustainability and Decent Work.

Tailored methods for mapping urban heat islands in Greater Cairo Region (2021)
Journal Article
Elmarakby, E., Khalifa, M., Elsahter, A., & Afifi, S. (2022). Tailored methods for mapping urban heat islands in Greater Cairo Region. Ain Shams Engineering Journal ASEJ / Ain Shams University, 13(2),

Globally, there is a rapid development of urban heat island (UHI) detection tools, and their results can be accepted regardless of their accuracy in measuring the real impact of the phenomenon. In this study, we investigated various UHI measuring too... Read More about Tailored methods for mapping urban heat islands in Greater Cairo Region.

The Co-create GUI Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE)
Elmarakby, E. The Co-create GUI Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE). The British Council

The Co-Create Government University Industry Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE) project stands as a collaborative endeavour between academic institutions and industry, aiming to develop engineering education in Egypt. Funded by the... Read More about The Co-create GUI Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE).