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Thermal analysis of laminar water flow over a backward facing channel with carbon nanoparticles
Journal Article
Saha, S., Prasad, V., & Beg, O. (in press). Thermal analysis of laminar water flow over a backward facing channel with carbon nanoparticles. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, 16(1), 125-137.

In the last few years, the thermo-hydraulic study of nanofluid flow bifurcation phenomena have become a great interest and useful tool in many engineering applications. FVM has been employed in this article to numerically explore the laminar water fl... Read More about Thermal analysis of laminar water flow over a backward facing channel with carbon nanoparticles.

Real-time object detection system for building energy conservation : an IP camera based system
Presentation / Conference
Chandrasiri, A., & Hemba Geekiyanage, M. Real-time object detection system for building energy conservation : an IP camera based system. Presented at 34th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, Belfast, UK

In the contemporary world, there is a rapid introduction of automated and intelligent
building systems. These technologies offer new and exciting opportunities to increase
the connectivity of devices in built environments, particularly for energy... Read More about Real-time object detection system for building energy conservation : an IP camera based system.

Experimental investigation of the extent of the impact of Halite precipitation on CO2 injection in deep saline aquifers
Presentation / Conference
Edem, D., Abba, M., Nourian, A., Babaie, M., & Naeem, Z. Experimental investigation of the extent of the impact of Halite precipitation on CO2 injection in deep saline aquifers. Presented at SPE Europec 2020 (20EURO), Virtual

A laboratory investigation was carried out to experimentally determine the extent of the salt precipitation effects on the petrophysical properties of deep saline aquifer during CO2 storage. This was performed on selected core samples using laborator... Read More about Experimental investigation of the extent of the impact of Halite precipitation on CO2 injection in deep saline aquifers.

Sparse noise minimization in image classification using Genetic Algorithm and DenseNet
Presentation / Conference
Mienye, I., Kenneth Ainah, P., Emmanuel, I., & Esenogho, E. Sparse noise minimization in image classification using Genetic Algorithm and DenseNet. Presented at 2021 Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society (ICTAS), Durban, South Africa

Noise handling is a critical aspect of image processing, which can significantly affect the accuracy of classification and recognition algorithms. In this paper, we propose a technique for improved noise handling in sparse input feature maps where th... Read More about Sparse noise minimization in image classification using Genetic Algorithm and DenseNet.

Climate change and tuberculosis drive non-adaptive shifts in the faecal microbiota of wild meerkats
Journal Article
Risely, A., Müller-Klein, N., Schmid, D., Wilhelm, K., Clutton-Brock, T., Manser, M., & Sommer, S. Climate change and tuberculosis drive non-adaptive shifts in the faecal microbiota of wild meerkats.

Climate change and climate-driven increases in infectious disease threaten wildlife populations globally. Yet, their combined long-term effects on gut microbial communities remain unknown. Over the past two decades, wild meerkats inhabiting the Kalah... Read More about Climate change and tuberculosis drive non-adaptive shifts in the faecal microbiota of wild meerkats.

A Qualitative IPA of the Motivations of Retirees’ Transitions to ‘Retirement’ Social Identities and the Consequences on Retirement Adjustment Satisfaction
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Retirement is a relatively new phenomenon in relation to
shifting from being a privilege for the few to becoming a
normative ‘third age’ of the life course. However, retirement
represents one of the major life course transitions in late adult
lif... Read More about A Qualitative IPA of the Motivations of Retirees’ Transitions to ‘Retirement’ Social Identities and the Consequences on Retirement Adjustment Satisfaction.

Book of Short Papers: 10th International Workshop: When Social Science Meets Lean and Digital Technologies: 10 years and beyond
Tzortzopoulos, P., Torres Formoso, C., Bastos Costa, D., Kagioglou, M., Soliman Junior, J., Pedo, B., & Sefrian Peinado, H. (2023). Book of Short Papers: 10th International Workshop: When Social Science Meets Lean and Digital Technologies: 10 years and beyond

During the last decade, the application of Lean and digital technologies has transformed the way in which construction is designed, planned, executed and operated. Advancements on the use of digital technologies have enabled exploring the application... Read More about Book of Short Papers: 10th International Workshop: When Social Science Meets Lean and Digital Technologies: 10 years and beyond.

The Co-create GUI Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE)
Elmarakby, E. The Co-create GUI Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE). The British Council

The Co-Create Government University Industry Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE) project stands as a collaborative endeavour between academic institutions and industry, aiming to develop engineering education in Egypt. Funded by the... Read More about The Co-create GUI Engineering Curriculum for the 21st Century (CRUISE).