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Monitoring Multidirectional Speed Training (2023)
Book Chapter
Quinn, M., & Atkins, S. (2023). Monitoring Multidirectional Speed Training. In P. Jones, & T. Dos’Santos (Eds.), Multidirectional Speed in Sport: Research to Application (306-319). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Monitoring of multidirectional speed training is important not only for the development of the range of relevant qualities (speed, change-of-direction speed, agility, deceleration ability, etc.) but also for monitoring loading of high-intensity multi... Read More about Monitoring Multidirectional Speed Training.

The effects of sprint vs. resisted sled-based training; an 8-week in-season randomized control intervention in elite rugby league players (2021)
Journal Article
Sinclair, J., Edmundson, C., Metcalfe, J., Bottoms, L., Atkins, S., & Bentley, I. (2021). The effects of sprint vs. resisted sled-based training; an 8-week in-season randomized control intervention in elite rugby league players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), e9241.

The aim of the current study was to examine the efficacy of resisted sled-based training compared to traditional unresisted sprint training in terms of mediating improvements in speed, agility, and power during an eight-week period of in-season train... Read More about The effects of sprint vs. resisted sled-based training; an 8-week in-season randomized control intervention in elite rugby league players.

The pacing of mixed martial arts sparring bouts : a secondary investigation with new analyses of previous data to support accelerometry as a potential method of monitoring pacing (2020)
Journal Article
Kirk, C., Atkins, S., & Hurst, H. (2020). The pacing of mixed martial arts sparring bouts : a secondary investigation with new analyses of previous data to support accelerometry as a potential method of monitoring pacing. Human Movement, 21(4),

Purpose. Body-worn accelerometry has been shown to be reliable and used to measure the external load of mixed martial
arts (MMA) via the Playerload metric. These measurements were only reported on a round-by-round basis, offering little
indication... Read More about The pacing of mixed martial arts sparring bouts : a secondary investigation with new analyses of previous data to support accelerometry as a potential method of monitoring pacing.

Reliability and validity of a method for the assessment of sport rock climbers' isometric finger strength (2020)
Journal Article
Torr, O., Randall, T., Knowles, R., Giles, D., & Atkins, S. (2020). Reliability and validity of a method for the assessment of sport rock climbers' isometric finger strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,

Isometric strength of the finger flexors is considered to be one of the main physical determinants of sport rock climbing performance. We set out to determine the test-retest reliability and criterion validity of a low resource maximal isometric fing... Read More about Reliability and validity of a method for the assessment of sport rock climbers' isometric finger strength.

The magnitude of translational and rotational head accelerations experienced by riders during downhill mountain biking (2018)
Journal Article
Hurst, H., Atkins, S., & Dickinson, B. (2018). The magnitude of translational and rotational head accelerations experienced by riders during downhill mountain biking. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21(12), 1256-1261.

To determine the magnitude of translational and rotational head accelerations during downhill mountain biking.
Observational study.
Sixteen male downhill cyclists (age 26.4 ± 8.4 years; stature 179.4 ± 7.2 cm; mas... Read More about The magnitude of translational and rotational head accelerations experienced by riders during downhill mountain biking.

The effects of ankle protectors on lower limb kinematics in male football players : a comparison to braced and unbraced ankles (2017)
Journal Article

Football (Soccer) players have a high risk of injuring the lower extremities. To reduce the risk of ankle inversion injuries ankle braces can be worn. To reduce the risk of ankle contusion injuries ankle protectors can be utilized. However, athletes... Read More about The effects of ankle protectors on lower limb kinematics in male football players : a comparison to braced and unbraced ankles.

A comparison of GPS workload demands in match play and small-sided games by the positional role in youth soccer (2017)
Journal Article

The external demands of small-sided games (SSG’s) according to positional role are currently unknown. Using Catapult Minimax X3 5Hz GPS, with a 100 Hz tri-axial accelerometer, we compared accumulated tri-axial player load per min (PLacc.min-1) during... Read More about A comparison of GPS workload demands in match play and small-sided games by the positional role in youth soccer.