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Stroke-related differences in axial body segment coordination during preplanned and reactive changes in walking direction (2010)
Journal Article
Hollands, K., van Vliet, P., Zietz, D., Wing, A., & Hollands, M. (2010). Stroke-related differences in axial body segment coordination during preplanned and reactive changes in walking direction. Experimental Brain Research, 202(3), 591-604.

This study quantitatively describes differences between participants with hemiparetic stroke and agematched healthy participants in axial body segment and gait kinematics during a direction change task. Participants were required to change walkin... Read More about Stroke-related differences in axial body segment coordination during preplanned and reactive changes in walking direction.

Acquired brain injury and the emotional, behavioural and cognitive sequelae : the family experience (2010)
Braine, M. Acquired brain injury and the emotional, behavioural and cognitive sequelae : the family experience. (Thesis). University of Salford

Acquired brain injury (ABI) can be a sudden, dramatic and sometimes fatal event that instantly disrupts the lives of the patient and their families. ABI causes a variety of deficits including motor, cognitive, functional, emotional and behavioural. W... Read More about Acquired brain injury and the emotional, behavioural and cognitive sequelae : the family experience.