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Providing, performing and protecting: the importance of work identities in negotiating conflicting work-family ideals as a single mother

Radcliffe, L; Cassell, C; Malik, F

Providing, performing and protecting: the importance of work identities in negotiating conflicting work-family ideals as a single mother Thumbnail


L Radcliffe

C Cassell


The aims of this paper are twofold. First, we aim to expand understanding of work–family experiences beyond the prevalent emphasis on traditional couple-headed families within organization and management literatures by focusing on the experiences of employed single mothers. Second, we aim to gain insight into how work and family meanings may be negotiated in the context of heightened conflicting ideals and demands. Drawing on rich qualitative data from in-depth interviews and diaries, our findings make three important contributions to the existing work–family literature. First, we show that conflicting work and family ideals are not only exacerbated for single mothers, but viable narrative strategies with which to negotiate this conflict are also restricted. Second, we highlight how narratives constructed around the meaning of work are key to single mothers’ negotiation of conflicting work and family ideals and identify three work narratives drawn upon by single mothers focused on providing, performing and protecting. Finally, we demonstrate how shifts between single mothers’ work narratives are particularly influenced by progression opportunities and a supportive work environment. We conclude by making suggestions for future work–family research.


Radcliffe, L., Cassell, C., & Malik, F. (2022). Providing, performing and protecting: the importance of work identities in negotiating conflicting work-family ideals as a single mother. British Journal of Management, 33, 890-905

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Mar 3, 2022
Deposit Date Feb 17, 2023
Publicly Available Date Feb 17, 2023
Journal British Journal Of Management
Print ISSN 1467-8551
Electronic ISSN 1467-8551
Publisher Wiley
Volume 33
Pages 890-905
Publisher URL


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