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A qualitative evaluation of the impact of a Good Life Club on people living with dementia and care partners

Morris, LE; Innes, A; Smith, SK; Wilson, JJ; Bushell, S; Wyatt, ME


LE Morris

A Innes

SK Smith

S Bushell

ME Wyatt


Background: Research suggests there is a lack of post diagnostic support to enable people living with dementia to fulfil social and active lives throughout their dementia journey. Gardening has been found to have many benefits for people living with dementia. Although such research is important, most research frames people with dementia as passive recipients of stimulation. The impact of a community-based gardening group where people living with dementia are active in the development of an outdoor space is underdeveloped. Knowledge about the impact of participating in such groups is also sparse. The Good Life Club (GLC) was co-developed and evaluated to respond to these gaps.

Objectives: The primary aim of this paper is to present the findings regarding the impact of attending the GLC on the self-reported wellbeing for people living with dementia and care partners.

Methods: Qualitative data were collected via 22 semi-structured interviews. Fourteen interviews were conducted before the GLC and eight after the GLC. Thematic Analysis was used to analyse data. Dementia Care Mapping Data was collected to supplement the interview data.

Findings: Four key themes were identified. The first was that participants considered having active participation in social life to be a key aspect of living a good life. The second was that the way the GLC was set up and delivered gave the participants ownership of the GLC and within this they felt able to contribute. The third was the importance of social connectedness and peer support to the wellbeing of both people living with dementia and care partners. Fourth, positive mood and wellbeing was directly experienced through gardening.

Conclusions: The combination of long-term investment of time and energy to the GLC, on-going friendships and in-session autonomy, act as key ingredients in creating a group that is relaxed, full of humour and highly valued.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 28, 2021
Online Publication Date Mar 20, 2021
Publication Date Oct 1, 2021
Deposit Date Feb 16, 2021
Publicly Available Date Feb 16, 2021
Journal Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice
Print ISSN 1471-3012
Electronic ISSN 1741-2684
Publisher SAGE Publications
Volume 20
Issue 7
Pages 2478-2493
Publisher URL
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