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A SWOT analysis of virtual reality for seniors

Soltani, Pooya


Pooya Soltani


The population of older people is increasing. In this book chapter, the author reviewed some of the applications of virtual reality (VR) for seniors in form of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. This approach is commonly used to assess and guide internal and external parameters to accomplish a mission. Some of the challenges that the elderly are facing were reviewed and the way VR can help in overcoming those challenges were discussed. A comparison of VR technologies was also presented. The results show that VR's feasibility and concept are linked to existing technologies and the characteristics of each system control immersion, interaction, and stimulation. VR interventions might have the potential to be used as ecologically valid e-health screening systems. Systems should be specifically designed and adapted for seniors and usability issues should be addressed. Ideally, VR interventions work best in addition to traditional methods. Future studies should use more subjects to ensure the efficacy of such interventions for seniors.

Publication Date 2019
Deposit Date Mar 18, 2025
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 78-93
Series Title Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies
Book Title Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment
Keywords Elderly, Balance, Injury, Stroke, Alzheimer’s Disease, Physical Activity, Technology, Rehabilitation, Fall, Stroke, Serious Game