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All Outputs (14)

Digitizing nursing: A theoretical and holistic exploration to understand the adoption and use of digital technologies by nurses (2023)
Journal Article
Wynn, M., Garwood‐Cross, L., Vasilica, C., Griffiths, M., Heaslip, V., & Phillips, N. (2023). Digitizing nursing: A theoretical and holistic exploration to understand the adoption and use of digital technologies by nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing,

Background: With healthcare undergoing rapid digitalization, the effective integration of new technologies is crucial for nursing professionals, who form the largest group in the healthcare workforce. However, barriers within the nursing profession m... Read More about Digitizing nursing: A theoretical and holistic exploration to understand the adoption and use of digital technologies by nurses.

Creative entrepreneurial start-ups in Greater Manchester (2016)
Presentation / Conference
McCourt, A., Griffiths, M., & Martin, P. (2016, March). Creative entrepreneurial start-ups in Greater Manchester. Presented at American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco

Preparing women for breast screening mammography : a feasibility study to determine the potential value of an on-line social network and information hub (2015)
Journal Article

This feasibility study explored the attitudes of women towards social media for support about breast screening mammography. It sought their ideas about what a dedicated breast screening hub or Digital Support Network (DSN) might comprise; how they wo... Read More about Preparing women for breast screening mammography : a feasibility study to determine the potential value of an on-line social network and information hub.

The use of digital health technology and social media to support breast screening (2015)
Book Chapter
Robinson, L., Griffiths, M., Wray, J., Ure, C., & Stein-Hodgins, J. (2015). The use of digital health technology and social media to support breast screening. In P. Hogg, & J. Kelly (Eds.), Digital Mammography : A Holistic Approach (105-111). Springer.

‘Digital health’ is an overarching concept that currently lacks theoretical definition and common terminology. For instance, this broad and emerging field includes all of the following terms within its lexicon: mHealth, Wireless Health, Health 2.0, e... Read More about The use of digital health technology and social media to support breast screening.

Word of Mouth Mammography e-Network (WOMMeN): a feasibility study (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Robinson, L., Hill, C., Burke, K., Shires, G., Wray, J., & Griffiths, M. (2014, June). Word of Mouth Mammography e-Network (WOMMeN): a feasibility study. Poster presented at Symposium Mammographicum, Bournemouth

Background: Problem: First time attenders to mammography feel unprepared1. Enablers: i) Women share information about mammography using word-of-mouth communication (talking to each other). ii) NHS strategy advocates the use of digital media and patie... Read More about Word of Mouth Mammography e-Network (WOMMeN): a feasibility study.

Being an ’it’ in IT : gendered identities in IT work (2006)
Journal Article
Adam, A., Griffiths, M., Keogh, C., Moore, K., Richardson, H., & Tattersall, A. (2006). Being an ’it’ in IT : gendered identities in IT work. European Journal of Information Systems, 15(4), 368-378.

This paper reflects on aspects of gender and IT work. The core hypothesis is that, if technical skill and masculinity are fundamentally related, then women working in IT jobs who are, in effect, challenging masculine skills by gaining them themselves... Read More about Being an ’it’ in IT : gendered identities in IT work.

Issues raised by the women in IT (WINIT) project in England (2006)
Book Chapter
Moore, K., & Griffiths, M. (2006). Issues raised by the women in IT (WINIT) project in England. In E. Trauth (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology (832-837). IGI Global.

This article explores several issues raised by the European Social Fund (ESF) Women in IT (WINIT) project (February 2004 to February 2006) which focuses on women in the IT industry in England. The project consists of an online questionnaire aimed at... Read More about Issues raised by the women in IT (WINIT) project in England.