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All Outputs (22)

Multicentre analysis of incidental findings on low-resolution CT attenuation correction images : an extended study (2015)
Journal Article

Objective: To review new incidental findings detected
on low-resolution CT attenuation correction (CTAC)
images acquired during single-photon emission CT-CT
myocardial perfusion imaging as an extension to our
initial study.
Methods: CTAC images... Read More about Multicentre analysis of incidental findings on low-resolution CT attenuation correction images : an extended study.

Message from the Guest Editor [Editorial] (2015)
Journal Article
Hogg, P. (2015). Message from the Guest Editor [Editorial]. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 46(3), S1-S3.

What is the minimum amount of simulated breast movement required for visual detection of blurring : An exploratory investigation? (2015)
Journal Article
Ma, W., Aspin, R., Hogg, P., Kelly, J., & Millington, S. (2015). What is the minimum amount of simulated breast movement required for visual detection of blurring : An exploratory investigation?. British Journal of Radiology, 88(1052),

Background: Image blurring in mammography can cause significant image degradation and interpretational problems. A potential source is due to paddle movement during image formation. Paddle movement has been shown to be as much as 1.5mm. No study has... Read More about What is the minimum amount of simulated breast movement required for visual detection of blurring : An exploratory investigation?.

Mammography screening in Nigeria – a critical comparison to other countries (2015)
Journal Article
Lawal, O., Murphy, F., Hogg, P., & Nightingale, J. (2015). Mammography screening in Nigeria – a critical comparison to other countries. Radiography, 21(4), 348-351.

Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among women, and according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) there will be a significant increase in the incidence of breast cancer in developing countries such as Nigeria by 2030. However, mammography s... Read More about Mammography screening in Nigeria – a critical comparison to other countries.

Lesion detection performance : comparative analysis of low-dose CT data of the chest on two hybrid imaging systems (2015)
Journal Article


Incidental findings, discovered in low-dose CT images obtained during hybrid imaging, are an increasing phenomenon with advancing CT technology. Understanding their diagnostic value along with technical limitations is therefore important... Read More about Lesion detection performance : comparative analysis of low-dose CT data of the chest on two hybrid imaging systems.

The use of digital health technology and social media to support breast screening (2015)
Book Chapter
Robinson, L., Griffiths, M., Wray, J., Ure, C., & Stein-Hodgins, J. (2015). The use of digital health technology and social media to support breast screening. In P. Hogg, & J. Kelly (Eds.), Digital Mammography : A Holistic Approach (105-111). Springer.

‘Digital health’ is an overarching concept that currently lacks theoretical definition and common terminology. For instance, this broad and emerging field includes all of the following terms within its lexicon: mHealth, Wireless Health, Health 2.0, e... Read More about The use of digital health technology and social media to support breast screening.