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All Outputs (34)

“We just have to keep stitching ourselves back into the fabric of the shop”: the lived experiences of older volunteers in the charity retail sector (2024)

Charity shops have long been found to promote sociability, nurture experiences of belonging and act as spaces for community, caring and well-being. Older people remain the demographic most likely to participate in this setting and charity shop volunt... Read More about “We just have to keep stitching ourselves back into the fabric of the shop”: the lived experiences of older volunteers in the charity retail sector.

An Exploration of the Role of Neighbours in Providing Support and Care to Older People Living with Dementia in their own Homes (2023)

People now live longer because of improved health and medical sciences. However, ageing if often accompanied by various health and social challenges. Research suggests that as families become more geographically dispersed, there has been a reduction... Read More about An Exploration of the Role of Neighbours in Providing Support and Care to Older People Living with Dementia in their own Homes.

A qualitative exploration of factors that influenced health literacy among women diagnosed with breast cancer in Kenya during their cancer journey (2023)

In Kenya, there are approximately 6,000 new breast cancer (BC) cases annually and 2,550 deaths. Approximately 80% of patients are diagnosed at advanced stages (III–IV), contributing to the high death rate. Research has shown that BC can b... Read More about A qualitative exploration of factors that influenced health literacy among women diagnosed with breast cancer in Kenya during their cancer journey.

Putting the 'Slave' in 'Anti-Slavery': A Critical Analysis of the UK National Referral Mechanism (2022)
Findlay, J. Putting the 'Slave' in 'Anti-Slavery': A Critical Analysis of the UK National Referral Mechanism. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis presents a critical analysis of the UK government’s National Referral Mechanism (NRM), which supposedly exists to identify and support victims of ‘modern slavery and human trafficking’ (MSHT). Critical scholarship on MSHT has argued that... Read More about Putting the 'Slave' in 'Anti-Slavery': A Critical Analysis of the UK National Referral Mechanism.

Democratic devolution. an ethnographic study of a ‘whole-of-society approach’ to tackling homelessness in Greater Manchester (2022)
Knowles, B. Democratic devolution. an ethnographic study of a ‘whole-of-society approach’ to tackling homelessness in Greater Manchester. (Dissertation). University of Salford

This thesis explores the Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network (GMHAN) as a case study in the development of social policymaking in a newly devolved city region. Drawing on eighteen months of insider ethnography and a series of interviews wi... Read More about Democratic devolution. an ethnographic study of a ‘whole-of-society approach’ to tackling homelessness in Greater Manchester.

It’s like being on a tight-rope : an ethnography of the working lives of professional stand-up comedians in the UK (2021)
Hurdsfield, T. It’s like being on a tight-rope : an ethnography of the working lives of professional stand-up comedians in the UK. (Thesis). University of Salford

While previous research has tended to examine the personalities of stand-up comedians, this research contributes to a gap in the literature by ethnographically studying the working lives and lived experiences of professional stand-up comedians on the... Read More about It’s like being on a tight-rope : an ethnography of the working lives of professional stand-up comedians in the UK.

Identity, religion, and clothing : the lives of British Muslim women (2021)
Ansari, S. Identity, religion, and clothing : the lives of British Muslim women. (Thesis). University of Salford

The continuing discourse around Muslim women’s bodies has predominately occupied itself with ideas of ‘traditional’ Islamic dress such as the Hijab, Burka, and the Niqab. Rarely has the image of the Muslim woman moved away from these popular discours... Read More about Identity, religion, and clothing : the lives of British Muslim women.

Exploring socio-cultural factors that influence maternal mortality and perceived strategies for its reduction in south eastern Nigeria (2020)
Oko Uka, J. Exploring socio-cultural factors that influence maternal mortality and perceived strategies for its reduction in south eastern Nigeria. (Thesis). University of Salford

Background: The risk of a woman dying from avoidable complications during pregnancy and childbirth has declined significantly in high income-countries but has remained unacceptably high in most of the middle- and low-income countries. In Nigeria, pre... Read More about Exploring socio-cultural factors that influence maternal mortality and perceived strategies for its reduction in south eastern Nigeria.

Understanding the audience experience of contemporary visual arts at Geevor Mine World Heritage Site : a dialogue between a contemporary artist and a sociologist (2020)
Book Chapter

This chapter examines the outcomes of collaboration between an artist (Randall) and a sociologist (Bagnall) to explore how the use of contemporary visual art might engage audiences and generate new knowledge and understanding of an industrial heritag... Read More about Understanding the audience experience of contemporary visual arts at Geevor Mine World Heritage Site : a dialogue between a contemporary artist and a sociologist.

Is there an app for that? A case study of the potentials and limitations of the participatory turn and networked publics for classical music audience engagement (2014)
Journal Article
Crawford, G., Gosling, V., Bagnall, G., & Light, B. (2014). Is there an app for that? A case study of the potentials and limitations of the participatory turn and networked publics for classical music audience engagement. Information, Communication and Society, 17(9), 1072-1085.

The participatory turn, fuelled by discourses and rhetoric regarding social media, and in the
aftermath of the crash of the early 2000s, enrols to some extent an idea of being
able to deploy networks to achieve institutional aims. The arts... Read More about Is there an app for that? A case study of the potentials and limitations of the participatory turn and networked publics for classical music audience engagement.

The imperial war museum’s social interpretation project (2013)
Bagnall, G., Light, B., Crawford, G., Gosling, V., Rushton, C., & Peterson, T. (2013). The imperial war museum’s social interpretation project

This report represents the output from research undertaken by University of Salford and MTM
London as part of the joint Digital R&D Fund for Arts and Culture, operated by Nesta, Arts
Council England and the AHRC. University of Salford and MTM Lon... Read More about The imperial war museum’s social interpretation project.

Introducing cultural studies (3rd edition) (2012)
Longhurst, B., Smith, G., Bagnall, G., Crawford, G., Ogborn, M., Baldwin, E., & McCracken, S. (2012). Introducing cultural studies (3rd edition). Pearson