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All Outputs (452)

Social inequalities experienced by children of immigrants across multiple domains of life: a case study of the Windrush in England and Wales (2022)
Journal Article
Wallace, M., Wilson, B., & Darlington-Pollock, F. (2022). Social inequalities experienced by children of immigrants across multiple domains of life: a case study of the Windrush in England and Wales. Comparative Migration Studies, 10(18),

It is well known that children of immigrants experience inequality. Less is known about
how inequalities compare across multiple life domains and multiple generations.
We conduct a case study of England and Wales, focussing on children of Caribbean... Read More about Social inequalities experienced by children of immigrants across multiple domains of life: a case study of the Windrush in England and Wales.

Mortality Advantage Reversed: The Causes of Death Driving All-Cause Mortality Differentials Between Immigrants, the Descendants of Immigrants and Ancestral Natives in Sweden, 1997–2016 (2022)
Journal Article
Wallace, M. (2022). Mortality Advantage Reversed: The Causes of Death Driving All-Cause Mortality Differentials Between Immigrants, the Descendants of Immigrants and Ancestral Natives in Sweden, 1997–2016. European Journal of Population, 38, 1213–1241.

A small but growing body of studies have documented the alarming mortality situation of adult descendants of migrants in a number of European countries. Nearly all of them have focused on all-cause mortality to reveal these important health inequalit... Read More about Mortality Advantage Reversed: The Causes of Death Driving All-Cause Mortality Differentials Between Immigrants, the Descendants of Immigrants and Ancestral Natives in Sweden, 1997–2016.

Correction: Using a modified nominal group technique to develop complex interventions for a randomised controlled trial in children with symptomatic pes planus (Trials, (2022), 23, 1, (286), 10.1186/s13063-022-06251-7) (2022)
Journal Article
Backhouse, M. R., Parker, D. J., Morrison, S. C., Anderson, J., Cockayne, S., & Adamson, J. A. (2022). Correction: Using a modified nominal group technique to develop complex interventions for a randomised controlled trial in children with symptomatic pes planus (Trials, (2022), 23, 1, (286), 10.1186/s13063-022-06251-7). Trials, 23, Article 381.

The feasibility and utility of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) : a review and recommendations (2022)
Journal Article

The ability to accurately predict the risk of an individual committing an act of targeted violence is likely to be impossible given the low base rate of these acts (Goodwill & Meloy, 2019). Nevertheless, prevention is possible if there is a focus on... Read More about The feasibility and utility of the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) : a review and recommendations.

Systematic review of the evidence to support expert practice in the education and care of children and young people with special educational needs and disability in the UK (2022)
Journal Article

Scopus, Ebsco, ERIC, and British Education Index were interrogated in a systematic review of primary research since 2014 addressing expert practice and outcomes in education and care for young people with special educational needs and disability in t... Read More about Systematic review of the evidence to support expert practice in the education and care of children and young people with special educational needs and disability in the UK.

Higher Rates of Bullying Reported by ‘White’ Males: Gender and Ethno-Racial Intersections and Bullying in the Workplace (2022)
Journal Article
Patel, T. G., Kamerade, D., & Carr, L. (2022). Higher Rates of Bullying Reported by ‘White’ Males: Gender and Ethno-Racial Intersections and Bullying in the Workplace. Work, Employment and Society, 38(2), 442-460.

Existing workplace bullying literature suggests that ethno-racial minorities and women are more likely to be bullied in relation to their ethnicity, race or gender. However, very few studies apply an intersectional framework of analysis to consider,... Read More about Higher Rates of Bullying Reported by ‘White’ Males: Gender and Ethno-Racial Intersections and Bullying in the Workplace.

Outcomes and care priorities for older people living with frailty and advanced chronic kidney disease: a multi-professional scoping review (2022)
Journal Article
Hurst, H., Young, H., Nixon, A., Brettle, A., & Ormandy, P. (2022). Outcomes and care priorities for older people living with frailty and advanced chronic kidney disease: a multi-professional scoping review. Age and ageing, 51(12),

The growing older population with advanced chronic kidney disease (ACKD stages 4-5) poses
a challenge for healthcare worldwide. The high prevalence of frailty and associated adverse
health outcomes highlights concerns for management and... Read More about Outcomes and care priorities for older people living with frailty and advanced chronic kidney disease: a multi-professional scoping review.

COVID-19 prevention behaviour is differentially motivated by primary psychopathy, grandiose narcissism and vulnerable Dark Triad traits (2022)
Journal Article

Dark Triad traits (psychopathy, narcissism) are associated with nonadherence to COVID-19 prevention measures such as social distancing and wearing face masks, although the psychological mechanisms underpinning this relationship remain unclear. In con... Read More about COVID-19 prevention behaviour is differentially motivated by primary psychopathy, grandiose narcissism and vulnerable Dark Triad traits.

Social media futures – let's have a heated debate! (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Withnell, N., Vasilica, C., & Gillaspy, E. (2022, December). Social media futures – let's have a heated debate!. Presented at Social Media for Learning in Higher Education 2022, The University of Northampton

Job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis: adaptations to the Workwell trial due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Journal Article

There are high levels of work disability, absenteeism (sick leave) and presenteeism (reduced productivity) amongst people with inflammatory arthritis. Workwell is a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of job retention vocational rehabilitation... Read More about Job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis: adaptations to the Workwell trial due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Exercise instructors in the UK are not using the physical activity guidelines to inform their strength prescription with older adults (2022)
Journal Article

Strength recommendations have been embedded within the UK’s Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines since 2011. There is limited evidence that these recommendations are used by exercise instructors in the community to underpin strength p... Read More about Exercise instructors in the UK are not using the physical activity guidelines to inform their strength prescription with older adults.

‘Form is temporary, class is permanent’: identifying a longer-term hot hand in golf (2022)
Journal Article
Baker, R., & McHale, I. (2022). ‘Form is temporary, class is permanent’: identifying a longer-term hot hand in golf. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 18(4), 241-251.

The existence (or not) of the hot hand in sport continues to attract the attention of economists and psychologists. The paper presents analysis to test the belief prevalent in golfing circles that golfers go in and out of form quickly, while ‘class’... Read More about ‘Form is temporary, class is permanent’: identifying a longer-term hot hand in golf.

Radiographer abnormality flagging systems in the UK – A preliminary updated assessment of practice (2022)
Journal Article
Harcus, J., & Stevens, B. (2023). Radiographer abnormality flagging systems in the UK – A preliminary updated assessment of practice. Radiography, 29(1), 234-239.

Radiographer abnormality flagging systems have been in use in the UK for over 30 years, with the guidance of the Society and College of Radiographers indicated that the preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE), or comment, be the preferred... Read More about Radiographer abnormality flagging systems in the UK – A preliminary updated assessment of practice.

Combined procedures for surgical short bowel syndrome: experience from two European centres (2022)
Journal Article
Gigola, F., Coletta, R., Certini, M., Del Riccio, M., Forsythe, L., & Morabito, A. (2022). Combined procedures for surgical short bowel syndrome: experience from two European centres. ANZ Journal of Surgery,

Autologous gastrointestinal reconstructive surgery (AGIR) has become a key component of intestinal rehabilitation programs. However, the best surgical option for short bowel syndrome (SBS) remains unknown. This paper presents our experience using com... Read More about Combined procedures for surgical short bowel syndrome: experience from two European centres.

Excess mortality and COVID-19 in Sweden in 2020: A demographic account (2022)
Journal Article
Kolk, M., Drefahl, S., Wallace, M., & Andersson, G. (2022). Excess mortality and COVID-19 in Sweden in 2020: A demographic account. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 20, 317-348.

In this study, we provide an account of mortality levels in Sweden in 2020, focusing on both excess mortality and mortality due to COVID-19 deaths.We present various measures of life expectancy for women and men based on age-specific death rates in 2... Read More about Excess mortality and COVID-19 in Sweden in 2020: A demographic account.

The House of Memories (2022)
Journal Article
Higgins, R. (2022). The House of Memories. Synergy, Feb, 20-20

Robert Higgins reflects on dementia awareness training that took him back to his childhood