All Outputs (27)
The foundations of lean construction (2002)
Book Chapter
Looks at a broad range of topics related to the processes of design and construction. Its overall aim is to look at ways that clients can improve the value for money outcomes of their decisions to construct buildings.
The forgotten: a community without a generation - older lesbians and gay men (2002)
Book Chapter
Pugh, S. (2002). The forgotten: a community without a generation - older lesbians and gay men. In D. Richardson, & S. Seidman (Eds.), Handbook of lesbian and gay studies (161-182). SAGE Publications
Benchmarking (2002)
Book Chapter
Measuring semantic similarity between words using lexical knowledge and neural networks (2002)
Book Chapter
Li, Y., Bandar, Z., & Mclean, D. (2002). Measuring semantic similarity between words using lexical knowledge and neural networks. In H. Yin, N. Allinson, R. Freeman, J. Keane, & S. Hubbard (Eds.), Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning — IDEAL 2002 : Third International Conference Manchester, UK, August 12–14, 2002 Proceedings (111-116). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. paper investigates the determination of semantic similarity by the incorporation of structural semantic knowledge from a lexical database and the learning ability of neural networks. The lexical database is assumed to be organised in a hierarchi... Read More about Measuring semantic similarity between words using lexical knowledge and neural networks.
Military theory (2002)
Book Chapter
Chapter 23 : Rheumatoid arthritis (2002)
Book Chapter
The major concerns of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are frustration in performing everyday activities, fears about disability and dependency on others, pain and loss of self-esteem. RA is a chronic, progressive inflammatory disease primarily... Read More about Chapter 23 : Rheumatoid arthritis.
Chapter 28 : Osteoarthritis (2002)
Book Chapter
Osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with increasing age, but is not an inevitable consequence. It is often considered of little importance and just part of ‘getting old,’ but it is a major contributor to disability and dependence amongst older peopl... Read More about Chapter 28 : Osteoarthritis.
'Ladies and gentlemen': location, gender and the dynamics of public sex (2002)
Book Chapter
Quentin Tarantino (2002)
Book Chapter
Fifty Contemporary Filmmakers examines the work of some of today's most popular, original and influential cinematic voices. Each entry offers both an overview and critique of its subject's career and works, looking at the genres in which they work an... Read More about Quentin Tarantino.
Shaping successful tourism development: the role of visitor and non-visitor research (2002)
Book Chapter
One of the main determinants of successful cultural tourism is clearly responding to the needs of visitors. Developing explicitly targeted and professional studies to assist planning, design and development is crucial and the importance of profession... Read More about Shaping successful tourism development: the role of visitor and non-visitor research.
'Love is all and love is everyone'; a discussion of four musical portraits (2002)
Book Chapter
A method for maintaining document consistency based on similarity contents (2002)
Book Chapter
The advent of the WWW and distributed information systems have made it possible to share documents between different users and organisations. However, this has created many problems related to the security, accessibility, right and most importantly t... Read More about A method for maintaining document consistency based on similarity contents.
An information framework for a merchant trust agent in electronic commerce (2002)
Book Chapter
eCommerce is a faceless business arrangement where the process of creating trust towards merchants, hereby referred to as merchant trust, is still a big challenge. Merchant trust framework can be created by using factors such as existence, affiliatio... Read More about An information framework for a merchant trust agent in electronic commerce.
Political marketing during Polish president campaign in 2000 (2002)
Book Chapter
Timeless time: Africa in the world (2002)
Book Chapter
Teamwork (2002)
Book Chapter
Education and the new economy (2002)
Book Chapter
Hall, M. (2002). Education and the new economy. In K. Asmal, W. James, N. Mandela, & L. van de Vijver (Eds.), Spirit of the nation: reflections on South Africa's educational ethos (171-175). New Africa Books