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Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with modified asexual reproduction optimisation algorithm (2018)
Journal Article
Salmeron, J., Mansouri, T., Moghadam, M., & Mardani, A. (2019). Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with modified asexual reproduction optimisation algorithm. Knowledge-Based Systems, 163, 723-735.

This paper present a comparison between Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) learning approaches and algorithms. FCMs are fuzzy digraphs with weights and feedback loops, consisting of nodes interconnected through directed arcs mostly used for knowledge represen... Read More about Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with modified asexual reproduction optimisation algorithm.

Role of attitudes in Brazil's country brand image (2018)
Journal Article
Giraldi, J., Maheshwari, V., Mariutti, F., & Konstantopolou, A. (2018). Role of attitudes in Brazil's country brand image. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 21(3), 297-307.

For the past three decades, the academic community has sought to advance the analysis relating to the image of several countries around the world. However, despite the importance of the theory of attitude in evaluating the image of a country, the maj... Read More about Role of attitudes in Brazil's country brand image.

Investigation of current perspectives for NHS Wales sustainable development through procurement policies (2018)
Journal Article
sustainable development through procurement policies. Public Money and Management, 38(7), 493-502.

Public sector procurement has to operate under the pressure of policies and strict budgets. This paper examines the current perspectives of NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) on sustainable procurement policies through the environmental, s... Read More about Investigation of current perspectives for NHS Wales sustainable development through procurement policies.

Optimization on fresh outdoor air ratio of air conditioning system with stratum ventilation for both targeted indoor air quality and maximal energy saving (2018)
Journal Article
Cheng, Y., Zhang, S., Huan, C., Oladokun, M., & Lin, Z. (2019). Optimization on fresh outdoor air ratio of air conditioning system with stratum ventilation for both targeted indoor air quality and maximal energy saving. Building and Environment, 147, 11-22.

Stratum ventilation can energy efficiently provide good inhaled indoor air quality with a proper operation (e.g., fresh outdoor air ratio). However, the non-uniform CO2 distribution in a stratum-ventilated room challenges the provision of targeted in... Read More about Optimization on fresh outdoor air ratio of air conditioning system with stratum ventilation for both targeted indoor air quality and maximal energy saving.

Researching unheard voices : parents caring for their adult children who have learning disabilities (2018)
Journal Article
who have learning disabilities. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 19(3), 81-97.

The intention of this article is to convey the importance of research with ‘hard to reach’ populations
and utilise the outcomes from a qualitative (Doctor of Philosophy) study completed in 2017.
Important issues, which involved both social workers... Read More about Researching unheard voices : parents caring for their adult children who have learning disabilities.

Understanding determinants of illegal e-book downloading behaviour in the UK and Germany (2018)
Journal Article
Jonas, O., & Sirkeci, I. (2018). Understanding determinants of illegal e-book downloading behaviour in the UK and Germany. Transnational Marketing Journal, 6(2), 79-100.

With the success of e-books in the last decade, e-book piracy has become increasingly prevalent. This is a significant threat to the publishing industry, publishers and authors alike. Despite efforts to inhibit illegal downloading of e-book files, un... Read More about Understanding determinants of illegal e-book downloading behaviour in the UK and Germany.

Defining significant childhood illness and injury in the emergency department : a consensus of UK and Ireland expert opinion (2018)
Journal Article

Background: Clarifying whether paediatric early warning scores (PEWS) accurately predict significant illness is a research priority for UK and Ireland paediatric emergency medicine (EM). However, a standardised list of significant conditions to bench... Read More about Defining significant childhood illness and injury in the emergency department : a consensus of UK and Ireland expert opinion.

The diffusion of balanced scorecard from the perspective of adopters : evidence from Australia (2018)
Journal Article
Askarany, D., & Yazdifar, H. (2018). The diffusion of balanced scorecard from the perspective of adopters : evidence from Australia. Review of economics & finance, 14(4), 71-82

The purpose of this paper is to explore the shortcomings of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a performance measurement tool, and to examine the extent of association between its diffusion and the characteristics of its adopters in practice.
This st... Read More about The diffusion of balanced scorecard from the perspective of adopters : evidence from Australia.

Challenges and drivers for data mining in the AEC sector (2018)
Journal Article
Ahmed, V., Aziz, Z., Tezel, A., & Riaz, Z. (2018). Challenges and drivers for data mining in the AEC sector. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(11), 1436-1453.

Purpose: This paper explores the current challenges and drivers for data mining in the AEC sector.
Design/methodology/approach: Following a comprehensive literature review, the data mining concept was investigated through a workshop with industry e... Read More about Challenges and drivers for data mining in the AEC sector.

Second law analysis of flow in a circular pipe with uniform suction and magnetic field effects (2018)
Journal Article
Nagaraju, G., Jangili, S., RamanaMurthy, J., Beg, O., & Kadir, A. (2018). Second law analysis of flow in a circular pipe with uniform suction and magnetic field effects. Journal of Heat Transfer, 141(1), 012004.

The present paper investigates analytically the two-dimensional heat transfer and entropy generation characteristics of axi-symmetric, incompressible viscous fluid flow in a horizontal circular pipe.The flow is subjected to an externally applied unif... Read More about Second law analysis of flow in a circular pipe with uniform suction and magnetic field effects.

Analysis of Brazilian fashion sectorial brand identity (2018)
Journal Article
Lourencao, M., Giraldi, J., & Maheshwari, V. (2018). Analysis of Brazilian fashion sectorial brand identity. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 22(3), 291-314.

The purpose of the present study is to propose identifying similar characteristics and managerial actions of the sector brand identity elements among the associations that compound the Brasil Fashion System (BFS) brand.

Design/methodology... Read More about Analysis of Brazilian fashion sectorial brand identity.

DNA metabarcoding unveils multi-scale trophic variation in a widespread coastal opportunist (2018)
Journal Article
Siegenthaler, A., Wangensteen, O., Benvenuto, C., Campos, J., & Mariani, S. (2019). DNA metabarcoding unveils multi-scale trophic variation in a widespread coastal opportunist. Molecular Ecology, 28(2), 232-249.

A thorough understanding of ecological networks relies on comprehensive information on trophic relationships among species. Since unpicking the diet of many organisms is unattainable using traditional morphology-based approaches, the application of h... Read More about DNA metabarcoding unveils multi-scale trophic variation in a widespread coastal opportunist.

Computational modelling and solutions for mixed convection boundary layer flows of nanofluid from a non-isothermal wedge (2018)
Journal Article
Gaffar, S., Prasad, V., Rushi Kumar, B., & Beg, O. (2018). Computational modelling and solutions for mixed convection boundary layer flows of nanofluid from a non-isothermal wedge. Journal of Nanofluids, 7(5), 1024-1032.

Buoyancy-driven (“Falkner-Skan”) mixed convection flow of a nanofluid from a nonisothermal wedge has been investigated numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme. The model used for nanofluid includes the effects of Brownian motion, buoya... Read More about Computational modelling and solutions for mixed convection boundary layer flows of nanofluid from a non-isothermal wedge.

Benefits and challenges of cloud computing adoption and usage in higher education (2018)
Journal Article
Ali, M., Wood-Harper, T., & Mohamad, M. (2018). Benefits and challenges of cloud computing adoption and usage in higher education. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 14(4), 64-77.

The aim of this article was to provide evidence pertaining to cloud computing (CC) adoption in education, namely higher education institutions (HEIs) or Universities. A systematic literature review (SLR) of empirical studies exploring the current CC... Read More about Benefits and challenges of cloud computing adoption and usage in higher education.

Effects of softwood biochar on the status of nitrogen species and elements of potential toxicity in soils (2018)
Journal Article
Heaney, N., Mamman, M., Tahir, H., Al-Gharib, A., & Lin, C. (2018). Effects of softwood biochar on the status of nitrogen species and elements of potential toxicity in soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 166, 383-389.

The effects of softwood-derived biochar materials on the chemical behaviour of environmental contaminants in
soils were examined in two microcosm scenarios. Addition of the biochar materials into an alkaline sandy soil
significantly reduced NH3 vol... Read More about Effects of softwood biochar on the status of nitrogen species and elements of potential toxicity in soils.

Method for automated requirement checking in social housing projects (2018)
Journal Article
von der Heyde Fernandes, G., Formoso, C., & Tzortzopoulos Fazenda, P. (2018). Method for automated requirement checking in social housing projects. Ambiente Construído (Online), 18(4), 259-278.

One of the possible strategies for improving the quality of construction projects is the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM), which involves innovations in information technology and changes in critical processes. In the social housing sector... Read More about Method for automated requirement checking in social housing projects.