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All Outputs (857)

The Effect of a Heavy Resisted Sled-Pull Mesocycle on Sprint Performance in Junior Australian Football Players (2022)
Journal Article
Edwards, T., Piggott, B., Banyard, H. G., Haff, G. G., & Joyce, C. (2022). The Effect of a Heavy Resisted Sled-Pull Mesocycle on Sprint Performance in Junior Australian Football Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(2), 388-393.

This study assessed the effect of heavy resisted sled-pull training on sprint times and force, velocity, and power characteristics in junior Australian football players. Twenty-six athletes completed a 6-week resisted sled-pull training intervention... Read More about The Effect of a Heavy Resisted Sled-Pull Mesocycle on Sprint Performance in Junior Australian Football Players.

Role of T regulatory cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells in COVID-19. (2022)
Journal Article
Alsalman, A., Al-Mterin, M., & Elkord, E. (2022). Role of T regulatory cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells in COVID-19. Journal of Immunology Research, 2022,

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been raised as a pandemic disease since December 2019. Immunosuppressive cells including T regulatory cells (Tregs) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are key players in immunological tolerance and im... Read More about Role of T regulatory cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells in COVID-19..

Highly Fast Innovative Overcurrent Protection Scheme for Microgrid Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and Nonstandard Tripping Characteristics (2022)
Journal Article
Alasali, F., Zarour, E., Holderbaum, W., & Nusair, K. (2022). Highly Fast Innovative Overcurrent Protection Scheme for Microgrid Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and Nonstandard Tripping Characteristics. IEEE Access, 10,

The incorporation of renewable energy microgrids brings along several new protection coordination challenges due to the new and stochastic behaviour of power flow and fault currents distribution. An optimal coordination scheme is a potential solution... Read More about Highly Fast Innovative Overcurrent Protection Scheme for Microgrid Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and Nonstandard Tripping Characteristics.

Tangent hyperbolic non-Newtonian radiative bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-directional stretching surface with electro-magneto-hydrodynamic, Joule heating and modified diffusion effects (2022)
Journal Article
Prakash, J., Tripathi, D., Akkurt, N., & Beg, O. (2022). Tangent hyperbolic non-Newtonian radiative bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-directional stretching surface with electro-magneto-hydrodynamic, Joule heating and modified diffusion effects. European Physical Journal Plus, 137(472),

Motivated by bio-inspired nano-technological functional coating flows, in the current paper a
theoretical study of laminar, steady, incompressible bioconvection flow of a tangential hyperbolic
(non-Newtonian) nanofluid from a bi-directional stretch... Read More about Tangent hyperbolic non-Newtonian radiative bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-directional stretching surface with electro-magneto-hydrodynamic, Joule heating and modified diffusion effects.

On the stability of isolated iridium sites in N-rich frameworks against agglomeration under reducing conditions (2022)
Journal Article

Stabilization of single metal atoms is a persistent challenge in heterogeneous catalysis. Especially supported late transitions metals are prone to undergo agglomeration to nanoparticles under reducing conditions. In this study, nitrogen-rich covalen... Read More about On the stability of isolated iridium sites in N-rich frameworks against agglomeration under reducing conditions.

The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on renewable and non-renewable energy in Bangladesh: does the global climate change emergencies required? (2022)
Journal Article

The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of MNCs measured by the foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows on the promotion of renewable energy consumption and non-renewable energy in Bangladesh. It is an emergency issue these days... Read More about The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on renewable and non-renewable energy in Bangladesh: does the global climate change emergencies required?.

Moment analysis of unsteady bi-component species (drug) transport with coupled chemical reaction in non-Newtonian blood flow (2022)
Journal Article

Motivated by exploring the fluid dynamics of dual drug delivery systems in biomedicine, a mathematical analysis of the bi-component species transport (convective-diffusion) in rheological blood flow with bulk chemical reaction through a two-dimension... Read More about Moment analysis of unsteady bi-component species (drug) transport with coupled chemical reaction in non-Newtonian blood flow.

The effect of different statistical approaches on image quality data obtained from radiological examinations (2022)
Journal Article
Saint, J., England, A., Mohammed Ali, A., & Bonnett, L. (2022). The effect of different statistical approaches on image quality data obtained from radiological examinations. Radiography, 28(2), 518-523.

Selection of optimal image acquisition protocols in medical imaging remains a grey area, the superimposed use of the Likert scale in radiological image quality evaluations creates an additional challenge for the statis... Read More about The effect of different statistical approaches on image quality data obtained from radiological examinations.

Power enhancement of a turbo-charged industrial diesel engine by using of a waste heat recovery system based on inverted Brayton and organic Rankine cycles (2022)
Journal Article

In this study, energy assessment is performed for an industrial turbocharged diesel engine integrated with a novel waste heat recovery (WHR) system. The exhaust energy is used in inverted Brayton cycle (IBC) for waste heat recovery purpose. Also, the... Read More about Power enhancement of a turbo-charged industrial diesel engine by using of a waste heat recovery system based on inverted Brayton and organic Rankine cycles.

Comparison between methods to estimate bicep femoris fascicle length from three estimation equations using a 10 cm ultrasound probe (2022)
Journal Article
Ripley, N., Comfort, P., & McMahon, J. (2022). Comparison between methods to estimate bicep femoris fascicle length from three estimation equations using a 10 cm ultrasound probe. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 27(1), 43-50.

The aim of the present study was to determine the reliability and differences between three fascicle length (FL) estimation methods when utilizing a 10-cm ultrasound (US) probe. Thirteen males (24.1 ± 3.8 years, 79.3 ± 14 kg, 179 ± 6.6 cm) participat... Read More about Comparison between methods to estimate bicep femoris fascicle length from three estimation equations using a 10 cm ultrasound probe.

Using Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing (PDMS) with first-year undergraduate students transitioning to higher education (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, A., Slater, M., & Turner, M. (in press). Using Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing (PDMS) with first-year undergraduate students transitioning to higher education. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(4), 1315-1334.

Background: Using Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing (PDMS) with students transitioning into Higher Education (HE) has yet to be researched in education. Aims: In two studies, we aimed to explore the immediate effects of a Coping Oriented Personal-Di... Read More about Using Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing (PDMS) with first-year undergraduate students transitioning to higher education.

Using a modified nominal group technique to develop complex interventions for a randomised controlled trial in children with symptomatic pes planus. (2022)
Journal Article
Backhouse, M., Parker, D., Morrison, S., Anderson, J., Cockayne, S., & Adamson, J. (2022). Using a modified nominal group technique to develop complex interventions for a randomised controlled trial in children with symptomatic pes planus. Trials, 23(1), 286.

BackgroundChildren with symptomatic flat feet (pes planus) frequently present for care but there remains uncertainty about how best to manage their condition. There is considerable variation in practice between and within professions. We intend to co... Read More about Using a modified nominal group technique to develop complex interventions for a randomised controlled trial in children with symptomatic pes planus..

Interval-based identification of response-critical joints: A tool for model refinement (2022)
Journal Article
Meggitt, J. (2022). Interval-based identification of response-critical joints: A tool for model refinement. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 529,

To accurately model the dynamics of a complex built-up structure it is often necessary to forgo the assumption of ideal rigid coupling between components. The dynamic behaviour of inter-component connections, or joints, can have a significant impact... Read More about Interval-based identification of response-critical joints: A tool for model refinement.

Risk factors for the development and evolution of deep tissue injuries: A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Wynn, M., Stephens, M., Pradeep, S., & Kennedy, R. (in press). Risk factors for the development and evolution of deep tissue injuries: A systematic review. Journal of Tissue Viability, 31(3), 416-423.

The aim of this systematic review is to identify the current epidemiological evidence indicating the unique risk factors for deep tissue injury (DTI) compared to grade I-IV pressure injury (PI), the proportion of DTI which evolve rather than resolve... Read More about Risk factors for the development and evolution of deep tissue injuries: A systematic review.

Injection attack detection using machine learning for smart IoT applications (2022)
Journal Article
Gaber, T., El-Ghamry, A., & Hassanien, A. (2022). Injection attack detection using machine learning for smart IoT applications. Physical Communication, 52,

Smart cities are a rapidly growing IoT application. These smart cities mainly rely on wireless sensors to connect their different components (smart devices) together. Smart cities rely on the integration of IoT and 5G technologies, and this has creat... Read More about Injection attack detection using machine learning for smart IoT applications.

Chemically reactive Maxwell nanoliquid flow by a stretching surface in frames of Newtonian heating, nonlinear convection and radiative flux : nanopolymer flow processing simulation (2022)
Journal Article

The effects of chemical reaction and radiative heat flux in nonlinear mixed thermo-solutal
convection flow of a viscoelastic nanoliquid from a stretchable surface are investigated theoretically.
Newtonian heating is also considered. The UCM (upper... Read More about Chemically reactive Maxwell nanoliquid flow by a stretching surface in frames of Newtonian heating, nonlinear convection and radiative flux : nanopolymer flow processing simulation.

Niche separation between two dominant crustacean predators in European estuarine soft-bottom habitats (2022)
Journal Article
Siegenthaler, A., Wangensteen Fuentes, O., Benvenuto, C., Lollobrigidi, R., & Mariani, S. (2022). Niche separation between two dominant crustacean predators in European estuarine soft-bottom habitats. Ecological Indicators, 138(108839),

Epibenthic predators in estuarine shallow soft-bottom environments are generally considered to have broad ecological niches with a wide overlap. This allows them to cope with abundant but highly variable prey communities. The assessment of trophic re... Read More about Niche separation between two dominant crustacean predators in European estuarine soft-bottom habitats.