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All Outputs (43)

Kerr nonlinearity in silicon beyond 2.35μm (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

We present measurements of χ (3) in silicon in the 2.35 to 2.75μm interval, showing Kerr coefficients close to 1×10 -18 m 2 /W. The results clearly identify silicon as a promising platform for nonlinear processes in the mid-infrared.

Resting splint provision: a survey of practice among North-West region rheumatology occupational therapists (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Resting splints (RS) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are commonly provided by OTs for hand pain and inflammation. Recent trials identify effectiveness in established but not early RA. This prompted the North West (NW) COTSS-... Read More about Resting splint provision: a survey of practice among North-West region rheumatology occupational therapists.

Kerr nonlinearity in silicon beyond 2.35μm (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

We present measurements of χ ^(3) in silicon in the 2.35 to 2.75μm interval, showing Kerr coefficients close to 1×10^( -18) m ^(2) /W. The results clearly identify silicon as a promising platform for nonlinear processes in the mid-infrared.

Development of the United Kingdom Evaluation of Daily Activities Questionnaire in Rheumatoid Arthritis using Rasch Analysis (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The Evaluation of Daily Activity Questionnaire (EDAQ) is a patient reported measure of activity/activity limitations in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) (Nordenskiold et al 1996). The UK version includes 138 items in 14 activity of dai... Read More about Development of the United Kingdom Evaluation of Daily Activities Questionnaire in Rheumatoid Arthritis using Rasch Analysis.

Aletheia - An advanced document layout and text ground-truthing system for production environments (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Large-scale digitisation has led to a number of new possibilities with regard to adaptive and learning based methods in the field of Document Image Analysis and OCR. For ground truth production of large corpora, however, there is still a gap in terms... Read More about Aletheia - An advanced document layout and text ground-truthing system for production environments.

Enterprise cultural heritage management: in search of inspiration for innovation and sustainability (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Objectives: Identifying a truly unique source for innovation and differentiation in order to sustain competitive advantage is a major challenge for managers of enterprise when designing and developing their product/service range. The objectives of th... Read More about Enterprise cultural heritage management: in search of inspiration for innovation and sustainability.

"It's Totally Turned Around the Way I Think": The Patient Perspective of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Fatigue In Rheumatoid Arthritis (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background/Purpose: RA fatigue is a common, overwhelming symptom caused by interacting clinical and psychosocial factors. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) addresses links between thoughts, feelings and behaviours and uses cognitive restructuring t... Read More about "It's Totally Turned Around the Way I Think": The Patient Perspective of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Fatigue In Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Analysis of plain X-ray and low resolution CT gonad dose arising from supplementary imaging after bone scanning (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Introduction:Bone scintigraphy has long been the first stop for patients undergoing
investigation of bone metastases. The procedure is recognised as being highly
sensitive to the disease however this corresponds to a low specificity. As a result
s... Read More about Analysis of plain X-ray and low resolution CT gonad dose arising from supplementary imaging after bone scanning.

Prototype software for the clinical evaluation of In-111 SPECT-CT dotatate images conducted prior to and immediately after Y-90 dotatate radionuclide therapy (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Aim and Background
Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are heterogenous and
frequently express cell membrane specific peptide receptors such as somatostatin
receptors (SSTRs). Radiolabelled receptor binding of somatostatin analogues can
guide radioact... Read More about Prototype software for the clinical evaluation of In-111 SPECT-CT dotatate images conducted prior to and immediately after Y-90 dotatate radionuclide therapy.

‘It just seemed the most natural thing to do, but it was such hard work’: decision-making surrounding breast/bottle feeding among parents living in a deprived area where breastfeeding rates remain low (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

It is well established that breastfeeding reduces child mortality and promotes child health and development. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Women in low socioeconomic status (SES) gr... Read More about ‘It just seemed the most natural thing to do, but it was such hard work’: decision-making surrounding breast/bottle feeding among parents living in a deprived area where breastfeeding rates remain low.

Substantial temperature dependence of transverse electron g*-factor in lead chalcogenide multi-quantum wells (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

We report significant temperature dependence of the transverse electron g*‐factor in symmetric lead chalcogenide multi‐quantum wells (MQWs). The g*‐factor values were extracted from the electron Larmor precessions recorded by means of a circularly po... Read More about Substantial temperature dependence of transverse electron g*-factor in lead chalcogenide multi-quantum wells.

The role of behaviour change in eating and physical activity in the battle against childhood obesity (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Obesity results from many influences including genetic and environmental. But eating and physical activity are the two fundamental factors which influence obesity development. This work investigates how food consumption choices and the extent of phys... Read More about The role of behaviour change in eating and physical activity in the battle against childhood obesity.

Active and passive composite metal-Dielectric nanophotonic devices (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

We explore metallo-dielectric composite nanostructures for localization and resonant excitation of optical fields and investigate design, fabrication and testing of nanolasers. Integration with silicon photonics material platform is demonstrated.