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All Outputs (31)

Shaping China’s Engagement with the Arctic: Nationalist Narratives and Geopolitical Reality (2022)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2023). Shaping China’s Engagement with the Arctic: Nationalist Narratives and Geopolitical Reality. Journal of Contemporary China, 32(143), 828-843.

Nationalist narratives and geopolitical reality have played an opposite role in shaping China’s engagement with the Arctic, with the former pushing it forward while the latter pushing it back. Specifically, Chinese nationalist narratives on strong fe... Read More about Shaping China’s Engagement with the Arctic: Nationalist Narratives and Geopolitical Reality.

India’s pragmatic foreign policy toward China’s BRI and AIIB : struggling for relative and absolute gains (2019)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2020). India’s pragmatic foreign policy toward China’s BRI and AIIB : struggling for relative and absolute gains. Journal of Contemporary China, 29(123), 354-368.

India’s foreign policy toward China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is pragmatic. On the one hand, India has not only raised its apprehensions about the BRI but also taken measures to compete with it.... Read More about India’s pragmatic foreign policy toward China’s BRI and AIIB : struggling for relative and absolute gains.

Energy and climate policies in China and India : a two-level comparative study (2018)
Wu, F. (2018). Energy and climate policies in China and India : a two-level comparative study. Cambridge University Press (CUP).

The book explores the proactive and reactive features of China and India's domestic and foreign policies to address two intertwined challenges: first, China and India have taken policy measures that accord with their own domestic priorities; second,... Read More about Energy and climate policies in China and India : a two-level comparative study.

Shaping China’s climate diplomacy : wealth, status, and asymmetric interdependence (2016)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2016). Shaping China’s climate diplomacy : wealth, status, and asymmetric interdependence. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 21, 199-215.

China’s diplomacy in the post-Kyoto Protocol international climate change negotiations (ICCN) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) bears proactive and reactive feature. On the one hand, China has proactively built... Read More about Shaping China’s climate diplomacy : wealth, status, and asymmetric interdependence.

China’s puzzling energy diplomacy towards Iran (2015)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2015). China’s puzzling energy diplomacy towards Iran. Asian perspective, 39(1), 47-69.

China, the world's largest energy consumer, has sought to build up its ties with all energy-rich countries. But China's energy diplomacy toward Iran, one of its largest oil suppliers, is puzzling. On the one hand, China has gone all out to strengthen... Read More about China’s puzzling energy diplomacy towards Iran.

China’s responses to external pressures on Its WMD-related exports after 2004 : reactive and proactive (2014)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2015). China’s responses to external pressures on Its WMD-related exports after 2004 : reactive and proactive. Journal of Contemporary China, 24(93), 511-530.

China, although a member of most of the international non-proliferation and multilateral export control regimes and having a law-based comprehensive export control system, has not fully complied with its non-proliferation obligations, which is eviden... Read More about China’s responses to external pressures on Its WMD-related exports after 2004 : reactive and proactive.

China’s environmental governance : evolution and limitations (2014)
Book Chapter
Wu, F. (2014). China’s environmental governance : evolution and limitations. In J. Huang, & S. Gupta (Eds.), Environmental policies in Asia : perspectives from seven Asian countries (91-108). World Scientific.

It has been widely acknowledged that China, one of the world's fastest growing and most populous countries, has been facing some serious environmental challenges since the 1950s. This has led to environmental degradation especially since its opening-... Read More about China’s environmental governance : evolution and limitations.

China’s pragmatic tactic in international climate change negotiations : reserving principles with compromise (2013)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2013). China’s pragmatic tactic in international climate change negotiations : reserving principles with compromise. Asian Survey, 53(4), 778-800.

Although China has consistently rejected any binding emissions cut commitments in international climate change negotiations, it has made some compromises so as to maintain unity with the Group of 77 and to extract concessions and benefits from develo... Read More about China’s pragmatic tactic in international climate change negotiations : reserving principles with compromise.

Sino-Indian climate cooperation : implications for the international climate change regime (2012)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2012). Sino-Indian climate cooperation : implications for the international climate change regime. Journal of Contemporary China, 21(77), 827-843.

The international climate change regime is comprised of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. Under the regime, China and India, two of the largest developing countries, have been exempted from any binding... Read More about Sino-Indian climate cooperation : implications for the international climate change regime.

Comments on the Singh government's pragmatic diplomacy in India (2010)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2010). Comments on the Singh government's pragmatic diplomacy in India. Nanya yanjiu jikan, 2010(1), 28-33

The Singh government in India inherited its predecessor Atal Bihari Vajpayee government. On the one hand, it spares no effort to develop the relationship with the world's only superpower, the United States, and seek its status as a (nuclear) power th... Read More about Comments on the Singh government's pragmatic diplomacy in India.

China's energy diplomacy and international responsibilities : a case study of Darfur (2010)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2010). China's energy diplomacy and international responsibilities : a case study of Darfur. Alabo shijie yanjiu, 2010(3), 59-66

Requirements for imported overseas oil and gas resources on the domestic energy supply and demand objective China to maintain long-term stability and security of these overseas energy supply. China is actively engaged in energy diplomacy. The connota... Read More about China's energy diplomacy and international responsibilities : a case study of Darfur.

The impact of the United States on India's energy security strategy (2009)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2009). The impact of the United States on India's energy security strategy. Nanya yanjiu jikan, 2009(1), 8-12

India’s own energy resources, especially oil and gas resources, are difficult to meet Its rapid economic development has huge demand for energy, so it has to rely on imported oil and gas to fill its domestic energy supply and demand gap. Therefore, s... Read More about The impact of the United States on India's energy security strategy.

A trial analysis of Central Asia in Japan's energy strategy (2008)
Journal Article
Wu, F. (2008). A trial analysis of Central Asia in Japan's energy strategy. Guowai shehui kexue qingkuang, 59-63

Japan's domestic energy resources are scarce and highly dependent on imported energy to meet domestic demand. In order to ensure the security of energy supply, Japan implements an energy strategy of diversifying oil and gas import sources and promoti... Read More about A trial analysis of Central Asia in Japan's energy strategy.